Deck 7 HP 1 book Flashcards
opýtal sa vzrušene
he asked excitedly
obzvlášť hladní
particularly hungry
len sedel a hľadel na Harryho
he just sat and gaped at Harry
Jordan sa domnieva, že
Jordan reckons
poletovali zo stien a stropu
fluttered from the walls and ceiling
Tisíce živých netopierov poletovalo
A thousand live bats fluttered
s prehodeným turbanom a hrôzou v tvári
his turban askew and terror on his face
zvalil sa na stôl a zahučal:
slumped against the table and gasped:
Myslel som, že by ste to mali vedieť!
Thought you ought to know!
Potom padol na zem v mdlobách.
He then sank to the floor in a dead faint
Nastal rozruch.
There was uproar.
Prefekti, zakričal, okamžite odveďte svoje domy do internátov!
Prefects, he rumbled, lead your houses back to the dormitories immediately!
Ako si razili cestu cez…
As they jostled their way through…
Ron sa zahryzol do pery.
Ron bit his lip.
„Ach, dobre,“ odvrkol.
‘Oh, all right, he snapped.
Prikrčili sa ,pripojili sa k
Ducking down, they joined the
vkĺzli do opustenej bočnej chodby smerom k
slipped down a deserted side corridor towards
a ponáhľali sa k dievčenským toaletám
and hurried off towards the girls toilets
Práve zabočili za roh, keď
They had just turned the corner when
„Percy!“ zasyčal Ron
‘Percy!’ hissed Ron
a ťahal Harryho za veľkého kamenného gryfa.
pulling Harry behind a large stone griffin
Opýtaj sa ma!
Search me!
Čo najtichšie sa zakrádali
Quietly as possible, they crept
Smeruje na tretie poschodie,
He’s heading for the third floor,
Harry zaňuchal a do nozdier mu prenikol odporný zápach.
Harry sniffed and a foul stench reached his nostrils
,v panike zazmätkovali–
, fumbling in their panic –
Harry potiahol dvere
Harry pulled the door open
Hermiona sa krčila pri stene oproti
Hermione was shrinking against the wall opposite
vyzerala, akoby mala omdlieť.
, looking as if the was about to faint.
pristupoval k nej,
was advancing on her
zrážal umývadlá zo stien.
knocking the sinks off the walls as it went
„Zmiatni ho,“ (zabav ho)
´Confuse it’
povedal Harry zúfalo Ronovi,
Harry said desperately to Ron,
uchopenie vodovodného kohútika
seizing a tap
(Troll) ju obišiel (hermionu)
It lumbered around