Delusions, Illusions and Hallucinations Flashcards
What is the first question you ask with when dealing with a psychiatric pt?
Is my pt. psychotic or non-psychotic?
Describe Non-Psychotic Patient
Non-Psychotic Patient has insight ( knows whats wrong with them). They are reality based, they hear, taste, smell, feel everything you do. They are emotionally distressed, but they are not psychotic. i.e. depressed pt.
What TX. techniques answers do you pick for Non-Psychotic Patient?
Good therapeutic communication. Talk about how the pt. feels. Tell me more about what you are experiencing? TX. like any other pt. that has insight
Describe Psychotic Patient
Psychotic Patient : - No insight - Not reality based - Everyone else's fault - Don't think they are sick - Therapeutic communication does not work - Psychotic symptoms include: delusions, hallucinations and illusions
Describe Delusions, including the 2 different types.
- False, Fixed, idea or belief.
- No sensory component - just thinking.
Grandiose Delusions: false, fixed delusion that your superior.
Somatic Delusion: false fixed belief re: body part i.e pt. believes they have x-ray vision, they can melt stone with their eyes etc. Pregnant at 83 yrs & male.
Describe Hullucinations
False, Fixed, Sensory one for each sense:
1. Auditory Hallucination (most common) i.e. voices telling
you to harm yourself.
2. Visual Hallucinations seeing things that are not there.
3. Tactile Hallucinations feeling things that are not there.
4. Gustatory Hallucinations tasting things arent there.
5. Olfactory Hallucinations smelling things that are not there.
NOTE: There are 5 hallucinations for 5 senses!
Describe Illusions
A misinterpretation of reality, your misinterpreting whats really going on its a sensory experience.
How do hallucinations and illusions differ?
Illusions are a referent within reality, a referent is something, which a pt. refers when they say something - theres actually something there pt. just misinterprets what it is. Hallucinations - nothing is there!
i.e Hallucination pt says “ listen i hear demon voices” and theres no voices to be heard.
Illusion pt says “ listen i hear demon voices” and theres nurses talking to eachother at the nurses station. Pt. just misinterprets them.
i.e pt. mistakes fire extinguisher on the wall for a bomb
How do we deal with these psychotic symptoms in psychotic patients?
First Ask:
1. Are they Psychotic or Non Psychotic?
2. If Psychotic then what type of psychosis do they have
A. Functional B.Dementia C.Delirium?
3. If Non Psychotic - Use good therapeutic communication
Describe a Functional Psychotic and how we teach reality to them.
Functional Psychosis = pt that can function in everyday life. They have no brain damage, just chemicals out of whack, so need meds and a set structure to balance them. They are your Schizo, Schizo, Major, Manics.
They have the potential to learn reality. We teach them reality by using the 4 step process:
1. Acknowledge feelings
2. Present Reality
3. Set Limits
4. Enforce Limits
Describe a Dementia and how we teach reality to them.
- Dementia = False fixed belief, pt. cannot learn reality, they have no insight, because there is damage to their brain i.e stroke, brain injury, Alzheimer’s, senile etc..
- We teach them reality by using the 2 step process:
- Acknowledge feelings
- Redirect
Do not present reality b/c they cannot learn it, but don’t confuse this reality orientation person, place & time.
Describe a Delerium and how we teach reality to them.
- Temporary
- Sudden
- Dramatic
- Secondary
- Due to chemical inbalance
- Loss of reality
- Crazy ppl. for short term b/c somethings causing it i.e drug reaction, Downer W/D or Upper O/D
- Post-op
- ICU Psychosis
- UTI, Elderly occult infection
- Thyroid storm
- Adrenal Crisis
- Roid Rage
- Good News: all temporary, so keep safe and remove underlying cause.
We teach them reality by using the 2 step process:
1. Acknowledge feelings 2. Reassure their safety i.e. what you are feel is temporary, it will go away, you are safe.
Question: Pt. with Schizo Affective Disorder looks at a table across the room and says those ppl. are trying to kill me! How do you respond?
Ask: Psychotic or Non-Psychotic
Psychotic: Ask: functional, dementia or delirium?
Functional: Use 4 step Process
1. Acknowledge feeling - that must be very scary for you
2. Present reality - but nobody is trying to kill you here, you are safe.
3. Set Limits- we are not going to discuss this anymore.
4. Enforce Limits: I see you are still to ill to have a reality based conversation i will be back in half and hour to see how you are doing.
Question: Pt. with Alzheimers looks at a table across the room and says those ppl. are trying to kill me! How do you respond?
Use 2 step process:
- Acknowledge feeling
- Redirect
Question: Pt. with Delirium Tremens looks at a table across the room and says those ppl. are trying to kill me! How do you respond?
Use 2 step process:
- Acknowledge feeling
- Reassure safety and that the feeling is temporary
With personality disorders use ________ unless they are abnormal (ABN) personality disorders then TX. as a _______ and use ________
Good Therapeutic Communication
Functional Psychotic
4 step process - Ack. Feelings, reality, set limits, enforce.
ABN: Antisocial, Borderline Personality, Narcissistic
Describe loosening of association and the 4 different types.
Thoughts are all over the map.
- Flight of ideas -go from thought to thought. Speaks in phases that make sense individually, but not paired with another.
- Word Salad - Babble random words
- Neogistically - Make up new words
- Narrowed Self Concept - functional psychotic that will to leave room and refusing to change clothes. They define who they are unless they are wearing the same clothes and in the same room. - do not make them change or leave room if they don’t want to.
However, a similar scenario with a depressed pt. requires a different response- they are non-psychotic = good therapeutic communication i.e. i see that you are depressed and feeling down, but its time for your shower- you tell the pt. be very direct, if they won’t makes choices then you make them for them - only pt. you can make decisions for.