2. Aorta thoracica, Truncus brachiocephalicus, Vena cava cranialis Flashcards
What’s the 3 divisions of the aorta?
Aorta ascendens
Arcus aorta
Aorta descendens
Name features important imp or describing the aorta
- Biggest vessel of the body
- Leaves from left ventricle with oxygenated blood to the whole body and continues dorsally.
- Begins with Ostium aortae
- Closed/opened with Valva aortae with valvulae
What’s bulbus aortae?
Enlargement of aorta ascendens inside of the Pericardial sac
Describe the aorta ascendens
– Lies inside the Pericard, Pericardial sac.
Forms the Bulbus aortae which gives rise to a. coronaria dextra et sinistra.
Imp arteries for blood supplying of the heart
Describe the Arcus aorta, what is it?
– Continuation from Aorta ascendens to the level of the 6th vertebrae.
Typical rounded shape.
Which part of the aorta is divided into further branches?
Aorta descendens
- aorta thoracica
- aorta abdominalis
Describe the Aorta descendens
Runs from the 6th thoracic vertebra, through the diaphragm and into the abdominal cavity.
Which are the two branches of aorta descendens and where can they be found?
– Aorta thoracica: In thoracic cavity.
From 6th thoracic vertebrae. to hiatus aorticus in diaphragm
– Aorta abdominalis: Behind diaphragm
Which artery has it’s continuation from arcus aortae?
Truncus brachiocephalicus
In Car, Su: The independent a. subclavia sinistra
What are the branches of Truncus brachiocephalicus in Eq and Ru?
- a. subclavia sinistra
- truncus bicaroticus
- a. subclavia dextra
What are the branches of Truncus brachiocephalicus in Car and Sus?
- Truncus bicaroticus (Sus only) with it’s 2 branches;
- a. carotis communis dextra
- a. carotis communis sinistra
- a. carotis communis dextra
Car does not have Truncus bicaroticus . The branches originate directly from Truncus brachiocephalicus
- a. subclavia sinistra as an independent branch
What’s the branches of A. subclavia?
- Truncus costocervicalis
- a. vertebralis
- a. cervicalis superficialis
4 a. thoracic interna
- a. axillaris
(6. truncus thyrocervicalis)
- Only in Sus
What does the truncus costocervicalis supply and where is it situated?
It supply the muscles of the neck and thoracic vertebrae’s
Situated dorsally to subclavia
What does the a. vertebralis supply and where is it situated?
Supply brain, spinal cord, cerebellum with oxygenated blood
Runs into the canal of cervical vertebrae
Runs/situated dorsally to a. subclavia
Where is the a. cervicalis superficialis situated and supply?
Ventrally to the neck muscles
What does the a. thoracica interna supply and where is it situated?
Turns on 1st rib into thoracic cavity –> dorsal surface of sternum
Runs inside of thoracic cavity
What does the a. axillaris supply and where is it situated?
Supply thorax/ thoracic limb
Leaves thoracic cavity through the Apertura thoracica cranialis around the 1st rib and continues on the medial surface of the thoracic limb.
Origin around 1st rib on lateral margin
What is the main continuation of a. subclavia?
a. axillaris since it continues into the thoracic limb
What does the truncus thyrocervicalis supply and where is it situated?
Only in Sus!
Only on right side
A short common trunk, supplying Thyroid gland and cervical muscles
What’s the 1st branch of a. subclavia sinistra et dextra?
Truncus costocervicalis
What’s the branches of Truncus costocervicalis?
a. intercostalis suprema
a. scapularis dorsalis
a. cervicalis profunda
What’s the origin of Truncus costocervicalis and what is the continuation?
Origin: Btw 2nd and 3rd rib and branches continue dorsally
Continues beside trachea to the M. longus coli
a. intercostalis suprema, branch of Truncus costocervicalis supply which part and continuation?
- Supply only 1st intercostal spaces to 6th thoracic vertebrae
After 6th thoracic vertebrae, aorta thoracica supply
- Continues btw the ribs caudally and ventrally to the caput of the ribs.
a. intercostalis suprema is absent in which specie, species?
Absent in Car
a. scapularis dorsalis, branch of Truncus costocervicalis supply which part and continuation?
Continues into the area of the shoulder girdle = scapula
Supply the muscles of the withers.
a. cervicalis profunda branch of Truncus costocervicalis supply which part and continuation?
Supply and continues to the muscles of the neck
Dorsal surface, deep muscles of neck
What’s the branch/es of a. intercostalis suprema and specie differences?
What’s the continuation?
• aa. intercostales dorsales
Btw 1st ribs to 1st intercostal spaces dorsally. (= 6th thoracic vertebrae)
o Interspecie differences: – Ru: Continues btw I – II intercostal space – Eq: II-V intercostal space – Sus: III-IV intercostal space – Fe: II – III intercostal space
- In Ca: a. intercostalis suprema absent.
• a. vertebralis thoracica instead in Car which has branches aa. Intercostales dorsalis II, III
The continuation of a. scapularis dorsalis differs in species.
After supplying muscles of withers it continues dorsally, but cranially to a. interocostalis suprema….
In Ru, Car: Continues in front of the 1st rib to the withers
In Eq, Su: Through the 1st intercostal spaces
- In Eq; a. scapularis dorsalis can also be called a. scapularis descendens
- In Su: Can be an independent branch of a. subclavia instead of Truncus costocervicalis
Branches of a. cervicalis profunda?
Which artery is it a branch of?
- r. ascendens
- r. transversus
A branch of Truncus costocervicalis
a. vertebralis is generally the branch of a. subclavia but can sometimes differ depending on specie, what’s the differences?
In Car: The branch of a. subclavia always.
