Counseling and Helping Relationships (2/6) Flashcards
Rapid fire info on counseling theories
Psychoanalytic therapy
Basic philosophy
humans are determined by psychic energy and by early experiences
Psychoanalytic therapy
Basic philosophy
unconscious motives and conflicts are central in present behavior
Psychoanalytic therapy
Basic philosophy
early development is of critical importance because later personality problems have their roots in repressed childhood conflicts
Psychoanalytic therapy
Key concepts
normal personality development is based on successful resolution and integration of psychosexual development
Psychoanalytic therapy
Key concepts
faulty personality development is the result of inadequate resolution of some specific stage
anxiety is a result of repression of basic conflicts
Psychoanalytic therapy
Key concepts
unconscious processes are centrally related to current behavior
Adlerian therapy
Basic philosophy
humas are motivated by:
- social interest
- striving toward goals
- inferiority and superiority
- dealing with tasks of life
eros: life instinct
Thanatos: death instinct
Adlerian therapy
Basic philosophy
emphasis is on the individual’s positive capacities to live in society cooperatively
Adlerian therapy
Basic philosophy
people have capacity to interpret, influence, create events
Adlerian therapy
Basic philosophy
each person at an early age creates a unique style of life, which tends to remain relatively constant throughout life
Adlerian therapy
Key concepts
- unity of personality
- need to view people from their subjective perspective
- importance of life goals that give direction to behavior
Adlerian therapy
Key concepts
people are motivated by social interest and by finding goals to give life meaning
Adlerian therapy
Key concepts
- striving for significance and superiority
- developing unique lifestyle
- understanding family constellation
Adlerian therapy
Key concepts
therapy is a matter of providing encouragement and assisting clients in changing their cognitive perspective and behavior
Existential therapy
Basic philosophy
central focus is the nature of the human condition, which includes:
- a capacity for self-awareness
- freedom of choice to decide one’s fate
- responsibility
- anxiety
- search for meaning
- being alone and being in relation with others
- striving for authenticity
- facing living and dying
Existential therapy
Key concepts
essentially an experiential approach to counseling rather than a firm theoretical model
Existential therapy
Key concepts
stresses core human conditions
Existential therapy
Key concepts
interest is on the present and on what one is becoming
Existential therapy
Key concepts
approach is future oriented and stresses self-awareness before action
Person-Centered Therapy
Basic philosophy
positive view of people; we have an inclination toward becoming fully functioning
Person-Centered Therapy
Basic philosophy
in therapeutic relationship, the client experiences feelings that were previously denied to awareness
Person-Centered Therapy
Basic philosophy
the client moves toward increased awareness, spontaneity, trust in self, inner-directedness
Person-Centered Therapy
Key concepts
the client has the potential to become aware of problems and the means to resolve them
faith is placed in the client’s capacity for self-direction
Person-Centered Therapy
Key concepts
mental health is a conguence of ideal self and real self
Person-Centered Therapy
Key concepts
maladjustment is the result of a discrepancy between what one wants to be and what one is
Person-Centered Therapy
Key concepts
in therapy, attention is given to the present moment and on experiencing and expressing feelings
Gestalt therapy
Basic philosophy
the person strives for wholeness and integration of thinking, feeling, behaving
Gestalt therapy
Basic philosophy
key concepts:
- contact with self/others
- contact boundaries
- awareness
Gestalt therapy
Basic philosophy
nondeterministic - the person is viewed as having the capacity to recognize how early influences are related to present difficulties
Gestalt therapy
Basic philosophy
experiential approach - grounded in here and now and emphasizes awareness, personal choice, responsibility
Gestalt therapy
Key concepts
emphasis on the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of experiencing in the here and now to help clients accept all aspects of themselves
Gestalt therapy
Key concepts
- holism
- figure-formation process
- awareness
- unfinished business
- avoidance
- contact
- energy
Behavior therapy
Basic philosophy
behavior is the product of learning
Behavior therapy
Basic philosophy
we are both the product and the producer of the environment
Behavior therapy
Basic philosophy
traditional behavior therapy is based on classical/operant conditioning
Behavior therapy
Basic philosophy
contemporary behavior therapy has branched out in many directions, including mindfulness and acceptance approaches
Behavior therapy
Key concepts
- overt behavior
- precision in specifying goals of treatment
- development of specific treatment plans
- objective evaluation of therapy outcomes
Behavior therapy
Key concepts
present behavior is given attention
Behavior therapy
Key concepts
therapy is based on principles of learning theory
Behavior therapy
Key concepts
normal behavior is learned through reinforcement and imitation
Behavior therapy
Key concepts
abnormal behavior is result of faulty learning
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Basic philosophy
individuals tend to incorporate faulty thinking, which leads to emotional and behavioral disturbances
