Credit test 2: Lymph. + Brain Flashcards
Which are the two main parts of the circulatory system?
Cellular part
Vascular part
Btw these two runs the lymph fluid
A ring of lymphoid tissue made up by 3 tonsils. Which tonsils and what’s the ring called?
Tonsilla lingualis
Tonsilla palatina
Tonsilla veli palatini
= Waldeyer’s ring
Where can the lymphatic trunks mainly be found?
In abdominal cavity
What’s the name of lymph mixed with fats from digestive system?
Which are the 5 lymphatic trunks?
Truncus lumbalis Truncus visceralis Truncus intestinalis - Truncus celiacus / truncus jejunalis Truncus trachealis
All of these are found in abdominal cavity beside Trachealis which is found in thoracic cavity
What’s the lymphatic sac btw abdominal and thoracic cavity called?
Cisterna chyli
Truncus trachealis drains lymph from?
lc. retropharyngeum
From head region generally
The ductus thoracic generally have differences on where it enters into the venous system.
In which species enters where?
In Ru, Su, Eq
- Enters into v. cava cranialis OR v. jugularis externa et sinistra
In Car;
- Enters into v. jugularis dextra et sinistra
In this specie/s can we find 2 ductus thoracis?
In Ca!
Ductus thoracicus dexter et sinister.
In others only dexter
In which specie/s can we find only 1 ductus thoracis?
In Eq, Ru, Su, Bo
Ductus thoracicus dexter
Lymphatic system communicates with which systems?
Circulatory or mainly generally the venous system
Which is the largest and an important lymphatic organ?
Mainly in young animals
In Su and Bo we can only find these type of lymphnodes?
Haemolymph nodes
In Ru we only find these type of lymphnodes?
Hemal nodes / Lymphnodus healis
Which are the lymph centers of the head?
lc. parotideum
lc. mandibulare
lc. retropharyngeum
Which are the lymph centers of the neck?
lc. cervicale superficiale
lc. cervicale profundum
Which are the lymph centers of the thorax?
lc. thoracicum dorsale
lc. thoracicum ventrale
lc. mediastinales
lc. bronchales
Which are the lymph centers of the thoracic limb?
lc. axillare
Which are the lymph centers of the abdomen?
lc. lumbale
lc. celiacum
lc. mesentericum craniale
lc. mesentericum caudale
Which are the lymph centers of the pelvic cavity?
lc. iliosacrale
lc. iliofemorale
lc. inguinofemorale
lc. ischiadicum/lc. sacrale
lc. popliteum
Which of the lymph centrums of the head are palpable?
All 3!
lc. parotideum
lc. mandibulare
lc. retropharyngeum
Which of the lymph centers of the thorax are palpable?
None of the 4. Cause they are situated inside of thoracic cavity
Which of the lymph centers of the neck is palpable?
lc. cervicale superficiale
Through the skin
Which of the lymph centers of the pelvic cavity and pelvic limb have palapable lymph nodes?
lc. inguinofemorale
lc. popliteum
The rhombencephalon is divided into?
- Divided into cerebellum dorsally and pons ventrally.
-Consist of medulla oblongata -> medulla spinalis
Prosencephalon is divided into?
- Rhinencephalon
- Neopallium / Cortex
- Central components
- Thalamencephalon
- Hypothalamus
Situated on the hemispherium dextrum et sinistrum of cerebrum?
Situated between the two hemispheres in the middle, as a connection point between the two?
Corpsus callosum of telencephalon
Forms the hemispherium cerebri?
Neopallium/Neocortex of Telencephalon
Which are the grooves on Neocortex?
- sulci of demarcation
- sulcus rhinalis lateralis
- sulcus hippocampi - sulci of principle
- adjoining sulci
3 parts of rhinencephalon?
pars basalis
pars septalis
pars limbica
Forms the base of hemispheres?
Triangular shaped structure of pars basalis
Trigona olfactoria
Between the two tractus olfactorius lateralis and medialis
Structure with many openings for blood vessels supplying the brain
Substantia perforata rostralis
Of pars basilaris
Consist of 2 gyrus olfactorius lateralis of the brain?
