Credit test 2: Vessels Flashcards
What’s the divisions of the aorta?
Aorta ascendens Arcus aortae Aorta descendens; - Aorta thoracica - Aorta abdominalis
Origin of truncus brachiocephalicus?
Arcos aortae
+ a. sublavia sinistra in Su, Car which an is independent in these two species
What’s the division of Truncus brachiocephalichus?
- Truncus bicaroticus (Not in Car)
- a. carotis communis dexter
- a. carotis communis sinister - a. subclavia dextra
- a. subclavia sinistra
In Car and Su the a. subclavia sinistra arises more from arcus aorta.
What are the branches of a. subclavia?
6 branches;
- Truncus costocervicalis
- a. vertebralis
- a. cervicalis superficialis
- a. thoracica interna
- a. axillaris
- Truncus thyrocervicalis (Only in Sus)
What are the branches of Truncus costocervicalis?
a. intercostalis suprema
a. scapularis dorsalis
a. cervicalis profunda
What are the branches of a. cervicalis superficialis?
r. deltoideus
r. ascendens
r. prescapularis
r. suprascapularis
What are the branches of a. thoracica interna?
- rr. thymici
- rr. mediastinales
- rr. perforantes
- rr. intercostales ventrales
- rr. mammarii; In Car, Sus
- a. pericardiacophrenica
- a. musculoprenica
- a. epigasatrica cranialis
What are the branches of Truncus thyrocervicalis?
- a. thyroidea caudalis dextra
- a. cervicalis superficialis dextra
(Situated only on the right side; of a. subclavia dextra)!!!
Main continuation of a. subclavia?
a. axillaris
Supplying thoracic limb
What form’s the a. basilaris?
The two a. vertebralis running from each side of the neck by fusion.
Through canalis vertebralis –> Formanen magnum of the skull.
In many cases anastomoses with a. occipitalis in the atlas region.
Main continuation of a. cervicalis superficialis?
r. ascendens
Supply; M trapezius cervicis and ln. cervicales superficiales
Imp branch for supply of diaphragm, pericard and muscles of thoracic wall and the structures within the thoracic cavity?
a. thoracica interna
What’s the origin of aorta thoracica?
Runs from 6th vertebrae to the diaphragm. In caudal mediastinum, space behind the heart
What’s the branches of aorta thoracica?
aa. intercostales dorsales with it’s 4 branches;
- r.dorsalis
- r. spinalis
- rr. cutanei
- rr. phrenici
Wha’ts the continuation of vena cava cranialis?
Enters right atrium through the sinus venosus
What’s the v. cava cranialis built up by?
vv. subclavia sinister et dexter
vv. jugulares externae dexter et sinistra
What drains the blood from head and neck?
vv. jugulares
What drains the thorax?
Mainly v. subclavia
Describe the aorta abdominalis?
Continuation of the aorta thoracica.
Starts from hiatus aorticus of the diaphragm. Runs behind diaphragm.
At the last lumbar vertebrae it divides into branches supplying the pelvic limbs and pelvic cavity
What’s the branches of aorta abdominalis?
- a. phrenica caudalis: Not Eq since has cranialis instead
- a. abdominalis cranialis
- a. coeliaca
- a. mesenterica cranialis
- aa. renales
- aa. ovaricae/testiculares
- a. mesenterica caudalis
- aa. lumbales
- a. sacralis mediana
a. subclavia sinistra is a branch of?
It’s a branch of truncus brachiocephalicus in Ru and Eq.
In Su and Car it will arise from Arcus aortae
What’s the differences between speicies when it comes to a. phrenica caudalis?
Not in Eq. They instead have a. phrenica cranialis.
Supply dorsal part of diaphragm
In which animals do we find a. abdominalis cranialis?
Su and Ca.
Supplying abdominal wall
Which is an important branch of aorta abdominalis?
a. coeliaca for organs of abdominal cavity
What’s the branches of a. coeliaca?
a. lienalis
a. gastrica sinistra
a. hepatica
What does a. coeliaca supply?
Stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas and part of duodenum.
The organs of abdominal cavity
What does the main branches of a. coeliaca form an in which species?
The Tripus coeliacus
In Car, Eq, Su.
In Sus no Tripus but same 3 branches
a. lienalis is a branch of and further branches into?
Branch of a. coeliaca
Further branches into a. gastroepiploica sinistra which further divides into;
- aa. gastricae brevis
- rr. pancreatici
Which artery runs along curvatura ventriculi majus of stomach?
a. gastroepiploica sinistra / dextra
Runs on abomasi in RU
Which artery runs along curvatura ventriculi minor of stomach?
a. gastrica sinistra / dextra
What’s the branches of a. hepatica?
