Cytology Flashcards
a rapid, simple and economical diagnostic technique that usually poses minimal risk to the patient.
Involves examining cells from bodily tissues or fluids to determine a diagnosis.
Tissue imprints
Prepared from external lesions or masses as well as biopsies of deep tissues
Scalpel blade is scraped across the tissue several times until small amount of material collects on the blade and is then spread across the slide
Tissue scrapings
21- to 25-gauge needle, is inserted to the tissue, negative pressure is applied,then redirected several times on the chosen area.
If filled with fluid , aspirated material will be present in the needle.
If blood is present , negative pressure should be released to prevent dilution
Fine needle aspiration
To obtain specimens that are more highly cellular but less bloody than those obtained by aspiration method.
-needle is 22- or 25- gauge
Stab method
Specimens from ear canals, fistulous tracts, exudates and vagina or endometrium are obtained by swabbing the tissue with a moistened sterile cotton swab.
Common skin lesions of birds such as Parrots, Cockatiels, and Budgerigars that are fed excessive sunflower seeds. Cutaneous xanthomas consist of lipid-laden macrophages, multinucleated giant cells, and occasional cholesterol crystals.
wart-like mass comprised of uniform, large, round cells with moderately abundant cytoplasm that contains many round, clear vacuoles. Nuclei are round and have a single, centrally located nucleolus.
Sebaceous gland hyperplasia
fluid contains large vacuolated macrophages and variable numbers of neutrophils, erythrocytes, and occasional bright gold rhomboidal hematoidin crystals derived from breakdown of hemoglobin.
Smears consist of oily appearing, non staining, lipid droplets, and large, clear round cells with a small, pyknotic, peripherally displaced nucleus.
- are common neoplasms of dogs and certain birds such as Budgerigars, Cockatiels, and some species of parrots. They occur rarely in cats.
The cytoplasm contains scant to abundant melanin pigment that varies from fine, dust-like to globular particles and appears black-brown to green-black.
The effusion develops in response to increased hydrostatic pressure or permeability of capillaries and/or lymphatic vessels.
- The fluid has low to moderate cellularity (1,000 to7,000 cells/μL) and a variable protein concentration(2.5 to 5g/dL).
Modified Transudate
develop because of increased vascular permeabilitycaused by inflammation.
- The fluid varies in color but is usually turbid because of high cell count.
nucleated cell count is usually
>5,000 to 7,000 cells/μL.
are milky white to creamy pink fluid that usually develops in the thorax(chylothorax) but may also occur in the abdomen. The opacity of the fluid is due to the high fat content.
Chylous effusions
- may occur in older hens or hens with intense egg production.
Free egg yolk material within the coelomic cavity incites mild to moderate inflammation (Heterophils and macrophages are predominant).
Egg yolk peritonitis (Serositis, coelmitis) in birds
Chronic hemorrhage is characterized by yellow-orange discoloration, (synovial fluid)
A semiquantitative test of the quality and quantity of synovial fluid mucin (hyaluronic acid).
Mucin Clot test
The acid used to denature and agglutinate the mucin in a synovial fluid
2.5% glacial acetic acid
Sampling techniques when assessing nasal exudates and masses
- Flushing with sterile saline
- Aspiration
- Cotton swabs
Comprise the deepest layer of the epithelium and thus are rarely seen in vaginal smears
Basal cells
The smallest epithelial cells normally seen in vaginal smears.
Twice the size of parabasal cells.
Nuclei are similar to those of parabasal cells.
-margin becomes angular and folded
Intermediate cells
Largest cells
Polygonal/ Angular or Folded margins
Faded or pyknotic or area nucleate
superficial cells
usually follows parturition. The bitch is usually febrile and has a malodorous uterine discharge.
Smears contain large numbers of neutrophils(often degenerate) that may contain phagocytosed bacteria within their cytoplasm.