3. Aorta abdominalis, v. cava caudalis, v. portae Flashcards
Which part of the aorta does aorta abdominals belong to?
It’s the 2nd part of Aorta descendens, with aorta thoracica
Describe aorta abdominalis. It’s starting point to continuation
• Starts behind Diaphragm, behind Hiatcus aorticus –> in front of pelvic cavity.
What’s the continuation of aorta abdominalis on left and right side?
On left side it lies more on top of abdominal cavity
On the right side more towards v. cava caudalis
What’s typical for continuation of the aorta abdominlis on the right side along v. cava caudalis?
That it consists of many visceral and parietal branches that supply organs of;
- abdominal cavity
- parietal wall
- abdominal wall/lumbar muscles
What’s the branches of aorta abdominalis?
- a. abdominalis cranialis
- a. coeliaca
- a. mesenterica cranialis
- aa. renales
- aa. ovaricae/testiculares
- a. mesenterica caudalis
- aa. lumbales
- sacralis mediana
- Only in Ru, Su, Car: a. phrenica caudalis
a. phrenica caudalis;
- Specie differences
- Supply
- Origin
- Only in Car, Ru, Sus
- Supply dorsal part of diaphragm, for diaphragm pillars
Different origin depending on specie but around/inside Hiatus aorticus;
• In Car: Can have common origin with a. abdominalis cranialis or be an independent branch
- In Sus, Ru: Mostly arises from a. coeliaca but sometimes interorigins that it’s arises from a. lumbalis or a. intercostalis dorsalis and continue into the muscular part of the diaphragm Supplying diaphragma papillars
- In Ca: a. phrenica caudalis dextra, on the right side arises independently as a. phrenicoabdominalis as a branch of a. renalis dextra.
In Eq, which branch from Aorta abdominalis supply the diaphragm?
The a. phrenica cranialis
as a branch of aorta thoracica
In which species can a. abdominalis cranialis be found?
In Car, Sus
Where is a. abdominalis cranialis situated and what does it supply?
Which side/s can be it be found at?
- Situated close to Diaphragm
- Supply: (abdominal muscles)
M transversus abdominis
M. obliquus internus abdominis
Partly continues into sublumbar muscles, fat around kidneys and glandulae adrenals with rr. adrenales
- Generally a paired branch = Continuaing on both right and left side into abdominal muscles
Which are they imp branches of aorta descendens for organs of abdominal cavity?
a. coelica
a. mesenterica cranialis
aa. renales
aa. ovaricae/testiculare
a. mesenteria caudalis
aa. lumbales
a. sacralis mediana
What’s the 1st visceral branch in all domestic animals of aorta abdominalis and what does it supply?
- A. coeliaca
- Suppy stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas and part of duodenum
What’s the 3 branches of a. coeliaca in monogastric animals?
What’s their origin?
o a. lienalis
- on left side to the spleen
o a. gastrica sinistra
- in the middle on the curvatura ventriculi minor
o a. hepatica
- on the right side to the area of the liver
What’s Tripus coeliacus and in which species?
Found in Eq, Car.
It’s that common branching point from a. coeliaca for a. lienalis , a. gastrica sinistra, a. hepatica
What’s the origin of a. coeliaca?
Arises from aorta abdominalis from ventral wall
“Cranial ventrally division of aorta abdominalis”
What’s the specie differences when it comes to Tripus coeliacus?
In Car, Eq; The 3 main branches of a. coeliaca form this structure and originate from some poisition
In Sus: Same branches but does not originate from one point and therefore not called Tripus coeliacus.
A. coeliaca, is it short/long , unpaired/paired trunk?
It’s a short and unpaired trunk
a. lienalis is a branch of which artery?
Describe it’s continuation
a. coeliaca, from aorta abdominalis
- Branches out from aorta abdominalis, more to the left. Enters into lig. gastrolienale and into hilus lienalis of the spleen as rr. lienales.
Continues on curvatura ventriculi major of stomach along Omentum majus/epiplome as a branch; - gastroepiploica sinistra
What’s the branch of the branch a. lienalis?
Along omentum majus of curvatura ventriculi major of stomach a. lienalis branches as;
- a. gastroepiploica sinistra
Which has 2 own branches; - - aa. gastricae brevis
- rr. pancreatici
a. gastroepiploica sinistra of a. lienalis has two branches, which are these and what does they supply?
aa. gastricae breves
- supply parietal and visceral surface of stomach
rr. pancreatici
- Branches supplying pancreas
a. gastrica sinistra is an branch off?