(Branch of a. coeliaca)
rr. pancreatici
a. gastrica dextra
a. gastroduodenalis
a. gastroduodenalis further branches into
- a. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis
- a. gastroepiploica dextra
What’s typical for a. mesenterica cranialis in comparison to a. mesenterica caudalis?
It supply the bigger part of the intestines
It’s thicker and stronger than a. mesenterica caudalis which has only 2 branches.
What’s the main artery for colon ascendens?
a. colica dextra
Which artery generally supply colon transversus?
a. colica media
What’s an independent branch of a. mesenterica cranialis?
a. cecalis
Supplying cecum
Difference between a. pancreaticoduodenales craniales and caudales?
a. pancreaticoduodenales craniales is a branch of a. gastroduodenalis which both belongs to the main artery a. hepatica
a. pancreaticoduodenales caudales is a branch of a. mesenterica cranialis
What’s the branches of a. mesenterica caudalis and are generally important for?
a. colica sinistra
- Supply colon transversum/descendens
a. rectalis cranialis
- Supply rectum
Important for the intestines
Which arteries generally supply the kidneys?
a. renalis dextra et sinistra
Arising from a. abdominalis
What’s the last branch of aorta abdominalis?
a. sacralis mediana , at the last lumbar vertebrae.
In Eq; not always present
What’s the branches of a. sacralis mediana?
“Division of abdominal aorta”
Divided for main arteries for pelvic cavity and pelvic limb!
Specie differences;
In Eq:
Splits into 4 branches (Quadrification)
- aa. iliaca externae dextra et sinistra
- aa. iliaca internae dextra et sinistra
In Cap, Rabbit, Hu; Splits into 2 branches (Bifurcation) - a. iliaca communes which further divides into - a. iliaca interna - a. iliaca externa
In Su, Car, Ov, Bo;
aa. iliaca interna et externa will arise directly from a. sacralis mediana
What’s the task of vena cava caudalis?
To drain the blood from abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity and pelvic limb and enters into atrium dextrum
Which veins supply vena cava caudalis?
PAIRED branches;
- vv. phrenicae craniales
- vv. hepaticae
- vv. phrenicae caudales
- vv. abdominales craniales
- vv. lumbales
- vv. renales, adrenales
- vv. ovaricae, testiculares
Which are the two important venous systems for abdominal region?
vena cava caudalis and vena portae
What’s the function of vena portae?
Drains unpaired organs in abdominal cavity
- Stomach, intestines, spleen and pancreas..
How does vena portae run internally?
Continues from the unpaired organs to the liver.
Will drain blood through v. hepaticae of liver -> v cava caudalis
What’s the functional blood supply of the liver?
Vena portae
Which veins supply vena portae?
v. gastroduodenalis
v. lienalis
v. mesenterica cranialis
v. mesenterica caudalis
What’s the main vessel of head and neck?
a. carotis communis dextra et sinistra
Other important vessels for head and neck beside a. carotis communis
Branches of a. subclavia like;
a. vertebralis
a. cervicalis superficialis
a. cervicalis profunda
Origin of a. carotis communis?
Generally truncus bicaroticus except in Car where it originate directly from truncus brachiocephalicus
a. carotis communis runs together with which structures after origin?
n. laryngeus recurrens
n. vagus
v. jugularis externa
v. jugularis interna ( not in Eq)
Which is the main vein draining blood from head and neck?
v. jugularis externa
Which is the main artery for the face?
a. carotis externa
Which is the main artery for the skull?
a. carotis interna
What is a typical landmark for a. carotis interna in Car?
Sinus caroticus
What’s the two main veins draining blood from the head?
v. linguofacialis
v. maxillaris
Which veins form v. jugularis externa?
v. linguofacialis and v. maxillaris which run into v. cava cranialis in sulcus jugularis
What are the branches along the neck of a. carotis communis? (6)
- a. thyroidea caudalis
- a. thyrodiea cranialis
- a. laryngea cranialis
- a. pharyngea ascendens
- a. palatina ascendens
- Incostant branches
What’s the main artery of the brain in Ru?
a. maxillaris
Main artery of brain as. a. carotis interna applies for which animals?
Eq, Car and Sus
What’s the origin difference according to specie of a. carotis interna?
In Car: Into sinus caroticus and further into Foramen caroticum of the skull base.
In Eq,Su: Into Foramen lacerum
Which artery is only present in foetal state in Ru?
a. carotis interna
Brain is partly supplied by which arteries in Ru and Su beside a. maxillaris / a. carotis interna?
