Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Name, CNS origin, and distribution CN I
Olfactory mucosa of nose
Name, CNS origin, and distribution CN II
Retina of eye
Name, CNS origin, and distribution CN III
Intraocular and 4 extra-ocular muscles
Name, CNS origin, and distribution CN IV
Superior Oblique extra-ocular M.
Name, CNS origin, and distribution CN V
Derivatives of 1st pharyngeal arch
Name, CNS origin, and distribution CN VI
Pontine Medullary Jxn
Lateral Rectus M. of the eye
Name, CNS origin, and distribution CN VII
Pontine Medullary Jxn
Derivatives of 2nd Pharyngeal Arch
Name, CNS origin, and distribution CN VIII
Pontine Medullary Jxn
Internal ear
Name, CNS origin, and distribution CN IX
Derivatives of 3rd pharyngeal arch
Name, CNS origin, and distribution CN X
Derivatives of the 4th pharyngeal arch
Name, CNS origin, and distribution CN XI
Spinal Accessory
Superior Spinal Cord
Superficial layer of neck
Name, CNS origin, and distribution CN XII
Muscles of tongue
What CNs do the general somatic efferent fibers travel within? What do they innervate?
CN 3, 4, 6, 12
Somatic muscle
What CNs do the general visceral effernt fibers travel within?
Parasympathetic of CN 3, 7, 9, 10
Autonomics to smooth and cardiac muscle and glands
What CNs do the fibers of the branchial or special visceral efferents travel in?
CN 5, 7, 9, 10
Muscles derived from teh pharyngeal arches
What do the general somatic afferrent fibers innervate? From what embryological layer?
Sensation to skin, joint capsule, tendon, muscle
Ectoderm/Ectoderm-adjacent mesoderm
What do the general visceral afferent nerve fibers innervate? From what embryological layer?
Sensory of visceral structures (organs)
Endoderm/Endoderm-adjacent mesoderm
What CNs do the special somatic afferent fibers run with? What do they control?
CN 8 - hearing
CN 2 - Sight
What CNs do the special visceral afferents run with? What do they control?
CN 7, 9 10 - taste
CN 1 - Smell
Where is CN1 located? Where does it synapse onto?
Olfactory organ through cribiform plate to synapse onto Olfactory bulb
What is Halo sign?
Blood separation from nasal drainage which suggests CSF rhinorrhea/disruption of meninges
Compression of the optic chiasm by a pituitary tumor or an aneurysm in the internal carotid A. can result in what?
Bitemporal hemianopsia (lateral vision loss)
What visual acuity tests are done after a head injury?
Light and dark
Finger counting
What are the graded tests of visual acuity?
Light and dark
Finger counting
Snellen’s test
Visual field test
Peripheral vision
What are the afferent and efferent nerves involved in the pupillary light reflex?
Afferent - CN2/Optic
Efferent - CN3/Oculomotor
What are the afferent and efferent nerves involved in the blink reflex (when object is coming at eye)?
Afferent - CN2/Optic
Efferent: CN7/Facial N.
What is the general tract of CNII from the brain?
- Optic nerve fibers arise from ganglion cells in retina
- Exit orbit via optic canal into middle cranial fossa
- Synapse onto lateral geniculate bodies of thalamus
What is the general tract of CNIII from the brain?
- Exits midbrain through dura lateral to diaphragma sellae
- Runs in lateral wall of cavernous sinus
- Enters through superior orbital fissure into orbit
What is the only nerve that exits on the dorsal surface of the brainstem?
Trochlear (CN IV)
What muscles does CN III provide parasympathetic innervation to?
Pupil and ciliary M.
What is the general tract of CN IV?
- Exit dorsal surface of midbrain and pierce dura mater at margin of entorium cerebelli
- Run in lateral wall of cavernous sinus
- Enters orbit via superior orbital fissure
What does CN VI provide motor innervation to?
Lateral Rectus M.
What is the general tract of CN VI?
- Emerge from brainstem at pontine-medullary jxn
- Traverse pontine cistern and pierce dura covering the clivus
- Run in cavernous sinus near Internal Carotid A.
- Enters orbit via superior orbital fissure
What muscles are involved in looking superolaterally? What CNs involved?
Superior Rectus
Inferior Oblique
What muscles are involved in looking inferolaterally? What CNs?