Independent branch of a. coeliaca
a. gastrica sinistra differs slightly in Eq, how?
That it’s divided into 2 branches
- r. parietalis et visceralis
In Car, Eq, Sus;
Only 1 branch
- rr esophagei
What does r. parietalis et visceralis in Eq supply?
Visceral and parietal surface of the stomach
What does rr. esophagei in Eq, Car, Sus supply?
Supply abdominal part of Esophagus
Short part of esophagus that’s entering into the stomach
What’s the 3rd branch of a. coeliaca and on which side can it be found and imp for
3rd branch = a. hepatica
Found on right side
Imp for livers nutrition
Describe the continuation of a. hepatica and it’s branches
Main trunk continue on visceral surface, along Margo dorsalis hepatis of liver through Porta hepatis where it branches off according to the nb of lobes depending on specie into many branches for stomach, pancreas and duodenum.
- rr. pancreatici.
Supply Pancreas
- a. gastrica dextra
Supply stomach
The a. gastrica dextra is a branch of which artery?
What is its continuation?
What’s typical?
Branch of a. hepatica for curvatura ventriculi minor
- Continues in omentum minus along the curvatura ventriculi minor and anastomoses with a. gastrica sinistra
– Independent branch of a. coeliaca
Which arteries continues along curvatura ventriculi minor and which arteries are they branches of?
- a. gastrica dextra: Branch of a. hepatica
- a. gastrica sinistra: Independent branch of a. coeliaca
Eventually anastomoses
Which arteries continues along curvatura ventriculi major and which arteries are they branches of?
- a. gastroduodenalis
- a. gastroepiploica dextra: Branch of a. gastroduodenalis (which is a branch of a. hepatica from stomach to duodenum)
- a. gastroepiploica sinistra: Branch of a. lienalis (which is a branch of a. coeliaca)
a. gastroepiploica dextra/sinistra will eventually anastomose on curvatura ventriculi major
What’s the continuation of a. hepatica to duodenum?
Describe it’s continuation and further branches
a. gastroduodenalis along curvatura ventriculi major.
Further branches into;
- a. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis
- a. gastroepiploica dextra
Where does a. gastroduodenalis branches ?
In the pancreas where it branches
After origin of a. gastrica dextra the a. hepatic continues into this artery
a. gastroduodenalis to the duodenum and curvatura ventriculi major
a. pancreaticoduodenalis craniales, branch of a. gastroduodenalis can be found on which side, left or right?
What does it generally supply?
- From the left side
- Supply pancreas and SI ( cranial part of duodenum)
In Ru: two branches since they have a longer duodenum: aa. pancreaticoduodenales craniales
a. gastroepiploica dextra, branch of a. gastroduodenalis can be found on which side, left or right?
What does it generally supply?
Further branches?
- From the right side
Further branches into aa. gastricae brevis;
For parietal and visceral surface of the stomach.
- Further continues to curvatura ventriculi major where it anastomoses with a. gastroepliploica sinistra
Which artery continues to curvatura ventriculi major and anastomoses with a. gastroepiploica sinistra?
a. gastroepiploica dextra, anastomoses on the curvatura ventriculi major of the stomach
Which is the 2nd visceral branch of aorta abdominalis?
Where can it be found?
- a. mesenterica cranialis
- caudally / behind a. coeliaca
A. coeliaca in Ru and what does it supply?
- Short, unpaired trunk
- Divided into 3 main branches as well
- a. lienalis
- a. gastrica sinistra
- a. hepatica
for rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. - Supply: liver, spleen, pancreas and parts of duodenum
Position of a. lienalis in Ru and it’s branches?
- Runs on dorsolateral surface of the rumen to the spleen with rr. renales
2 branches:
- a. ruminalis sinistra
- a. ruminalis dextra
a. ruminalis sinistra is a branch of and in which specie?
A branch of a. lienalis which is a branch of a. coeliaca.
- a. ruminalis sinistra = Ru.
a. ruminalis sinistra it’s:
- position
- sometimes a branch of which arteries
- Further branch of a. ruminalis sinistra is and supplying?