In Eq, Car: a. occipitalis
In Ru, Su: a. vertebralis + rete mirabile epidurale rostrale et caudale
2 major division of a. carotis interna once inside the skull?
a. cerebri rostralis -> Branch of a. basilaris for cerebellum.
a. communicans caudalis -> Forms Circulus arteriosus cerebri around hypophysis
What’s the main branches of a. carotis externa?
a. occipitalis
a. lingualis
a. facialis (not In Ru)
a. auricularis caudalis
r. massetericus
a. temporalis superficialis
a. maxillaris
What’s the main continuation of a. occipitalis?
a. condylaris
What’s the main imortance of a. condylaris in Ru?
That it’s supplying the rete mirabile epidurale caudale
What supply the coverings of the brain in Ru?
a. menigea media
Branch of a. occipitalis
What does a. lingualis supply?
What’s the important differences with this artery according to specie?
In B, Eq: a. lingualis runs together with a. facialis and forming: Truncus linguofacialis
What’s the branches of truncus linguofacialis and in which species?
In Bo, Eq
Will further one branch out to a. facialis and a. lingualis
Which artery runs into the tounge and give rise to muscular branches?
a. profunda lingue and further into rr. dorsales lingue
A branch of a. carotis externa
Runs through incisura vasorum facialium?
a. facialis
NOT in small Ru
Branches of a. facialis
a. labialis inferior/superior
a. lateralis nasi
a. dorsalis nasi
a. angularis oculi
In car this branch supply only the area of the upplower and lower lip
(Not the nose or orbita)
a. facialis
Supply are around the external ear
a. auricularis caudalis
Main continuation for the muscles of the external ear and supply what?
a. auricularis profunda
Supply meatus acusticus externus and muscles around this area
r. temporalis superficialis is an important branch in which specie and why?
Branch of a. carotis externa
Esp. in Ru it’s important since it gives rise to a. transversa faciei
This artery replaces
a. facialis which Ru NOT have.
This a. transversa faciei supplies a. labialis inferior et superior
What’s the main continuation of a. carotis externa?
a. maxillaris
What’s the 2 most important branches of a. axillaris?
a. infraorbitalis
- Supply teeth of maxilla nad os incisivum
a. opthalmica externa
- Supply eye ball and organs of the orbita
What’s the branches of a. maxillaris?
9 branches
- a. alveolaris mandibularis
- a. temporalis profunda
- a. meningea media
- a. buccalis
- a. ophtalmica externa
- a. infraorbitalis
- a. malaris
- a. sphenopalatina
- a. palatina major et minor
Which artery supply the deep muscle layers of deep temporal region?
a. temporalis profunda
Which are the 3 branches of a. maxillaris that’s supplying hard palate, soft palate and nasal cavity?
- a. sphenopalatina: Supply nasal cavity.
- a. palatina major
- a. palatina minor
What’s typical for the a. sphenopalatina?
With a rich net of arteries found in nasal cavity, on conchae and septume nasi
In Eq; a branch o a. palatina major
What’s typcal for Ru that a. othpalmica externa gives rise to?
rete mirabile opthalmicum
What’s the branches of a. opthalmica externa?
a. supraorbitalis
a. ethmoidalis externa
a. meningea rostralis
a. lacrimalis
aa. ciliares posteriores longae
Which vessels are out of clinical point of view important for pulse palpation and in which animals?
a. facialis in both Eq, Bo
In Eq also: a. mediana
In Bo also: a. brachialis
Which vessels are out of clinical point of view important for venous blood sampling of head and neck?
v. jugularis externa in Eq and Ru if vein can be found
Further the two veins it’s built up from:
- v. linguofacialis; Drains blood from area of a. facialis and a. lingualis from external part of face.
- v. maxillaris; Drains blood from area of maxillaris
Typical venous blood sampling in small piglets?
Sinus opthalmicus
Net of veins in the medial angle of the orbita
Typical venous blood sampling in Car, Cu?
In Car?
v. aricularis caudalis for external ear
v. cephalica in Car
What’s the main lymphatic vessel of the body?
Ductus thoracicus as a branch entering into v. jugularis externa
Which veins will enter into v. jugularis externa?
- v. cervicalis superficialis
- v. thyroidea cranialis et media
- v. cephalica
- Ductus thoracicus
In which animals can v. jugularis interna be found?
In Car, Su, Bo and sometimes Eq.
Absent in Ru
Along which vessels does v. jugularis interna run?
a. carotis communis and v. jugularis externa
v. jugularis interna drains blood from?