In Ru, Sus: Can be the branch of Truncus costocervicalis
In Eq: Sometimes the branch of a. cervicalis profunda
What’s the branches of a. vertebralis and why are they so imp?
rr. spinales
Imp for blood supply of spinal cord and brain
Describe the formation of a. basilaris in Car, Sus, Eq and Bo
From it’s origin a. vertebralis continues through Apertura thoracic cranialis into canalis transversarius of foramen vertebrale laterale, of the cervical vertebrae.
From the canalis vertebralis to the atlas.
A. sinistra et dextra continues into Foramen vertebrale laterale atlantis by fusion, to the canalis vertebralis and forms: a. basilaris
In many cases the a. basilaris anastomoses with a. occipitalis in area of the atlas
Which artery does the a. basilaris anastomoses with and where?
In all species?
Anastomoses together with a. occipitalis around the atlas
Which artery does a. vertebralis join and enter into the net of vessels?
- What’s the net of vessels called?
- Which arteries supply it and which part of body?
a. vertebralis enters together with a. condylaris into the net of vessles.
1. Rete mirabile epidurale caudale
2. Supplied by a. vertebralis and a. condylaris with blood.
- Supply caudal part of the brain
What’s the continuation of a. cervicalis superficialis?
Continues BESIDE M. scalenus, on the later surface of the v. jugulris, of sulcus jugularis of trachea.
However in Ru: UNDER M. subclavius
What’s the branches of a. cervicalis superficialis and what are they branching to generally?
4 branches:
- r. deltoides
- r. ascendens
- r. prescapularis
- r. suprascapularis
Branches for the muscles on the ventral side of neck or in front of scapula
What does r. deltoideus supply?
- Supply M. pectoralis descendens
- Btw M. brachiocephalicus and M. pectoralis descendens
What does r. ascendens supply?
- Main continuation of a. cervicalis superficialis
- Supply M. trapezius cervicis and lymphonodi cervicales superficiales
What does r. prescapularis supply?
Supply muscles in front of the scapula, prescapular area
What does r. suprascapularis supply?
Supply muscles of lateral surface of scapula
Which angle does the continuation of a. cervicalis superficialis has?
Ventrally continuation from a. subclavia
Where does a. thoracica interna arise from?
Arises from a. subclavia, medial to the 1st rib
What’s the continuation of a. thoracica interna?
“Which path does it go”
Curves caudoventrally and passes between sternum and M. transversus thoracis, then through the diaphragm to the abdominal cavity
a. thoracica interna supply what?
Supply diaphragm, pericard, muscles of thoracic wall and structures within the thoracic cavity
Which are the branches of a. thoracica interna and what do they supply?
o rr. thymici
Supply Thymus in young animals
o rr. mediastinales
- Essentially to Mediastinum craniale
o rr. perforantes
- Supply ventral wall of the thorax
- Together with rr. sternales supply the Sternum/sternebrae
o rr. intercostales ventrales
- Supply intercostal spaces from sternum ventrally
- Supplies ventral part of the lateral wall of the thorax
o rr.mammarii
- In Car, Sus!
- Supply cranial part of the mammary gland.
o a. pericardiacophrenica
- Supplies Diaphragm and Pericard
o a. musculophrenica
- Supply Diaphragm
o a. epigastrica cranialis
Which artery does rr. intercostales ventrales anastomose with and where ?
- Anastomoses with aa. intercostales dorsales of aorta thoracica
- Along caudal border of each rib, dorsally.
rr. mammarii can be found in which animals?
What’s typical for the rami in these animals?
In Car and Sus
- That it can only be found on ventral side of thorax
a. pericardiacophrenica runs along with 2 other vessels for it’s ability to supply the specific organs, which?
- Runs with N. phrenicus sinister, on left side to Pericardium
- Runs with v. cava caudalis, on right side to the diaphragm
Supply Diaphragm and Pericard
a. musculophrenico is branch to which artery and what’s it’s situation?
Caudal branch of a. thoracica interna in front of Diaphragm
What’s the main continuation of a. thoracica interna and where does it branch off?
Main continuation is a. epigastrica cranialis.
Branches of in ventral abdominal wall
a. thoracica interna will change it’s name according to it’s continuation.
- Where does the continuation takes place?
- What’s the name of the contination?
Continuation of a. thoracica interna behind diaphragm, inside of abdominal cavity = a. epigastrica cranialis
What’s the main artery of thoracic limb medially
a. axillaris
Main continuation of a. subclavia is?
a. axillaris
What’s the origin of a. axillaris?
Level of cranial border of 1st rib
What’s typical for Truncus thyrocervicalis?
Only occurs in Sus
Only situated on the right side, aka on a. subclavia dextra
What’s the branches of Truncus thyrocervicalis and what do they supply?
a. thyroidea caudalis dextra
- Supply caudal part of thyroid gland
a. cervicalis superficialis dextra
- Supply ventral muscles of neck but only on right side!
On the left side there’s the independent a. cervicalis superficialis sinistra, aka of a. subclavia sinistra
Which arteries can be found between the ribs in intercostal space?
What does they supply?
aa. intercostales dorsales
Supply muscles of thoracic wall
- Exact origin can differ but paired arteries.
What’s the branches of aa. intercostales dorsales?
What’s their continuation and what do they supply?
r. dorsalis
- Continues into dorsal muscles and thoracic vertebrae
r. spinalis
- Continues into canalis vertebralis
- Supply spinal cord
rr. cutanei
- For the skin
- More or less everywhere?
rr. phrenici
- Continuation from the last aa. intercostales dorsales
- Vessels for diaphragm
How do you know the amount of aa. intercostales dorsales
Since the aa. intercostales dorsales corresponds to the nb of intercostal spaces there is.
The space between 2 ribs.
So depends on how many ribs the animal has.