Pedunculi olfactorii
The gyrus olfactorius = grey matter of brain
Tractus olfactorius = White matter of brain
Special structure on rhinencephalon that’s differently shaped according to Ca; smooth and Eq; rough
Lobi piriformes
Next to Hippothalamus and Mesencephalon
Pars limbica consist of
- stratum griseum (corporis callosi)
- cornu ammonis
- gyrus cinguli
Found on the medial surface of the hemisphere of cerebri? (Inside of hemispheres)
Central components
Free space in each hemisphere?
Ventriculus lateralis encephali
What’s telencephalon made up by?
Rhinencephalon, neopallium and central components
Situated between two ventriculus lateralis encephali?
Septum pellucidum
Another name for sulcus demarcation?
Sulcus hippocampi
Another name for Hippocampus?
Cornu ammonis
Divison of Diencephalon?
Which are the division of Thalamencephalon
– Thalamus
– Metathalamus
– Epithalamus
Glanulae pineale / Epiphysis is a part of?
Forms the base of Mesencephalon?
Pituitary gland / Hypophysis is a part of which brain part and situated where?
Part of hypothalamus
Situated in Fossa hypophysicalis
Which part of the brain is undivided?
Nn. oculomotorius arises from here
Crura cerebri of mesencephalon
Communication place between the chambers of the brain
Aqeductus mesencephali
The metathalamus is represented by?
Corpus geniculatum laterale et mediale
Forming the metathalamus
Thalamus is represented by consisting of?
2 thalamus opticus (round structure)
Place for crossing of the optic nerve?
Chiasma opticum
Most caudal part of Hypothalamus
Corpus mamillare of regio hypothalmica caudalis
Nn. oculomotorius arises from here
Crura cerebri
Communication point btw ventriculus tertius and ventriculus qartus
Aqeductus mesencephali
Which part of colliculi rostrales et caudales is important for visual / auditory pathway?
colliculi rostrales = Imp for visual pathway
colliculi caudales = Imp for auditory pathway
Metencephalon is divided into which parts?
Vermis cerebelli
Lobi laterales
On both sides /longitudinal sections of the vermis cerebelli?
lobi laterales
Corpus medullare of cerebellum forms which structure?
Arbor vitae cerebelli
Corpus medullare formed by substantia alba
Situated in between the vermi cerebelli and lobi laterales forming a border?
fissurae transversae
The two structures of the pons
Pars ventralis et dorsalis pontis
- ventral; younger part
Pedunculus cerebellaris medius
Forms the floor of ventriculus quarti?
Fossa rhomboidea of Myelencephalon
Roof of ventriculus IV?
Tegmentum ventriculi IV
Metencephalon is made up by?
Cerebellum and Pons
Myelencephalon is made up by?
Medulla oblongata
Is the communication between the pons and spinal cord?
Which are the chambers of the brain?
ventriculi laterales dextrum et sinistrum
ventriculus tertius
ventriculus quartus
Total of 4 ventricles
Around adhesio interthalamica this chamber can be found
Ventriculus tertius
Btw medulla oblongata and cerebellum this chamber can be found
Ventriculus quartus
In hemispheres this chamber can be found
Ventriculi laterales
Communication point between ventriculi laterales dextrum et sinistrum is?
Foramen interventriculare
Communication point between the two unpaired ventricles?
Aqeductus mesencephali
Btw ventriculus tertius and ventriculus quartus
Spinal cord and brain is covered by
Meninges of brain are
Dura mater
Pia mater
The cavum subdurale is space between
Arachnoidea and dura mater (spinalis)
Both in brain + spinal cord
The cavum epidurale is space between
Dura mater spinalis and vertebrae
The cavum subarachnoidale is space between
Arachnoidea and Pia mater
Both in brain + spinal cord
Which are the two enlargements of the spinal cord where nerves from thoracic and pelvic limb runs?
Intumescentia cervicalis
Intumscentia lumbosacralis
The caudal end of spinal cord is covered by
Filum terminale
Conus medullaris, filum terminale and roots of spinal nerves make up
Cauda equina
Caudal end of spinal cord
Imp for root origin of spinal nerves
Cornua dorsalis et ventralia
Meninges of the spinal cord
Same as in the brain (not the cavities in btw)
- Dura mater spinalis
- Arachnoidea
- Pia mater spinalis
Between dura mater and vertebrae this ligament can be found
Lig. suspensorium durae matris
Pia mater spinalis is connected to Arachnoidea by
Lig. denticulatum