Cranial part of the body
- From head, neck, thoracic limb and thorax
What’s the fusion of right and left jugular vein called and in which specie/s?
Truncus bijugularis
In Eq, Ru and Su
Venae brachiocephalicae
In Car
Truncus bijugularis and Venae brachiocephalicae both enter into?
Vena cava cranialis
Main artery for thoracic limb?
a. axillaris
Main continuation of a. subclavia?
a. axillaris
Which artery in Ru will also contribute on supplying the thoracic limb?
a. cervicalis superficialis
What’s the main division of a. axillaris?
Where does the branching start?
On the medial side of the area of art. humeri it will divide into
- a. subscapularis
- a. brachialis
What’s the main continuation of a. axillaris?
a. brachialis
Branches of a. axillaris before main division?
a. thoracica externa
a. suprascapularis
- Only Eq, Bo
- In other animals it arises from a. cervicalis superficialis and not a. axillaris
a. thoracic externa of a. axillaris generally supply?
Supply the mm. pectorales
Branch difference between a. thoracica externa and a. thoracica interna
a. thoracica externa = Branch of a. axillaris
a. thoracica interna = Branch of a. subclavia
What’s the branches of a. subscapularis?
- a. circumflexa humeri caudalis
- a. thoracodorsalis
- a. circumflexa scapulae
Which artery generally supplies m. latissimus dorsi?
a. thoracodorsalis
Supply the muscles of the lateral surface of the scapula?
a. circumflexa scapulae
- M.supraspinatus
- M. infraspinatus
- M.deltoides
A. brachialis will run on medial side of the antebrachium together with?
With v. brachialis and n. mediaunus on the level of the humerus
Generally supplies M. coracobrachialis and M. biceps brachii?
a. circumflexa humeri cranialis
a. profunda brachii generally supply?
M. triceps brachii
What’s typical for a. collateralis ulnaris, a. bicipitalis and a. transversa cubiti?
They have origin close to each other
Origin at the level of the elbow joint.
a. bicipitalis generally supply?
Cranial muscles of the humerus
“M. biceps brachii, M. brachialis, M. brachiocephalicus and
M. coracobrachialis, M. extensor carpi radialis”
a. transversa cubiti generally supply?
Extensors of thoracic limb
Strong muscular branch in Bo?
r. muscularis, a branch of a. brachialis.
Origin close to a. interossea communis
Supply flexors of antebrachium
What’s the distal continuation of a. brachialis?
a. mediana
Branches of a. mediana
- a. profunda antebrachii
- a. radialis proximalis (Eq)
- a. radialis
a. mediana generally supply?
m. biceps brachii and flexors of thoracic limb
Venous systems of thoracic limb?
Deep venous system
- Formed by v. axillaris
Superficial venous system
- Formed by v. cephalica
The deep venous system is med up by which veins?
a. axillaris and further belong;
- v. subscapularis
- v. thoracodorsalis
- v. brachialis
- v. mediana
- v. thoracica externa
v. subscapularis drains blood from?
Proximal part of scapular area
v. thoracodorsalis drains blood from?
from area of M. Latissimus dorsi, area that’s supplied by
a. thoracodorsalis
v. brachialis drains blood from?
Distal part of thoracic limb
v. mediana drains blood from?
The digits
v. thoracica externa drains blood from?
Thoracic wall and external part of sternum
Communication point of the deep and superficial venous systems occurs by which vein?
v. mediana cubiti
Communicates between the v. brachialis of deep and v. cephalica from superficial venous system
The superficial venous system is made up by which vessels?
V. cephalica
Further continuation is;
- v. cephalica accessoria
- v. mediana cubiti
Main artery for pelvic cavity
a. iliaca interna dextra et sinistra
Main division of aorta abdominalis?
a. iliaca interna dextra et sinistra
a. iliaca externa dextra et sinistra
Main artery for free pelvic limb
a. iliaca externa dextra et sinistra
Generally the veins from pelvic cavity and pelvic limb enters into?
v. cava caudalis
Which veins enter into v. cava caudalis from pelvic cavity and pelvic limb?
vv. lilaca internae
- From pelvic cavity
vv. iliacae externae
- From free pelvic limb
vv. epigastricae superficiales cranieles
- From ventral side of abdominal cavity
Generally which 3 parietal branches supply the muscles of the pelvic cavity?
a. iliolumbalis: Ru, Su, Ca
a. glutea cranialis
a. glutea caudalis
Which artery is important during fetal life?
a. umbilicalis
* Not in Eq. Branch of a. pudenda interna
a. prostatica and a. vaginalis is a branch of which artery in Ru,Su and Car?
