Deferral List (H) Flashcards
After recovery
12 months after recovery
Hay fever
See Allergy
Head injuries, minor/severe
See Concussion
Hepatitis (exposure to close household contact)
Indefinite Deferral
Hepatitis (types of infective agent unknown)
Indefinite Deferral
Hepatitis A
6 months after liver function test have normalized, laboratory tests needed
Hepatitis B (HBsAg lseropositive)
Permanent Deferral
Hepatitis B (HBsAg seroreactive/unconfirmed)
Indefinitely Defer Until Confirmed Seronegative
Hepatitis B (current sexual partner of)
Permanent Deferral
Hepatitis B( past sexual partner)
Indefinite Deferral
Herpes Simplex
Indefinite Deferral
Herpes Zoster (shingles)
1 month after complete recovery
Herpes Zoster(shingles)
● Contact 1: with previous infection
Herpes Zoster(shingles)
● Contact 2: without previous infection
4 weeks from last exposure
Hydatid Disease
6 months after recovery
12 months after recovery
Hypertension >160/100
Indefinite Deferral
Anytime If not on medication
Hypotension <90/60
Indefinite Deferral