Deck 9 HP 1 book Flashcards
Na zemi sa lesklo čosi jasne biele.
Something bright white was gleaming on the ground.
Jeho dlhé štíhle nohy trčali v zvláštnych uhloch
His long slender legs stuck out at odd angles
a jeho hriva (unicorn)
and its mane
keď ho syčanie prinútilo zastáť na mieste
It when a slithering sound made him freeze where he stood
Krík na okraji čistinky sa zachvel .
A bush on the edge of the clearing quivered
Harry zostal stáť ako prikovaný
harry stood transfixed
Rana (zranenie)
Malfoy vydal strašný výkrik a zdrhol.
Malfoy let out a terrible scream and bolted.
Postava v kapucni zdvihla hlavu
The hooded figure raised its head
po jej tvári stekala jednorožčia krv
unicorn blood was dribbling down its front