Dependence (class) Flashcards
neural connections that optimize survival through learning
reward circuitry
what type of reward circuitry is this? disequilibrium causes disinhibition of the cognitive /motor system
physiological/ motivation
what type of reward circuitry is this? physiological activation; seeking behaviours
behavioural/ motivation
what type of reward circuitry is this? discomfort
psychological/ motivation
what type of reward circuitry is this? restoration of homeostasis and reducing cognitive load
what type of reward circuitry is this? repeat/ enact new actions to achieve reward
behavioural/ guidance
what type of reward circuitry is this? sensory mediation to discern similarity of old/new problems
physiological / guidance
what type of reward circuitry is this? associative learning: alleviation of discomfort results in “ incentive”
behavioural / reinforcement
what type of reward circuitry is this? Calm
psychological/ reinforcement
what type of reward circuitry is this? memory
psychological / guidance
what 2 types of reward circuitry involves bottom up processes: activation/ inhibition of sensory motor systems
motivation and reinforcement
what types of reward circuitry involves top- down process: backward- propagated conditioning
3 types of dopaminergic reward circuitry
- motivation
- guidance
- reinforcement
dopamine relates? to ?
problem to solution
what type of reward circuitry ?
depletion of resources causes disinhibition of motor regions
what is the evolutionary perspective of motivation?
facilitates the “doing something about it” response
what is the cognitive neuroscience perspective on motivation?
Hebbian synapse - induces learning by priming neural firing (hits “record” in the memory system)
what type of reward circuitry?
Surges to correct responses, resulting in organization of responses (conditioning)
- after repetition, response is propagated
what type of reward circuitry?
Primary dopamine response to obtaining reward
in the reinforcement reward circuitry the primary dopamine response is to? whereas the secondary DA response is to?
- obtaining the reward
- restored homeostasis (discomfort removed)
eating something that taste good and makes you not feel hungry is an example of?
secondary and primary dopamine response of reinforcement reward circuitry
what is the debate of reinforcement reward circuitry
is the secondary response to facilitate task completion, or is the physiological completion required to avoid DA decrease
pleasure is ? whereas homeostasis is?
- liking, wanting
Evolutionary predisposition to items that facilitate survival and why?
- feels good so you do it more
what system is not run by dopamine system?
mu opioids and endocannabinoids
what system cannot be conditioned
this system can be used as a reinforcement
associative learning towards specific items and what are you associating?
- associating a certain chemical with feeling good
what system do you need to have the tried the substance before?
what system is dopamine mediated
what is a main difference between liking and wanting
wanting results in satiation
liking becomes wanting but wanting?
does not become liking!
a craving (desire related to reward) is
desire related to homeostasis - vicious circle starts with withdrawal
- incentive salience
Ambiguous relationship b/wn reward predictor & outcome
delayed gratification/ anticipation
abstinence and relapse, binging is related to?
delayed gratification
the debate of delayed gratification
is craving a function of a dopaminergic response? If so, which one? (motivation, guidance, reinforcement)
what is hedonic homeostasis dysregulation
your self pleasure system going out of wack
An model that attempts to integrate the physiological and subjective experience
hedonic homeostasis dysregulation
what is allostasis
all aspects of an organism’s physiology needs to adapt to severe environmental demands
Increase in distress (withdrawal) helps to make pleasure more rewarding by comparison (this is a comparison of what to theorys?)
opponent process theory vs incentive salience
the within system is the sudden?
onset of reward
in the within system if the reward last too long or happens to suddenly, it results in a?
down- regulation of receptors
brain immediately starts tolerance mechanisms
what system increases amount of drug required to gain desired effect
within system
Chronic fluctuation, i.e. occurs too often resulting in an enhancement of stress-response
between system
in the between system drugs feel better because ?
things feel worse
in the between system ? is heightened
preoccupation (propagation)
- the system keeps down regulating so the drug doesnt feel as good and the hang over gets worse
when demands are too high, the system collapses resulting in
what is the beginning of the addiction cycle