Credit test 2: Nerves Flashcards
Between nn. cervicales and thoracici there is
Intumescentia cervicalis / cranialis
Between nn. lumbales and nn. sacrales there is
Intumescentia lumbosacralis / caudalis
This nerve runs through foramen intervertebrale
n. spinalis
Fusion of radix dorsalis / ventralis
Longest nerve of nn. cervicales
n. phrenicus
Runs from the 1st cervical vertebra to the last sacral segment
Nn. spinales By; Nn. cervicales Nn. thoracici Nn. lumbales Nn. sacrales Nn. caudales
Spinal nerves innervating thoracic limb, thoracic wall and muscles in this area
Plexus brachialis
Structure formed in Ru and Eq between n. musculocutaneus and n. medianus
Ansa axillaris
(Under a. axillaris)
Communication branch formed for these two nerves.
Small nerve innervating m. serratus ventralis cervicis and m. rhomboideus
m. dorsalis scapulae
of Plexus brachialis
The sensitive nerve for the skin which forms the distal continuation of the musculocutaneous nerve is
n. cutaneus antebrachii medialis
Main contiunuation of n. musculocutaneus
Nerve supplying the skin of antebrachium and the terminal branch of n. axillaris
n. cutaneus antebrachii cranialis
Terminal branch!
N. thoracicus longus supplies
m. Serratus ventralis thoracis
Communicates together with 2nd and 3rd intercostal nerve to form n. intercostobrachialis?
n. thoracicus lateralis
Supplying the dorsal surface of the digits
n. radialis
n. ulnaris
Main division of n. radialis
ramus superficialis
ramus profundus
Strongest nerve of the thoracic limb
n. medianus
Main sensory nerve of thoracic limb
n. medianus
Branches of nn. thoracici
nn. interocostales dorsales
n. costoabdominalis
Arises from rr. ventrales of nn. thoracici
nn. intercostales dorsales
Last thoracic branch of spinal nerves of the last rib
n. costoabdominalis
Difference between Car and other species when it comes to nn. lumbales
Car has 7 pairs of nn. lumbales
Rest has 8 pairs
Is made up of nerves for the pelvic limb and pelvic cavity
Plexus lumbosacralis
nn. lumbales + nn. sacrales
Which part of the nn. spinales is thicker?
rr. ventrales
Which part forms Plexus lumbalis?
rr. ventrales of nn. lumbales
Nerves of this plexus generally innervate abdominal muscles, cranial muscles of the thgih/pelvic limb
Plexus lumbalis
In Car you can find 2 of this nerve as a part of the plexus lumbalis?
n. iliohypogastricus cranialis et caudalis
Which branch of genitofemoralis is only present in animals?
r. genitalis
r. femoralis not present in animals
The thickest nerve of the Plexus lumbalis
n. Femoralis
Branch of n.femoralis running inside of canalis femoralis together with femoral vessels and saphenal vessels
n. saphenus
Main continuation of a. femoralis
Which is the most caudal branch of lumbar nerves region
n. obturatorius
Main trunk of n. femoralis innervates?
M. quadriceps femoris
rr. ventrales of Nn. sacrales forms?
Plexus sacralis
rr. dorsales of Nn. sacrales innervate with it’s branches
rr. mediales
- Mm. multifidi and tail
rr. laterales
- Skin and caudal part of back and thigh.
n. cutaneus femoris caudalis innervates skin by
nn. clunium caudales
Strongest nerve of the body
n. ischiadicus
Branches of n. ischiadicus
- n. peroneus (fibularis) communis
- n. tibialis
Branches of n. peroneus (fibularis) communis generally supply
Digits on the dorsal surface of pelvic limb (extensors)
The deeper nerve running between the two heads of m. gastrocnemius
n. tibialis
Branches of n. fibularis generally supply
Digits of plantar surface
“Flexors of pelvic limb”
Runs on lateral surface of crural region and m. gastrocnemius
n. peroneus (fibularis) communis
Nerves arising from the sacral spinal cord
Nn. caudales
Innervates skin and muscles of the tail
Nn. caudales
Net of nerves on dorsal and ventral surface of the tail and these form
rr. dorsales
- Plexus caudalis dorsalis
rr. ventrales
- Plexus caudalis ventralis
Generally how many pairs of Nn. caudales in animals?
5 - 9 pairs
Biggest ganglion of the body
Ganglion cervicothoracicum