Do functionalists believe in social facts or social constructs?
Social facts. Crime is a social fact that can be objectively measured
Do functionalists adopt causal or non-causal approach?
Causal approach. Crime arises from the weakening of social cohesion
What are the 2 mechanisms that create social solidarity?
- Socialisation - teaching norms and values
- Social control - formal and informal that rewards conformity and punishes deviance
Why according to functionalism crime is?
1. Functional
2. Inevitable
3. Necessary
- Functional - has a warning function
- Inevitable - not everyone is socialised the same way
- Necessary - provokes social change and strengthens social solidarity
According to Durkheim, what is the difference between crime rates in pre-industrial and modern society?
There was less crime in pre-industrial society
1. Pre industrial - mechanical solidarity = severe punishment
2. Modern society - complex = high risk of anomie
According to Durkheim, what are the 2 reasons why crime would be present in all societies?
- Different socialisation
- Deviant subcultures
According to Hirschi’s control theory, what are the 4 bonds of attachment?
- Attachment - caring about others
- Involvement - level of business interest in social life
- Commitment - personal investment in our lives e.g. mortgages, careers
- Belief - conviction that one should abide by the law
According to Durkheim, what’s the role of punishment?
To reaffirm society’s values, reinforce social solidarity and mend the offender
What did Erikson use to demonstrate the warning function?
Truancy. if students are absent, it suggests that something is wrong
According to Merton’s strain theory, what are the 5 modes of adaptation?
- Conformity - accept goals accept means
- Innovation - accept goals reject means
- Ritualism - reject goals accept means
- Retreatism - reject goals reject means
- Rebellion - reject and substitute both
What is a safety valve according to Davis?
Prostitution serving a safety valve to protect the nuclear family (a man releases sexual tension without getting in a relationship with a prostitute)
According to Polsky, what is a safety channeling?
Watching pornography is a way of channelling sexual desires that would otherwise threaten nuclear families
According to functionalism (KA6) what are the ‘other’ functions of crime?
- Safety Valve
- Safety Channeling
How did Erikson called courtroom situations whereby the boundaries are reaffirmed?
Degradation Ceremonies
what are reactive subcultures?
those that are formed in response to the failure