Dementia&Delirium - listening Flashcards
nowatorskie przełomowe badanie
seminal study
Zająć się opiekować się w pełni
to take care to the fullest
Opanować uspokoić sytuację
to deescalate the situation
Powrócić do podstaw do korzeni
to go back to basics
prezentować się objawiać z jakiegoś powodu
to present for a reason
Znacząca proporcja
Considerable proportion
włączać pacjentów (np. w proces leczenia)
to target patients
Chodzi o to, by spróbować zrozumieć pacjentów
It’s all about trying to understand patients
Dotrzeć do sedna sprawy
to get to the bottom of the things
Pierwsza rzecz, kwestia, która ludzie się zajmują
It’s what the people jump to
Zapewniać interwencje (w kontekście: to, czego potrzebują)
to provide interventions
Rozwijać schorzenie/objaw
to develop disorder/symptom
Rozgryźć na czym polega problem
to work out what the problem is
Rozwiązywać problem
to address a problem
Nieodpowiednia niesłuszna rzecz do zrobienia
not the right thing to do
What is the stated topic of the conversation?
If the care of in patients with dementia has improved or should anything be changed?
What difficulties connected with taking care of people with dementia are mentioned?
Pts cannot say what’s wrong with them, they present in atypical ways. Hospitalization distresses them, they are likely to develop dementia.
What are the factors that the 2000 study concentrated on?
Orientation, sleep deprivation, mobility, visual and hearing impairment, dehydration.
Why is the choice so fitting?
These interventions are cheap, easy, can be done in different ways, by any member of a hospital team.
Why should these interventions be implemented almost in all hospital units?
Because patients with dementia background are admitted to different wards, such as orthopedics, surgical or medical wards for different causes.
What is the aim of “This is me” document?
A document filled by a carer about the patient’s likes, dislikes, fears, etc.
According to Jude, what helps to recognize delirium in patients with dementia?
Asking nurses, asking the family, looking at patterns of changes in the patient.
How to deal with a patient with hyperactive delirium?
Check if they're in pain or if they're dehydrated back to basics make them calm down family close to them sometimes sedation