Branch of a. iliaca interna.
In Eq; a branch of a. pudenda interna
A typical parietal artery of the pelvic limb?
a. iliolumbalis.
Branch of a. iliaca interna
Supply muscles of the pelvis
Branches of a. iliaca interna?
- a. umbilicalis (Not Eq)
- a. iliolumbalis (Not Eq)
- a. glutea cranialis
- a. prostatica (Ru, Su)
- a. vaginalis (Ru, Su)
- a. glutea caudalis
- a. pudenda interna
What’s the main continuation through pelvic cavity (to the caudal end of pelvic cavity)
a. pudenda interna
a. glutea cranialis are important in Eq, Fe va?
Since a. obturatoria and a. iliolumbalis arises from here
a. glutea cranialis supply?
Deep layers of gluteal muscles and M. biceps femoris
What’s the main continuation of a. ilia interna?
a. pudenda interna
* visceral branch supplying many ORGANS
What’s the main continuation of a. pudenda interna?
a. perinealis ventralis
Perineum region (Area btw genital organs and anus)
Main artery for free pelvic limb on medial surface?
a. iliaca externa
What’s the origin of a. iliaca externa in different species
In Bo, Su, Cap: From the 6th lumbar vertebrae
In Eq, Sheep, Bo: From 5th lumbar vertebrae
In Car: Arises btw 6 and 7 lumbar vertebrae
Main division of a. iliaca externa?
2 main branches;
a. profunda femoris
a. femoralis
What’s the branches of a. iliaca externa before main division?
a. circumflexa ilium profunda
In Eq; Also
- a. cremasterica
- a. uterina
Branches of a. profunda femoris?
- Truncus pudendoepigastricus
- a. obturatoria (In Ca)
- a. circumflexa femoris medialis
Main continuation of a. profunda femoris?
a. circumflexa femoris medialis
Main continuation and also terminal branch
a. abdominalis caudalis is a branch of which artery and supplies?
Branch of truncus pudendoepigastricus
Supplies ONLY m. obliquus internus abdominis
Supply generally M. rectus abdominis?
a. epigastrica caudalis
Which is the strongest parietal branch of the trunk?
a. epigastrica caudalis.
Branch of truncus pudendoepigastricus
Branches of truncus pudendoepigastricus?
a. abdominalis caudalis
a. epigastricus caudalis
a. pudenda EXTERNA
Strongest visceral branch of the trunk?
a. pudenda externa
Into canalis femoralis runs?
a. femoralis
v. femoralis
n. saphenus
Which artery is supplying the stifle joint?
a. genus descendens
Strong branch!
a. nutritia femoris is a branch of?
a. femoralis
What’s the last branch of a. femoralis?
a. femoris caudalis
What’s he main continuation of a. femoralis?
a. poplitea
A strong branch of a. femoralis in Ru, Su Car is?
a. saphena
Generally supply plantar surface of pelvic limb, from tarsal bone -> digits
A. poplitea is a branch of which artery? Origin?
Main continuation of a. femoralis.
Orginate btw the two heads of M. gastrocnemius
Which are the 3 branches of a. poplitea responsible for supplying stifle joint?
- a. genus proximalis medialis et lateralis
- a. genus media
- a. genus distalis medialis et lateralis
Two main branches of a. poplitea?
a. tibialis caudalis
a. tibialis cranialis
Which is the main continuation of a. poplitea?
a. tibialis cranialis.
Stronger branch than a. tibialis caudalis
The venous system of the pelvic limb and pelvic cavity consist of?
2 parts
Deep venous system and Superficial venous system.
Just like the thoracic limb venous system
Deep venous of pelvic cavity/limb consist of?
Made up by vv. iliacae communes dextra et sinistra and further
- v. iliaca interna
- v. iliaca externa
v. iliaca interna et externa drains blood from?
interna: pelvic cavity
externa: free pelvic limb
v. iliaca externa is formed by a fusion of which veins?
v. profunda femoirs
v. femoralis
v. poplitea enterins into v. femoralis
The deep venous system of pelvic limb/cavity emty blood into?
v. cava caudalis
To superficial venous system of pelvic limb and pelvic cavity belongs which veins?
v. saphena lateralis
v. saphena medialis
v. epigastrica superficialis caudalis
Which vessel is good for blood sampling in Bo?
v. epigastrica superficialis
Strong branch
Which vessel is good for blood sampling in Car?
v. saphena lateralis et medialis