5. Arteries and veins of the thoracic limb Flashcards
What’s the main arteries of the thoracic limb?
A. axillaris
- A. brachialis
- A. subscapularis
A. mediana
What is the main artery of the thoracic limb and which artery does it arise from with continuation?
A. axillaris
It is the MAIN CONTINUATION of a. subclavia.
Will branch off before the subclavia comes around the 1st rib. Will run on the medial side of the limb to the regio of articulatio humeri
Which other vessels will run along next to a. axillaris
v. axillaris
In Ru which other structure beside A. axillaris will also contribute to supply thoracic limb?
A. cervicalis superficialis, but mainly A. axillaris still main imp one.
Which two structures generally arises from a. axillaris before it’s main division?
A. thoracica externa
A. suprascapularis
A. suprascapularis only Bo, Eq!
- In other species it’s a branch of a. cervicalis superficialis
A. thoracica exerna;
- Branch of
- Supply
- Origin
- Species
- Other imp?
Branch of a. axillaris
Supply generally mm. pectorales. (!not thoracica interna, as this is from subclavia)
From thorax and sternum
Found in all species
Species differences of supplying further beside Mm. pectorales.
A. suprascapularis;
- Branch of
- Supply
- Origin
- Species
- Other imp?
Branch of a. axillaris
It will run on the cranial margin of the scapula, between m. subscapularis and m. supraspinatus.
Origin in front of main division of a. axillaris
- articulatio humeri,
- Msubscapularis
- M. supraspinatus
- Small branches of a. suprascapularis supply articulatio humeri.
Bo, Eq only!
Describe specie differences of a. suprascapularis
In Eq, Bo is it a branch of A. axillaris for thoracic limb
In other species is it a branch of a. cervicalis superficialis which is a further branch of a. subclavia
Where does the main division for a. axillaris divide?
On the medial side of the area of art. humeri
What’s the main division of a. axillaris?
a. subscapularis
a. brachialis
A. subscapularis
- Branch of
- Supply
- Origin
- Species
- Other imp?
A. axillaris
- Runs dorsally on the caudal margin of the scapula, between m. teres major and m. subscapularis.
! 3 branches
- a. circumflexa humeri caudalis
- a. thoracodorsalis
- a. circumflexa scapulae
a. circumflexa humeri caudalis
Branch of Origin Supply Branches Other imp
- Main branch of a. subscapularis
- Will start on the caudal side, and run around the humerus.
- Supply the lateral muscles near the proximal epiphysis of the humerus.
- Branches:
1. r. proximalis
- a. collateralis radialis
(Not in Eq!, branch of a. profunda brachii)
a. circumflexa humeri caudalis will anastomose with one artery in which specie/species?
Will anastomose with a. transversa cubiti in Ru and Sus.
Branches of a. circumflexa humeri caudalis are which and will supply what?
r. proximalis
- Supply; M brachialis, lateral head of M triceps brachii, M. teres minor
a. collateralis radialis (not in Eq!)
- Supply; M brachialis, lateral head of M triceps brachii, M pectoralis ascendens and M. tensor fasciae antebrachia
a. thoracodorsalis
Branch of Origin Supply Branches Other imp
A. subscapularis
Continues caudo-dorsally, will run on the medial surface of the limb, across m. teres major and m. latissimus dorsi
Supply generally M. Latissimus dorsi
Will on M. latissimus dorsi give of muscular branches called rr. musculares which will along the way supply other muscles*
! In, Cap, Eq, Bo: Could be a branch of a. brachialis
a. circumflexa scapulae
Branch of
a. subscapularis
Will start off running on the caudal margin of scapula, then on the lateral surface of the scapula.
Supply - M. supraspinatus - M. infraspinatus - M. deltoideus = the muscles on the lateral surface of the scapula.
Which artery is the main continuation of a. axillaris and why?