- Runs in the sulcus longitudinalis sinistra ruminis
- Sometimes the branch of; (directly?)
a. gastrica sinistra
a. coeliaca - Gives rise to a. reticularis that supplies rumen, reticulum, esophagus and partly diaphragm
What’s the 2nd branch of a. lienalis in Ru?
- It’s position
- Sometimes a branch of?
a. ruminalis dextra
- Runs in the sulcus longitudinalis dexter ruminis
- Can sometimes be the branch of a. ruminalis sinistra
A. gastrica sinistra in Ru.
Describe it’s position and continuation with further branches.
- Runs ventrally, btw Rumen and reticulum on the right side.
Continues on the curvatura abomasi minor.
Close to omasum it divides into 2 branches;
- a. reticularis accessoria
- a. gastroepiploica sinistra
a. reticularis accessoria, branch of a. gastrica sinistra in Ru is imp for supplying of?
Rumen, reticulum and abomasum
a. gastroepiploica sinistra, branch of a. gastrica sinistra in Ru
- continuation
- branches
- anastomoses where and with which artery?
The biggest of the 2 branches of a. gastrica sinistra
- Continues on the curvatura abomasi major
- Short branches; aa gastricae/abomasi breves
- Main trunk of a. gastroepiploica sinistra continues on curvatura minor where it anastomoses with a. gastrica dextra
What’s further branches of a. hepatica in Ru?
- rr. pancreatici: For pancreas
- a. gastrica dextra: Continues along curvatura abomasi minor
- a. gastroduodenalis: Branches further into a. gastroepiploica dextra and aa. pancreaticoduodenales craniales
- aa. phrenicae caudales
- rr. adrenales craniales
a. gastroduoedanlis in Ru
- Position
- Continuation
- Main branches and their position and supply
- Arise behind the origin of a. gastrica dextra
- Continues along curvaturi abomasi major
- Main branches:
a. gastroepiploica dextra
Runs to curvatura abomai major
aa. pancreaticoduodenales craniales
Supply cranial part of duodenum and pancreas
* Ru has longer duodenum and therefore 2 branches of this artery (aa.)
aa. phrenicae caudales and rr. adrenales craniales in Ru
Branch of a. hepatica.
aa. phrenicae caudales: Origin and division in Ru in different from animal to animal
rr. adrenales craniales: Supply adrenal glands
Which is the only animal having rr. pancreatici and what is it a branch of?
- Ru
- Branch of a. mesenterica cranialis
Differences between for a. mesenterica cranialis and caudalis
- a. mesenterica cranialis
- Supply bigger part of intestine
- Thicker and stronger in comparison to a. mesenterica caudalis
- Has 7 (Ru 8) branches
- a. mesenterica caudalis
- Supply generally only two parts of intestines; colon descendens and rectum
- Thinner continuation of aorta abdominalis
- Has only 2 branches
- Both is unpaired vessel!
What’s the branches of a. mesenterica cranialis
rr. pancreatici (Only in Ru)
a. pancreaticoduodenalis caudalis
aa. jejunales
a. ileocecocolica
r. colicus
a. colica dextra
a. colica media
a. cecalis
a. pancreaticoduodenalis caudlalis, branch of a. mesenterica cranialis supply?
Supply pancreas and caudal part of duodenum
aa. jejunales, branch of a. mesenterica cranialis position and supply?
Lays in longer Mesojejunum, many of them.
Supplying jejunum
a. ileocecocolica branch of a. mesenterica cranialis and supply?
What is its branches?
Generally supply ileum, cecum, cranial part of colon
- Depending on animal r. colicus supply colon ascendens or a part of colon ascendens
- rr. colicae: For colon. Continues into gyri centripetales of ansa spiralis coli
- rr. cecales: For cecum
- rr. ileales: For ileum
r. colicus is a further branch from a. ileocecocolica (which is a branch of a. mesenterica cranialis) .
What is the specie differences of supplying of r. colicus?
- In Su: Supply only gyri centripetales coli, colon ascendens
- In Car: Supply colon ascendens
- In Ru: Colon is very long therefore further division –>
rr. colici Supply only gyri centripetales coli on ansa spiralis - In Eq: Supply only ventral part of colon ascendens -> flexura pelvina
Which artery is the main artery for colon ascendens?
a. colica dextra (branch of a. mesenterica cranialis)
Since r. colicus of a. ileocecocolica supply colon ascendens partly another artery is also involved in the supply of the colons other parts, which?
