CVS Session 2- Early Development Of The CVS 1 Flashcards
When is the cardiogenic field created?
What will it form? (3)
Where is it found?
It is created during gastrulation.
It will form the heart, blood vessels and blood cells.
It lies at the cranial end of the embryo.
Which week does gastrulation occur in?
How is the primitive heart tube created?
During week 3, a pair of endocardial tubes are created in the cardiogenic field.
Lateral folding causes these two tubes to come together to form the primitive heart tube.
Cephalocaudal folding causes he primitive heart tube to move into the thoracic region.
What a re the components of the linear primitive heart tube (from inflow to outflow)?
Sinus venosus Atrium Ventricle Bulbus cordis Truncus arteriosus Aortic roots
When does cardiac looping occur, and why(2)?
It occurs during days 23-28. It occurs because it needs to meet the increasing demand of the growing embryo, and because the pericardial sac doesn’t continue growing, therefore it must fold to fit!
Which way does the caudal end fold? (3)
Dorsally, let and cranially.
Which way does the cephalic end fold? (3)
Ventrally, right and caudally.
How does the atrium communicate with the ventricle after folding?
Via the atrioventricular canal.
What does the primitive atrium become?
A small component of each atrium.
What does the bulbus cordis becomes?
Part of the right ventricle
What does the primitive ventricle become?
The left ventricle
What does the truncus arteriosus become?
The roots and proximal parts of the pulmonary trunk and aorta.
What develops the right atrium? (2)
Most of the primitive atrium, and the sinus venosus.
What develops the left atrium? (2)
A small portion of the primitive atrium, and the proximal parts of the pulmonary veins.
What does the early arterial system begin as?
A bilaterally symmetrical system of arched vessels.
Which arch has no derivatives in humans?
The 5th arch.
What does the left and right side of the 4th arterial arch become respectively?
Left- arch of the aorta
Right- proximal part of the right subclavian artery
What are the left and right derivatives of the 6th arch?
Left- left pulmonary artery and the ductus arteriosus
Right- right pulmonary artery
What is the ductus arteriosus?
It is the feral shunt between the pulmonary trunk and the aorta during gestation. It close at birth.
Which arch is associated with the recurrent larangeal nerve?