A brachialis
Will run along the medial side of the antebrachium with v. brachialis and n. medianus on the level of the humerus
What’s the branches of a. brachialis?
a. circumflexa humeri cranialis
a. profunda brachii
a. collateralis ulnaris *
a. brachialis superficialis
- Only in Car
a. bicipitalis *
a. transversa cubiti *
R. muscularis
- Only in Bo
a. interossea communis
a. circumflexa humeri cranialis
Branch of Origin Supply Branches Other imp?
Branch of a. brachialis
Origin around proximal hypophysis near Humerus, but from cranial to caudal surface.
- Different origins in species, since in
Ru, Car it could be a branch directly from a. axillaris.
Or in Bo, Su a branch of a. subscapularis
Generally supply M. coracobrachialis and M. biceps brachii
! Will anastomose with a. circumflexa humeri caudalis which is a branch of a. subscapularis
How does a. circumflexa humeri cranialis differ in Eq and Su?
That the artery supplies as well M. pectoralis ascendens, M. subscapularis and M. teres major
a. profunda brachii
Branch of
Specie differences?
Branch of a. brachialis
Strong branch well developed in Eq and Car & thin in Su, Ru (can be absent)
Runs caudally and
Supply M. Triceps brachii generally.
In Eq; Supply M. biceps brachii, M. brachialis, M. anconeus as well.
Only in Eq arises a. collateralis radialis. In other species it’s the branch of
a. circumflexa humeri caudalis.
In which species does a. profunda brachii anastomoses and with which artery?
In Eq, Ru, Car: Anastomoses with a. collateralis ulnaris
a. collateralis ulnaris
Branch of
Specie differences?
Branch of a. brachialis
Caudal surface of thoracic limb
Origin at the level of the olecranon ulna continues medially of elbow joint to caudal surface of antebrachium.
Supply generally flexors of thoracic limb since it continues on caudal surface of antebrachium. (distally)
a. brachialis superficialis
Branch of
Specie differences?
Only in Car.
A branch of a. brachialis
Has 2 branches
– r. medialis: Runs and supply metacarpus and dorsal surface of digits
– a. antebrachialis superficialis cranialis: Metacarpus and dorsal surface of digits, but only 2nd 5th digit.
a. bicipitalis
Branch of
Specie differences?
Branch of a. brachialis
Runs cranially from the a. brachialis above elbow joint
Supply: - M. biceps brachii - M. brachialis - M. brachiocephalicus - M. coracobrachialis - M. extensor carpi radialis = cranial muscles of the humerus
Can be the branch of a. transversa cubiti or a. brachialis superficialis in Car.
In Ru, Su: Anastomoses with a. circumflexa humeri caudalis
a. transversa cubiti
Branch of
Specie differences?
a. brachialis
Continues on cranial surface of antebrachium, at the level of elbow joint
Sometimes common origin with a. bicipitalis
Supply generally extensors of thoracic limb
In Ru, Su, Eq: Arises a. antebrachialis superficialis
In Car: Independent branch of a. brachialis.
R. muscularis
Branch of
Specie differences?
Branch of a. brachialis in Bo
Strong muscular branch in Bo!!
Origin; Close to a. interossei communis
Supply flexors of antebrachium
R. muscularis anastomoses with which arteries?
With a. interossea communis and a. collateralis ulnaris.
a. transversa cubiti anastomoses with which arteries?
Anastomoses with branches of a. interossea communis
a. interossea communis
Branch of
Branch of a. brachialis
Level of Spatium interosseum antebrachium proximale, runs btw space of radius and ulna.
Below elbow joint.
Divided into 2 branches;
- a. interossea caudalis
- a. interossea cranialis
What’s the branches of a. interossea caudalis and what do they supply?
a. interossa caudalis
- Runs in front of entrance of spatium
Continues on caudal surface of radius
- supply M. flexor digitalis profundus
a. interossea cranialis
- Continues through spatium after origin, distally - Supply extensors.
Divided into 2;
- r. carpeus dorsalis
Enters into rete carpi dorsale
- r. interosseus
In Ru, Su, Car: Continues on palmar surface.
