Culture and Health Beliefs Flashcards
Leininger’s Theory of Cultural Care Diversity and Universality
- founder of transcultural nursing
- defines culture as the specific pattern of behavior that distinguishes any society from others and gives meaning to human expressions of care
Leininger’s Sunrise model
- recognizes that care is influenced by many cultural features (tech, religion, spirituality, kinship, social structures, values and practices, legal and political systems, economics, education)
- all shapes one’s worldview
AA most common religion
-prayer, gospel music, Bible reading, engagement with faith community
Head of household of AA
Latino head of household
Latino cultures may consult with who
folk healers
Latino cultural illness
Mal ojo or mal de ojo
“evil eye”
- Latino folk illness usually of baby/child
- when adult who stares with envy at the child
- hex broken when person staring touches the child
- or to pass an egg over the child with prayers and place the egg under the bed overnight
Evil eye is similar to which other beliefs
Muslin and Mediterranean cultures
Who primarily does the healing in Native American groups
shaman using prayers, dance, fasting, smudging, and sometimes ingesting hallucinogenic plants
What is smudging
-ritualistic burning of an herb to help clenase a person or place
What do Native Americans die at a higher rate from
-chronic liver disease
-self harm/suicide
chronic lower respiratory disease
Group with highest rates of rape and assault
Native American women
Who is in charge of delivery of health care to Native American population
Indian Health Service
What is considered a sign of respect by Asian people
listening quietly without questioning
Ancestor veneration
the custom of venerating deceased ancestors who are considered still a part of the family and whose spirits are believed to have the power to intervene in the affairs of the living
Vietnamese people may stop taking medication because..
they think they are cured once symptoms resolve or only one visit is needed for cure
Who may think blood loss worsens illness
Belief of Buddha and physical health
- believe physical suffering is an inevitable part of life and believe in karma and cycle of rebirth
- some may experience anxiety about being reborn into a lower form or less desirable life
Diet of Buddhists
many vegetarian
Buddhists may refuse narcotics T/F
-value clarity of mine and refuse medication that may alter consciousness
Yin is what gender
Yang is what gender
Traditional Chinese Medicine believes acupuncture and cupping can correct what
energy imbalance
What is coining
rubbing a coin vigorously on skin to make welts
What practice can be misinterpreted as signs of abuse
cupping and coining
Sikhs code of conduct
- one wears five symbols of Sikhs identity
- uncut hair
- sword
- shorts
- hair comb
- iron wrist ring
What will Sikhs not consume
- meat
- alcohol
- stimulants
What is the usual color of Sikh turbans
Can Sikh items be removed
no, unless negotiated with patient.
Hindus typical practice
- remove shoes indoors
- sprinkle water around plate of food to symbolize purification
- regular bathing
- cleaning mouth and teeth prior to eating
- foods selected to enhance inner purity (no meat)
- wear talisman that should not be cut or removed
Hijab covers what
- head scarf
- hides hair, ears, neck
Burqa or abaya covers what
full veil/robe that covers body
Muslims: left hand is reserved for what
bodily functions
use right hand to shake
Muslims prefer clinicians of same gender T/F
Muslim women need permission from male figure to see a clinician
- yes
- unmarried women needs her fathers permission
- married women needs husbands permission
Muslim women and men
- women are not allowed to be alone or visit with men who are not family members
- if seen by a male HCP, husband or other male family member must be present in the room
What does the Qur’an forbid
- drinking alcohol
- eating pork
- eating meat not slaughtered in the “halal” manner
What is Ramadan
-holy month of 30 days of fasting
-forbidden to eat or drunk fluids/water during daytime
but can eat or drink from sunset to before sunrise
Ramadan and medication
-if possible, schedule oral medications after sunset
People exempt from Ramadan
- those who are sick
- pregnant
- physically or mentally ill people
- children are not expected to fast until puberty
Orthodox Jews prefer clinicians of the same gender T/F
Male Hasidic Jews may refuse to shake a female practitioners hand T/F
Shabbat (Sabbath)
observed from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday as a holy day that forbids any form of work
- some believe electricity is a form of work and may stop using it during Shabbat
- some may not drive or use cell phone during this time
The physician may have to turn off the lights for which group of people
Jews during Sabbath
Kosher dietary laws
- kashrut
- not mixing meat and dairy products within specified time frame
- eating only meaty foods certified as kosher
- may have 2 separate kitchens at home: kosher and nonkosher
Jehovah’s witness may refuse to do what
- refuse to donate blood
- store blood
- accept own blood (autologes transfusion)
- but accept nonblood plasma expanders and blood components without RBCs
Jehovah’s witness and child that requires blood transfusion
- parents may still refuse
- may require a court order
Jehovah’s witness and major civil holidays
They do not celebrate these
Jehovah’s witness and advanced directives
- recommend to carry one around
- such as a card from church
- in urban locations, hospital liaison from church may be available
Seventh day adventists lifestyle
- vegetarian
- abstain from tobacco
- no alcohol
- no caffeine
With Jews, who also participates in Sabbath
-Seventh-Day Adventists
How to Amish/Mennonites pay for health care
community pays
-does not participate in Medicare or Social Security
Amish/Mennonites health practices
- folk practitioners and folk/alternative medicine
- if surgery or expensive test needed, need permission from church elders
Amish/Mennonites have higher rates of what
- genetic disease
- maple syrup urine disease
- Cirgler-Najjar syndrome (type of dwarfism)
- cystic fibrosis
- metabolic disorders
Difference between Amish and Mennonites
Mennonites not prohibited from using technology
Church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)
- may wear temple garments under hospital gown or clothing
- treat it with respect
Individualistic society
value individual over family, organization, or group
Collectivistic society
value rights, needs, and wishes of the family or group over those of the individual