csmp essay plans 16 markers Flashcards
2018- ‘How far do you agree that place identity at a local scale is shaped by natural characteristics’
point one: Place identity at a local scale is shaped by natural characteristics. Evidence: Tower hamlets shaped by the river thames. Historically maritime industry. Currently it has smaller docks along the marinas and is used for recreation and small scale activities. Influence the development of Canary Wharf
point two: Place identity is shaped by economic factors eg amount of investment. Evidence London Olympic park.
Point three: place identity comes from the people demographic factors like culture. the 2011 Census results showed that Tower Hamlets has one of the most diverse populations in the country, home to many communities including the largest Bangladeshi community in the country.
2019 ‘The impact of structural economic change on people and place is mainly socio-economic’
point one- yes - jobs employment
point two- no its environmental
point three- yes - gentrification
2020 ‘successful rebranding of a place is rarely the product of a single strategy’
2021 ‘How far do you agree that education is the main influence on social inequality?’
2022 ‘To what extent to present day connections shape the identity of place’
specimen ‘Placemaking is used by governments only to attract inward investment.’ How far do you agree with this statement?