Dermatology Flashcards
which ectoparasite causes
pruritic patterned hair loss head neck flanks and shoulders and back
heavy infections cause anaemia in young calves
lice eg linognathus vituli
which ectoparasite causes
pruritis, rubbing and hair loss
legs, feet, tail base, caudal surfaces of the udder
dx via skin scrapes> capillary ooze on edge of lesions
non burrowing
psoroptes and chorioptes
which ectoparasite causes
pruritis, rubbing and hair loss
neck and face
dx via skin scrapes> capillary ooze on edge of lesions
which burrowing mite has pointed mouth parts?
which burrowing mite has trumpet shaped pedicle
treatment of mange mites?
synthetric pyrethroids
macrolytic lactones
which type of animals are more likely to get mange?
housed animals
animals out in muddy pasture
housed animals
cause of lumpy jaw?
Actinomyces bovis
Cause of wooden tongue?
actinobacillus ligniersii
what is streptothricosis?
aetiological agent?
rain scald
Dermatophilus congolensis
which site is common for acute cellulitis and abscess formation
actinobacilli (truperella) oft cause
lower jaw and popliteal LN
treatment for rain scald?
topical disinfectant
oxytetracylin/ penicillin
dry environemnt
Cause of ringworm in cattle?
sensitive to woods lamp test?
Trichophyton verrucosum
hair pluck from edge of lesion
tx for ringworm
topical enilconazole
cleaning with chlorhexidine/ iodine
UV sensitive
spontaneous resolution
bovine papular stomatitis affects which part of cow?
muzzle and lips
bovine herpes mamillitis affects which part of cow?
teats and udder
vesicles on muzzle, tongue, nostrils, udder, feet
foot and mouth top ddx
poor growth rates
brown tinged coat with spectacles
copper deficiency/ molybdenum toxicity
what is a primary cause of photosensitisation
photodynamic agents: st johns wort
what is a secondary cause of photosensitisation
liver damage+ accumulation of phylloerythrin
eg ragwort
what is a lice that affects sheep
Bovicola ovis
tx for bovicola ovis
not usually required
topical SPs and MLs
diazinon dip
aetiological agent sheep scab
Psoroptes ovis
Concentric wool loss with scaling and crusting.
Profound dermatitis, secondary skin infections,
Disrupted feeding, condition loss, weakened immunity etc.
Intense pruritis and discomfort (fitting)
Sheep scab
Psoroptes ovis
how to diagnose sheep scab
skin scrapes from edge of crusting lesion
serum antibody > 2 weeks infection
tx for sheep scab
whole flock needs to be treated
OP (diazinon) dip
can have injectable Ls
avoid previous housing pastures> 17 days
is sheep scab notifiable
yes in scotland
manditory tx in engand and wales
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis causes what in sheep?
caseous lymphadenitis
most common place for ringworm in lambs?
mouth, feet and teat lesions
hungry lambs
mastitis ewe
self limiting disease
control for orf?
scabivax vaccine for already infected flocks
intense pruritis, wool break and sometimes neuro signs
Cause of wool break?
nutritional/ condition/ stress/ systemic disease
how is
new forest eye
Summer mastitis
how is babesiosis and Q fever spread?
tick borne
how is blue tongue and schmallenberg spread?
which disease is notifiablem extreme pruitis and self injury
is nick named pseudo rabies
Aujeskys disease