Among the estimated 100,000 chemicals used in the workplace today, how many are considered hazardous?
About 60,000
Any substance that has the ability to damage, alter, or interfere with human metabolic systems
Toxic chemical
Four primary routes by which substances can enter the body
inhalation, absorption, ingestion and injection
True or false: Toxic and poison are synonymous
Corrective action for minor liquid chemical spills:
Absorb material, place in compatible container and make ready for appropriate disposal and report the event
Corrective action for Strong Acid spills
Follow instructions in MSDS, or dust area with solid sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), sweep up, place in a suitable container and report the event
Corrective action for strong base spills
Follow MSDS or dust area with solid boric acid, place in a suitable container and report event
Corrective action for large chemical spills
Contain spill immediately only if it is safe to do so, evacuate the immediate area, keep out, warn others and notify emergency services
Lethal dosage of table salt for rats
About 1 gram
Standardized expression of toxicity
What does LD50 represent?
The quantity or dose of toxic material necessary to cause death in 50 percent of the test animals
LD50 or toxicity of mercury
50 mg/kg
Ability of a chemical to cause a harmful effect after a single exposure
Acute toxicity
They established guidelines to protect workers from overexposure to potentially hazardous chemicals
OSHA and American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienisr
Average concentration for a normal 8-hour workday or 40-hour workweek to which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed, day after day, without adverse effects
Time-Weighted Average
maximum concentration to which workers can be exposed for a period of up to 15 minutes continuously without suffering from irritation, chronic or irreversible tissue change, narcosis
Short term exposure limit
defined as the concentration that should not be exceeded even instantaneously
Ceiling (C)
Constitutes an atmosphere that poses an immediate hazard to life or produces immediate irreversible health effects
Immediately Dangeroud to life or health
Oxygen deficient atmosphere
Atmosphere of less than 19.5% oxygen by volume measured at sea level
Indicates that precautions should be taken to prevent exposure through the skin
skin notation
Commonly accepted ventilation rate in processing areas
10 to 15 air changes per hour
Ventilation rate in laboratories
8 to 12 air changes per hour
Accepted ventilation rate in mechanical/service and utility rooms
6 to 10 Air changes per hour
Indicates the prevailing wind direction
Wind socks