Core Vocabulary Course Theme 8 (Urbanisation and City Life) Flashcards
To be on a tight budget:
if you are on a tight budget, you do not have much money to spend.
مشكل بودجه داشتن
When the government is on a tight budget, the homeless population becomes large.
وقتي دولت مشكل بودجه دارد، جمعيت بي خانمان ها زياد مي شود.
Because of the general economic climate, many people were on a tight budget.
به دليل مشكل وضعيت اقتصادي عموم، بسياري از مردم با مشكل روبرو شدند
نكته: عبارت
economic climate
را مي توانيد در حالت رسمي تر به جاي
economic conditions
به معني “شرايط اقتصادي” بكار ببريد
The private sector:
the industries and services in a country that are owned and run by
private companies, and not by the government
بخش خصوصي
The Private sector releases the government from the burden of funding large-sized construction programmes.
بخش خصوصي بار سنگين سرمايه گذاري برروي برنامه هاي ساختماني در ابعاد بزرگ را از دوش دولت برمي
Pay increases in the private sector
افزايش هاي حقوق در بخش خصوصي
At the mercy of somebody/something:
unable to do anything to protect yourself from
someone or something.
تحت كنترل چيزي بودن و از خود كنترل نداشتن
The housing industry should be at the mercy of the market, rather than the government.
صنعت ساختمان سازي بايد تحت كنترل بازار باشد، نه دولت.
After the boat’s motor failed, they were at the mercy of the weather.
پس از خرابي موتور قايق، آنها تحت كنترل هوا بودند
the way a city looks, or the way it looks from a particular place
ظاهر شهر
When the state controls over the housing market, residential constructions would be built in a similar pattern and the cityscape would be monotonous.
وقتي دولت بازار ساخت و سازهاي شهري را كنترل مي كند، ساختماني هاي مسكوني به يك شكل مشابه ساخته مي شوند و ظاهر شهر يكنواخت خواهد شد.
At night the cityscape is stunning.
ظاهر شهر شبها بسيار زيبا مي شود
نكته: به جاي government
مي توانيد براي تنوع از
stateهم استفاده كنيد.
the houses or conditions that people live in
In addressing homelessness and inadequate housing, the joint effort of both government and
private sector is required.
در برطرف كردن مشكل بي خانماني و كمبود مسكن، تلاش مشترك دولت و بخش خصوصي لازم است.
A scheme to provide affordable housing for local people.
طرحي براي فراهم كردن مسكن ارزان قيمت براي مردم محلي
The housing/property etc market:
the total amount of trade in selling and buying houses.
بازار مسكن
Government assistance in property market is essential for low-income families and vulnerable
individuals in need of housing.
كمك دولت در بازار مسكن براي خانواده هاي كم درآمد و افراد آسيب پذيري كه نياز به مسكن دارند لازم است.
Investors in the property market are worried about rising inflation.
سرمايه گذاران در بازار مسكن نگران تورم روبه افزايش هستند
Pedestrian precinct:
an area of a town where people can walk and shop, and where cars are not allowed
منطقه عابرين پياده
Most cities now have pedestrian precincts and cars have been temporarily banned from the center to reduce pollution.
بيشتر شهرها در حال حاضر مناطق عابرپياده دارند و ماشين ها به صورت هميشگي از مركز شهر قدغن شده اند.
I think they should make the whole area a pedestrian precinct.
من فكر مي كنم آنها بايد كل منطقه را يك منطقه عابر پياده كنند
Prohibit somebody from doing something
to say that an action is illegal or not allowed
كسي را از انجام كاري قدغن كردن
They are prohibited from revealing details about the candidates.
آنها از آشكار كردن جزئيات كانديداها منع شدند.
Pollution from car exhausts is the most important reason for prohibiting private motor vehicles
from entering the city centre.
آلودگي از اگزوز ماشين مهمترين دليل براي منع ماشين هاي شخصي از ورود به مركز شهر است
Ban somebody from doing something (Banned/Banning):
to say that something must not be done, seen, used etc
كسي را از انجام كاري قدغن كردن
Cars should be banned from city centers to reduce the noise pollution from traffic, which forces
people to keep their windows permanently closed.
ماشين ها بايد براي كاهش آلودگي صوتي ناشي از ترافيك، كه افراد از وادار مي كند پنجره هاي خود را دائماً بسته
نگاه دارند، از ورود به مركز شهر قدغن شوند.
Charlie’s been banned from driving for a year.
چارلي به مدت يك سال از رانندگي منع شد
strong-smelling gas or smoke that is unpleasant to breathe in.
Beautiful buildings are spoilt by car parks and pretty streets become unpleasant due to
permanent traffic congestion and exhaust fumes.
ساختمان هاي جديد به خاطر پاركينگ هاي ماشين زشت شده اند و خيابان هاي زيبا نيز به خاطر ترافيك و دود دائمي اگزوز ماشين ها نازيبا شده اند.
Some scientists are concerned about long-term exposure to car exhaust fumes.
برخي دانشمندان نگران در معرض طولاني قرار گرفتن در برابر دود اگزوز هستند
نكته: توجه داشته باشيد كه اين كلمه هميشه بصورت جمع استفاده مي شود
an action, especially an official one, that is intended to deal with a particular problem
Measures should be taken to reduce the amount of noise in our daily lives.
راهكارهايي بايد براي كاهش ميزان نويز در زندگي روزمره ما پياده سازي شود.
Measures are being taken to reduce crime in the city.
براي كاهش جرم در شهرها بايد راهكارهايي اجرا شود
نكته: همانطوريكه مي بينيد فعل مورد استفاده براي اين كلمه
يعني: Take measures
Residential area:
a part of a town consists of private houses, with no offices or factories
منطقه مسكوني
Local authorities ought to consider imposing strict speed limits in residential areas.
مسئولين محلي بايد محدوديت هايي براي سرعت در مناطق مسكوني درنظر بگيرند.
The museum is about 6 blocks from downtown in a quiet residential area.
موزه تقريباً 6چهارراه از مركز شهر فاصله داشته و در يك منطقه مسكوني قرار دارد
a large area that is different from other areas around it in some way.
If you enter the traffic zone, you have to pay the standard charge.
اگر شما به محدوده ترافيكي وارد شويد، بايد هزينه استانداردي را پرداخت كنيد.
San Francisco and Tokyo are both located in earthquake zones.
سانفرانسيسكو و توكيو هردو در محدوده هاي زلزله اي قرار گرفته اند
an official plan that is intended to help people in some way, for example by
providing education or training
The congestion scheme is policed by cameras which photograph all cars entering the area.
طرح ترافيك بوسيله دوربين هايي كه از تمام ماشين هاي وارد شونده به اين منطقه عكس مي گيرند، كنترل مي
The money will be used for teacher training schemes.
از اين پول براي طرح هاي آموزش به مدرسين استفاده مي شود
to improve something and make it more modern, especially in order to provide a better service
بهبود بخشيدن، مدرن كردن
Some of the money from the congestion charging scheme is used to upgrade public transport.
قسمتي از پول طرح ترافيكي براي بهبود حمل و نقل عمومي صرف مي شود.
The hotel has recently been refurbished and upgraded.
هتل اخيراً بازسازي و مدرن شده است