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Basic philosophy
cognitions are the major determinants of how we feel and act
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Basic philosophy
therapy is primarily oriented toward cognition and behavior, and it stresses the role of thinking, deciding, questioning, doing, redeciding
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Basic philosophy
psychoeducational model, emphasizing therapy as a learning process, including acquiring/practicing new skills, learning new ways of thinking, acquiring more effective ways of coping with problems
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Key concepts
although psychological problems may be rooted in childhood, they are reinforced by present ways of thinking
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Key concepts
a person’s belief system and thinking is the primary cause of disorders
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Key concepts
internal dialogue plays a central role in one’s behavior
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Key concepts
clients focus on examining faulty assumptions and misconceptions and on replacing these with effective beliefs
Choice Theory/Reality Therapy
Basic philosophy
based on choice theory, assumes that we need quality relationships to be happy
Choice Theory/Reality Therapy
Basic philosophy
psychological problems are the result of our resisting the control by others or of our attempt to control others
Choice Theory/Reality Therapy
Basic philosophy
choice theory is an explanation of human nature and to best achieve satisfying interpersonal relationships
Choice Theory/Reality Therapy
Key concepts
the basic focus is on what clients are doing and how to get them to evaluate whether their present actions are working for them
Choice Theory/Reality Therapy
Key concepts
people are mainly motivated to satisfy their needs, especially the need for significant relationships
Choice Theory/Reality Therapy
Key concepts
the approach rejects the medical model, concept of transference, unconscious, dwelling on one’s past
Feminist Therapy
Basic philosophy
feminists criticize many traditional theories to the degree that they are based on gender-biased concepts, such as being androcentric, gendercentric, ethnocentrist, heterosexist, intrapsychic
Feminist Therapy
Basic philosophy
constructs include:
- being gender fair
- flexible
- interactionist
- life-span oriented
Feminist Therapy
Basic philosophy
gender and power are important concepts
Feminist Therapy
Basic philosophy
systems approach that recognizes the cultural, social, political factors that contribute to a person’s problems
Feminist Therapy
Key concepts
- the personal is political
- therapists have a commitment to social change
- women’s voices and ways of knowing are valued and women’s experiences are honored
- the counseling relationship is egalitarian
- therapy focuses on strengths and a reformulated definition of psychological distress
- all types of oppression are recognized
Postmodern Approaches
Basic philosophy
based on the premise that there are multiple realities and multiple truths, it rejects the idea that reality is external and can be grasped
Postmodern Approaches
Basic philosophy
people create meaning in their lives through conversations with others
Postmodern Approaches
Basic philosophy
- avoids pathologizing clients
- takes a dim view of diagnosis
- avoid searching for underlying causes of problems
- ## place a high value on discovering clients’ strengths and resources
Postmodern Approaches
Basic philosophy
rather than talking about problems, focus is on creating solutions in the present and future
Postmodern Approaches
Key concepts
therapy tends to be brief and addresses the present and the future
Postmodern Approaches
Key concepts
the person is not the problem; the problem is the problem
Postmodern Approaches
Key concepts
emphasis is on externalizing the problem and looking for exceptions to the problem
Postmodern Approaches
Key concepts
therapy consists of a collaborative dialogue in which the therapist and the client co-create solutions
Postmodern Approaches
Key concepts
by identifying instances when the problem did not exist, clients can create new meanings for themselves and fashion a new life story
Family Systems Therapy
Basic philosophy
family is viewed from a systematic and interactive perspective
Family Systems Therapy
Basic philosophy
clients are connected to a living system; a change in one part of the system will result in a change in other parts
Family Systems Therapy
Basic philosophy
family provides the context for understanding how individuals function in relationship to others and how they behave
Family Systems Therapy
Basic philosophy
treatment deals with the family unit
Family Systems Therapy
Basic philosophy
an individual’s dysfunctional behavior grows out of the interactional unit of the family and out of larger systems as well
Family Systems Therapy
Key concepts
focus is on communication patterns within a family - both verbal and nonverbal
Family Systems Therapy
Key concepts
problems in relationships are likely to be passed on from generation to generation
Family Systems Therapy
Key concepts
Key concepts vary depending on specific orientation but include:
- differentiation
- triangles
- power coalitions
- family-of-origin dynamics
- functional vs. dysfunctional interaction patterns
- dealing with the here-and-now interactions
Family Systems Therapy
Key concepts
the present is more important than exploring past experiences