DAY 1- SCIENTISTS Flashcards
Postulated that all matter is made up of small indestructive units called atoms
Proposed his atomic theory
John Dalton
Created the periodic table and discovered that the properties of elements were periodic functions of their atomic weights
Dmitri Mendeleev
Proposed the theory of electromagnetis
James Clerk Maxwell
Proposed that electricity was made of discrete negative particles he called electrons
George Stoney
Made experiments with cathode ray tubes demonstrating that cathode rays have a negative charge
Sir William Crooke
Used cathode ray tubes to study canal rays which had electrical and magnetic properties opposite of an electron
Eugene Goldstein
Discovered that certain chemicals glowed whwn exposed to cathode rays. He named these X-rays
Wilhelm Roentgen
Discovered radiation by studying the effects of X-rays on photographic film
Henri Becquerel
Used cathode ray tubes to determine the charge to mass ration of an electron
Joseph John Thomson
Discovered alpha, beta and gamma rays in radiation
Ernest Rutherford
Theorized that radioactive particles cause atoms to breakdown releasing radiation that takes the form of energy and subatomic particles. Discovered Polonium and Radium
Pirerre and Marie Curie
proposed the idea of quantization to explain how a hot, glowing object emiitted light
Max Planck
Margaret Todd
Coined the term isotope
Discovered that there appeared to be more than one element at each position on the periodic table
Frederick Soddy
Found that noble gases have stable electron configurations
Richard Abegg
Created the theories of relativity and hypothesized about the particle nature of light
Albert Einstein
Invented a device that could detect alpha particles
Hans Geiger
Determined the charge of an electron through his oil drop experiment
Robert Millikan
Performed the alpha particle experiment and established that nucleus was very dense, very small and + charged
Ernest Rutherford
Discovered that the number of protons in an elemement determines its atomic number
Henry Moseley
Developed the Bohr atomic model, with electrons travelling in orbits around the nucleus
Neils Bohr
Proposed that electrons have a wave particle duality
Louis de Broglie
Developed the Schrödinger equation which describes the quantum state of a system changes with time
Erwin Schrodinger