What’s the specie differences?
- In Eq: Dorsal part of colon ascendens
- In Su: Gyri centrifugales coli of ansa spirales coli
- In Ru: Gyri centrifugales coli are supplied by aa. colici dextrae
- In Car: Colon ascendens supplied by aa. colici dextrae and r. colicus of a. ileocecocolia
Which artery generally supply colon transversus?
Which arteries does it anastomose with?
- a. colica media
- Anastomoses with a. colica dextra et sinistra
Mention an independent branch of a. mesenterica cranialis.
What does it supply?
Further imp. features?
- a. cecalis
- Supply cecum
Consist of the r. ilealis: For ileum; - In Eq: Continue into a. cecalis medialis et lateralis
- In Su: Continue into:aa- cecales et rr. ileales
Behind a. mesenterica cranialis many arteries can be found for organs, which?
- a. adrenales/suprarenales in Su/Car
- aa. renales dextra et sinistra
- aa. ovaricae / testiculares
- aa. lumbales
- a. mesenterica caudalis
- a. sacralis mediana: Absent In Eq
A. renalis dextra et sinistra origin depends on specie, what’s the specie differences?
What does it supply?
- In Eq: At the level of the a. mesenterica cranialis
- In Car, Su: Caudally to the a. abdominalis cranialis
- In Ru: Caudally to the a. mesenterica cranialis
Supply the kidneys
What’s the 2 branches of a. renalis dextra et sinistra
- What does they supply?
- Where do the originate/arise from?
o rr. adrenales caudales
- For adrenal glands
o r. uretericus cranialis
- For ureter
- A. renalis dextra generally arises from a. abdominals, cranially
- A. renalis sinistra generally arises from a. abdominals, caudally
What’s the further continuation of branches of, a. renalis dextra et sinistra in the kidney tissue?
- aa. interlobares
- aa. arcuate
- aa. interlobulares
- arteriolae glomerulares afferentes
- arteriolae glomerulares efferentes
- arteriolae rectae
aa. interlobares of a. renalis dextra et sinistra continuation
Inside of kidney tissue, between the lobi renales
aa. arcuate of a. renalis dextra et sinistra continuation
aa. interlobares continues on the border btw medulla and cortex where this artery can be found
aa. interlobulares of a. renalis dextra et sinistra continuation
Continuation of aa. Arcuate in cortex into the smaller part of the kidney tissue = aa. interlobulares
arteriolae glomerulares afferentes of a. renalis dextra et sinistra continuation
Inside the cortex renis of aa. Interlobulares
* Smallest part
arteriolae glomerulares efferentes of a. renalis dextra et sinistra continuation
Found in the corpusculum renale
arteriole rectae of a. renalis dextra et sinistra continuation
Found in the medulla renis
A. testicularis dextra et sinistra continues behind which artery and further into?
What’s it’s two parts?
- Continues behind origin of a.renalis sinistra et dextra and continues from ventrall wall of a. abdominalis into inguinal canal
2 branches;
- Pars recta
- Pars convoluta
The two parts of a. testicularis dextra et sinistra and it’s continuations
Pars recta;
- Inside abdoinal cavity and continues into inguinal canal
- It’s the straight part of a. testicularis
Pars convoluta;
- From continuation into inguinal canal and on testicles and epididymis
What’s the main artery for testicle and epididymis?
a. testicularis dextra et sinistra
Where and why is the a. testicularis further divided into 2 branches?
What do they supply?
From tunia albuginea for the epididymis.
- r. epididymalis cranialis: Supply caput and partly corpus epididymis
- r. epididymalis caudalis: Supply cauda epididymis
In which specie can the a. testicularis be doubled?
Only in Bull.
A. ovarica dextra et sinistra continuation and branches.
What does the branches supply?
- Continue after origin from ventral lateral surface of aorta abdominalis runs in
lig. latum uteri –> the ovarii
o r. tubarius - For tuba uterina and bursa ovarica
o r. uterinus (2) - For cornu uteri
a. ovarica dextra et sinistra has the same origin as which arteries?
As a. testicularis and a. renalis
Where does the aa. lumbales dextra et sinistra originate?
Which organs does it supply and with which branches?
Divsion and it’s branches is the same as which artery?