Inferior Rectus CN III
Superior Oblique CN IV
What muscles involved in looking to the side? What CNs?
Lateral Rectus CN IV
Medial Rectus CN III
What are the 3 parts of accomodation of the eye?
Adjust lens thickness
Pupillary constriction
What CN is involved in closing the eye?
CN VII - Facial N.
What presents first if CN III is compressed by an aneurysm?
Problems with parasympathetic division
Horner’s syndrome sx
What is the tract of the CN V1 division?
Trigeminal cave => Cavernous sinus => Superior orbital fissure => orbit
What opening does the CN V2 Maxillary exit from?
Foramen rotundum
What opening does the CN V3 Mandibular exit from?
Foramen Ovale
What does CN V1 provide sensation to?
Sensation to cornea, skin of forehead and scalp, upper eyelid, the bridge to the point of nose, and nasal cavity
What does CN V2 provide sensation to?
Skin of face, lower eyelid, cheek, upper lip, maxillary teeth, mucosa of nose, maxillary sinus
What does CN V3 provide sensation to?
Anterior 2/3 of the tongue
Skin of mandible, lower lip, mandibular teeth, TMJ joint, part of oral mucosa
What does CN V3 provide motor innervation to?
Muscles of mastication: Temporalis M. and Masseter M.
What are the afferent and efferent nerves of the corneal reflex?
Afferent: Trigeminal N. CN V1
Motor: Facial N. CN VII
Exacerbation of trigeminal neuralgia can cause what symptoms to appear?
Intense, spasmotic pain to the face, causing tics (tic douloureux)
Can be initiated by touching the face/triggers
What is the general tract of CN VII?
- Emerges from the pontine-medullary jxn
- Cross posterior cranial fossa to exit skull via internal acoustic meatus
- Run in facial canal and exit via stylomastoid foramen
- Pass through the parotid gland
What CN is affected in Bell’s Palsy? What occurs as a result?
Inability to use facial muscles
What is the general tract of CN VIII?
- Enter skull via interal acoustic meatus
- Enter brainstem on pontine-medullary jxn
- Vestibular - innervate utricle and saccule, cochlear innervates cochlea
What is a positive Romberg’s sign? What CN is it testing?
Pt sways when they put their feet together, arms out, and close their eyes
What CN does the past pointing test check?
Nystagmus is a postive test of what CN?
What are the Weber-Rinne results for conduction deafness?
Rinne - BC > AC
Weber - Sound lateralizes to bad ear
What CN does the Weber-Rinne test check? What division?
CN VIII, cochlear division
What is an acoustic neuroma?
Benign tumor in CN VIII, usually within internal acoustic meatus
If CN VIII is cut, what division is affected?
Cochlear - pt becomes deaf but vestibular system is unaffected
What is the general tract of CN IX?
- Emerges from medulla
- Exit cranium through jugular foramen
- Pass b/w superior and middle pharyngeal constrictors
- Enter oral cavity
What are the sx of glossopharyngeal neuralgia?
Intense pain with eating and swallowing
What is the genera tract of CN X?
- Emerges from medulla
- Exit cranium through jugular foramen
Which direction does the uvula deviate if there is a lesion on CN X?
Away from the side of the lesion
What is the general tract of CN XI?
- Emerges from the spinal cord
- Enters cranium through foramen magnum
- Exit skull through jugular foramen
What CNs are affected if there is a tumor obstructing the jugular foramen?
CN IX, X, and XI
What is the general tract of CN XII?
- Emerges from the medulla
- Exits skull via hypoglossal canal
- Travels with cervical plexus
- Cross occipital A.
- Enter oral cavity
What direction will the tongue deviate if there is a lesion of the hypoglossal nerve on one side?
Towards the lesion
May atrophy
What cranial nuclei reside in the midbrain?
Nucleus of Oculomotor N.
Nucleus of trochlear N.
What nerves arise from Nucleus Ambiguus?
What nucleus do the parasympathetic fibers of CN VII travel with?
Superior salivatory nucleus
What nucleus do the parasympathetic fibers of CN IX arise from?
Inferior Salivatory nucleus
What cranial nuclei reside in the pons?
What cranial nuclei reside in the medulla?
CN IX, X, and XII