DAY 2 UNIT OPS 1 Flashcards
Transformation of a bed of solid particles to a fluid like state through upward drag force
Before the start of fluidization, the bed of particles is termed as ______
fixed bed
Once the drag force balances the weight of the bed, ________ is achieved
Minimum fluidizing velocity
After reaching the terminal settling velocity, where it continues to flow upward even at constant fluid velocity, the bed will become a ______
moblized bed
The bed is ______ if the minimum fluidizing velocity is not met
Between minimum fluidizing velocity and terminal settling velocity, the bed is _______
Beyond terminal settling velocity, bed is ______
Describes how spherical particles are
amount of mass per unit bed volume
bulk density
It is the first term of the ergun equation and it accounts for the viscous losses during fluidization and is dominant during laminar flow
Carman-Kozeny equation
Accounts for kinetic energy losses and is dominant during turbulent flow
Burke-Plummer equation (2nd term in ergun equation)
Terminal settling velocity is counteracted by _______
superficial velocity
Separation of a heterogenous mixture or slurry after allowing it to pass through a filter medium
The clear liquid that passed through the filter
Solids accumulated on the filter
Filter cake
Rate of filtrate collection can be described by what equation
Ruth Equation
Operation where the filter cake is allowed to accumulate on the medium causing the cake resistance, consequently increase the pressure drop
Constrant Rate Filtration (CRF)
Operation where solids will rapidly form the cake and constant rate filtration will not be experienced
CPF (Constant pressure filtration)
This type of filter operates by applying a higher pressure at the upstream side than the atmospheric pressure of the downstream side
Pressure driven filter
Operate by applying a lower pressure on the downstream side that the atmospheric pressure of the upstream side
Vacuum driven filter type
Most common pressure filter
Plate and frame
most common vacuum filter
rotary vacuum filter
Composed of several filter leaves arranged inside a horizontal tank
Leaf Filter or Shell-and-Leaf Filter
Type of filter that cancbe operated continuously
rotary vacuum filter