Dorsal wall of aorta abdominalis
Spinal cord with
- rr. spinales
Abdominal wall with
- rr. musculares
- rr. parietalis
Iliac area with
o rr. sublumbales
Division and it’s branches is the same as a.. intercostales dorsales
Nb of aa. lumbales is the same as the nb of lumbar vertebrae. This gives interspecie differences according to the different composition of vertebrae.
Describe the specie differences
In Ru and Sus a further branch arise and what does it supply?
• In Ru: They have 6 or 7 lumbar vertebrae
But 4 or 5 pairs are branches of aorta abdominalis
6th or 7th pair are branches from a. sacralis mediana
• In Bo: The 6th pair of Aa. lumbales are branches of a. sacralis mediana
- In Eq: 6 pairs of Aa lumbales, the last two are branches of a. iliaca interna
- In Car: 7 pairs, the last pair, 7th is abranch from a. iliaca interna
In Ru, SusFrom Aa. lumbales
o rr. phrenici
– For diaphragm; diaphragm pillars,
Which are the two main arteries for supplying the intestines?
a. mesenterica cranialis et caudalis
a. mesenterica caudalis supply?
Which branches does it have and their supply?
Generally supply only 2 parts: colon descendens, rectum
o a. colica sinistra
- Supply middle part of the colon descendens,
- Anastomoses with a. colica media which supply colon transversum
o a. rectalis cranialis
- Supply caudal part of the colon descendens and rectum
What’s the last branch of aorta abdominalis and it’s continuation?
Specie differences.
a. sacralis mediana
Continue on the ventral surface of sacral bone and on the ventral surface of the caudal vertebrae.
• In Ru, Su, Car
• In Eq: Present only sometimes
What’s the function of vena cava caudalis?
What is the continuation?
- Drains the blood from caudal part of body and enters into atrium dextrum of heart.
- From pelvic limb, pelvic cavity, abdominal cavity and enters into atrium dextrum.
Which part of cavites does v. cava caudalis enters and not enter, and why?
V. cava caudalis enters only into pelvic and abdominal cavity since thoracic part is without branches.
The branches of v. cava caudalis drains blood from where?
From paired organs of abdominal cavity
Which veins does the v. cava caudalis branches of into?
vv. phrenicae craniales
vv. heapticae
vv. phrenicae caudales
vv. abdominales craniales
vv. lumbales
vv. renales / adrenales
vv. ovaricae / testiculares
vv. phrenicae craniales drains blood from?
Drains blood from diaphragm
vv. heapticae drains blood from?
From the liver
vv. phrenicae caudales drains blood from?
Position and further enters into?
Drains blood from diaphragm pillars; dorsal part of diaphragm
Caudally to the liver.
Enters into v. cava caudalis from Foramen v. cava caudalis
vv. abdominales craniales in which species drains blood from abdominal muscle wall?
In Car, Su
vv. lumbales drains blood from where?
Drains blood from sub-lumbal muscels and abdominal wall
vv. renales, adrenales have some specie differences, what’s the different origination and branches?
• Right and left side
In Ru, Eq: On both left and right side enters the branch of adrenal gland r. adrenalis caudalis
In Car: Into vv. renales sinistra enters vv. testiculare sinistra in male.
In female into vv. renales sinistra enters vv. ovaricae sinistra
vv. ovaricae, testiculares can be found on right or left side?
What’s typical for Car in comparison to other species?
Both right and left side
In other animals beside Car, the blood continues directly from her to v. cava caudalis
What are the two imp venous systems?
Vena cava caudalis and vena portae
What’s the function of vena portae?
Drains blood from unpaired organ of abdominal cavity.
- From stomach, intestines, spleen, pancreas.
What’s the continuation of vena portae?
Is it paired or unpaired etc?
Continues from the unpaired organs liver!
• Enters into visceral surface by Porta hepatis of the liver.
Drains blood through the liver to v. hepaticae into v. cava caudalis
What part is responisble for the functional blood supply of the liver?
Vena portae
Which are the main veins enters into the liver?
• v. gastroduodenalis with it’s 3 branches;
- v. gastrica dextra
- v. gastroduodenalis dextra
- v. pancreatioduodenalis cranialis
• v. lienalis
• v. mesenterica cranialis
• v. mesenteria caudalis with it’s 2 branches
- v. colica media et sinistra
- v. rectalis cranialis