What’s the distal continuation of a. brachialis?
A. mediana
A. mediana
Branch of
Branch of a. brachialis
From level of a. interossea communis and continues medially and on palmar surface of radius.
Supply generally m. biceps brachii and flexors of thoracic limb
Generally 3 branches;
- a. profunda antebrachii
- a. radialis proximalis
- a. radialis
a. profunda antebrachii
Branch of
Specie differences?
Branch of a. mediana
Arises proximally
Supply caudal muscles of antebrachium; flexors
Absent in Sus
- Branch of a. brachialis
a. radialis proximalis
Branch of
Specie differences?
Branch of a. mediana
(A branch only in Eq)
Arises distally to antebrachium
Supply Rete carpi palmare
a. radialis
Branch of
Specie differences?
Branch of a. mediana
- In all domesticaed animals.
Origin differs in species In Ru, Sus, Car – At the middle of antebrachium In Eq – Distal part of antebrachium
Continue along medial margin on radius, and above carpus it divides into;
– r. dorsalis
Into rete carpi dorsale and continues to the phalanges distally as aa. metacarpae dorsales
– r. palmaris
Main continuation and arises distally to a. radialis
Into rete carpi palmares
In Car; Continues into arcus palmaris profundus
In Eq, Su, Ru; Continues into arcus palmaris profundus et superficialis
Where will a. mediana further branch and which branches occur?
Enters into arcus palmaris superficialis after origin of a. radialis continues distally on palmar surface with branches.
- aa. metacarpeae communes
- aa. digitales palmares communes
- aa. digitales palmares propriae
What does the branch aa. metacarpeae communes supply?
Metacarpal bones
What does the branch aa. digitales palmares communes supply and runs?
Supply the digits.
It’s common arteries supplying the digits.
Continue distally from aa. metaparpeae communes
What does the branch aa. digitales palmares propriae supply?
Supply each digit
How does a. mediana divide in Eq?
Describe the division.
Will be divided into 2 on palmar surface from the carpus into:
- a. palmaris medialis
- a. palmaris lateralis
a. palmaris medialis together with a. metacarpea palmaris ( + a. palmaris lateralis) enters into Arcus palmaris distalis, distally.
Continues from arcus branches for the digits
- a. digitalis palmaris lateralis et medialis and further into aa. digitales palmares propriae.
Which are the two important venous systems of the thoracic limb?
The deep and superficial venous systems
Deep: v. axillaris
Superficial: v. cephalica
What’s the position of v. axillaris in the venous system?
Lays beside, ventrally to a. axillaris
What’s the branches of v. axillaris?
v. subscapularis
v. thoracodorsalis
v. brachialis
v. mediana
v. thoracica externa
What does v. subscapularis drains?
Drains the blood from proximal part of area of scapula
What does v. thoracodorsalis drains?
Drains blood from area of M. Latissimus dorsi, area that’s supplied by
a. thoracodorsalis.
What does v. brachialis drains and how does it run?
Distally enters into v. axillaris
Drains blood from distal part of thoracic limb
What does v. mediana drains and how does it run?
Drains blood from the digits
What does v. thoracica externa drains and how does it run?
Drains thoracic wall and external part of sternum
What’s the communication point between the two venous systems?
v. mediana cubiti
What’s the superficial venous system?
v. cephalica
What’s the position of v. cephalica?
On cranial surface of the thoracic limb, right under the skin
What’s the branches of v. cephalcia?
v. cephalica accessoria
v. mediana cubiti
v. cephalica accessoria continuation?
From distal part of the limb, on the dorsal surface of the limb
v. mediana cubiti importance?
Blood from deep and superficial venous system is fused through this artery. Form communication point btw the two systems
Which vessels are of clinical importance for pulse palpation and in which species?
For pulse palpation;
In Eq; a. mediana
In Bo; a. brachialis
Which vessels are of clinical importance for blood sampling and in which species?
In Car, Fe; v. cephalica