Deck 6 HP 1 book Flashcards
rozliaty elixir
the spilled potion
dikobrazie perá
the porcupine quills
odstavenie kotla z ohňa
taking the cauldron off the fire
Neville zakňučal
Neville whimpered
začali sa objavovať vredy
boils started to pop up
otvoril ústa, aby sa ohradil.
he opened his mouth to argue
Harrymu sa v hlave preháňali myšlienky
Harry’s mind was racing
„Vzchop sa,“ povedal Ron.
‘Cheer up, said Ron.
O päť minút tri vyšli z hradu
At five to three they left the castle
a vydali sa na cestu cez areál.
and made their way across the grounds.
pred vchodovými dverami bol pár galoší.
a pair of galoshes were outside the front door.
zúrivé škriabanie
a frantic scrabbling
búrlivé štekanie
booming barks
Vtom sa ozval Hagridov hlas,
Then Hagrids voice rang out,
v štrbine, keď otváral dvere.
in the crack as he pulled the door open.
Zo stropu viseli šunky a bažanty,
Hams and pheasants were hanging from the ceiling,
medený kotlík vrel
a Copper Kettle was boiling
,ktorý sa vrhol rovno na Rona.
who bounded straight at Ron
nalieval vriacu vodu do veľkej čajovej kanvice
was pouring boiling water into large teapot
povedal Hagrid a pozrel na Ronove pehy.
said Hagrid, glancing at Ron’s freckles.
a oslintal mu celé rúcho.
and drooled all over his robes.
ten starý grázel.
that old git.
zámerne zmenil tému.
had changed the subject on purpose.
Harry uvažoval, či hagrid
Harry wondered if hagrid
ktorý ležal na stole pod čajovou súpravou
that was lying on the table under the tea cosy
Vyšetrovanie vlámania pokračuje
Investigations continue into the break-in
Všeobecne sa predpokladá, že
widely believed to be
trvali na tom, že nič nebolo ukradnuté.
insisted that nothing had been taken.
povedal gringottský hovorca goblinov
said a Gringotts spokes goblin
ale Ron sa o dátume nezmienil.
but Ron hadn’t mentioned the date.
niekto sa pokúsil vykradnúť Gringottovcov
someone had tried to rob Gringotts
O tom niet pochýb,
There was no doubt about it,
boli príliš zdvorilí, aby odmietli
been too polite to refuse
Jasně, možná je to dost krutý,
Sure, it may be pretty harsh,