Core Vocabulary Course Theme 7 (Foreign Languages and Travel) Flashcards
the process of making something such as a business operate in a lot of
different countries all around the world, or the result of this.
جهاني سازي
Globalization is a catch-all term that refers to any activity that involves many countries.
جهاني سازي يك عبارت فراگير است كه به هرفعاليتي كه بسياري از كشورها را درگير مي كند اطلاق مي شود.
The increasing globalization of business makes cross-cultural skills mandatory.
جهاني سازي روبه افزايش تجارت، وجود مهارت هاي چندفرهنگي را ضروري مي سازد
يعني چندفرهنگيmulticultural ياcross-cultural :نكته
involving more than one country or existing in more than one country.
The dramatic increase in transnational travel in recent years has had potential impacts on countries.
افزايش چشمگير در مسافرت هاي چندمليتي در سالهاي اخير تاثيرات بالقوه اي برروي كشورها داشته است.
Due to transnational industrialization the export capacity of both countries increased.
به خاطر صنعتي شدن چندمليتي، ظرفيت صادرات دو كشور افزايش يافت
mutual feelings such as respect, trust, or hatred are feelings that two or more
people have for each other
Nations can live together with mutual trust.
ملت ها به وسيله يك اعتماد متقابل مي توانند با يكديگر زندگي كنند.
Mutual respect is necessary for any partnership to work.
احترام متقابل براي مشاركت در كار مهم است
one of the people who live in a particular place.
International travels would never bring conflict because visitors and local inhabitants are
economically motivated.
مسافرت هاي بين المللي باعث تنش نمي شوند زيرا ويزيتورها و ساكنين محلي از نظر اقتصادي انگيزه پيدا ميكنند.
a city of six million inhabitants
شهري با شش ميليون ساكن
نكته: به تفاوت اين كلمات دقت كنيد
نكته: به تفاوت اين كلمات دقت كنيد:
يك شهر، كشور يا يك منطقه، افرادي هستند كه در آنجا زندگي مي كنند.
local inhabitants/local residents/local population
(و يا به صورت غيررسميlocals)
به افرادي كه در يك شهر يا روستا زندگي مي كنند اطلاق مي شود.
كلمه اي است كه به جمعيت افرادي كه در يك منطقه، شهر يا كشور خاص زندگي مي كنند اطلاق
مي شود.
Just ten years ago the town had only 12,000 inhabitants.
The local residents are against the motorway proposal.
Half the world’s population doesn’t have enough to eat.
Win over someone:
to get someone’s support or friendship by persuading them or being
nice to them
پشتيباني كسي را كسب كردن
Foreigners should learn the culture of a country before winning over the local people.
خارجيان بايد فرهنگ يك كشور را بياموزند تا بتوانند پشتيباني مردم محلي آنجا را داشته باشند.
We’ll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters.
ما ده روز آينده سخت كار خواهيم كرد تا پشتيباني راي دهندگاني كه هنوز تصميم خود را نگرفته اند كسب كنيم
official connections between countries, companies, organizations etc
Relations between the two countries have improved recently.
ارتباطات بين دو كشور اخيراً بهبود يافته است
Relations between workers and management are generally good.
ارتباطات بين كاركنان و مديريت به صورت كلي خوب است
نكته: به تفاوت اين كلمات دقت كنيد:
(1) :Relation ارتباط بين يك شخص با چيز يا كس ديگر) (2افراد خانواده (به اين معني با relativeمترادف است)
We’ve been studying the relation between gender and income.
She took me back home to meet all her friends and relations.
رفتار يا احساس بين دو شخص، گروه يا كشور
What kind of relationship did you have with your father?
Successful companies know the importance of establishing good relationships with their
) Relationsهميشه به صورت جمع(
ارتباط يا رفتار متقابل رسمي بين دو گروه يا دو كشور
Relations between the two countries have steadily deteriorated in recent years.
The police are making great efforts to improve relations with the public.
. Conventions
: behaviour and attitudes that most people in a society consider to be normal
and right
عرف، آداب و رسوم
Visitors disobey rules and conventions simply because they have no knowledge of them.
بازديدكنندگان از قوانين و آداب فقط به اين خاطر سرپيچي مي كنند كه هيچ آگاهي از آنها ندارند
if a problem, conflict or difficult situation arises, it begins to happen
ناشي شدن، رخ دادن
The increase in the international travel should not be taken as the cause of any conflict that arises between two countries.
افزايش مسافرت هاي بين المللي نبايد به عنوان دليل تنش بوجود آمده بين دو كشور تلقي شود.
They agreed to avoid conflicts arising from involvement in political groups.
آنها توافق كردند تا از تنش بوجود آمده از دخالت در گروه هاي سياسي جلوگيري كنند
نكته: توجه داشته باشيد كه فعل ariseلازم است و مجهول نمي شود. پس ننويسيم:
(WRONG)These problems have been arised as a result of overpopulation.
»> These problems have arisen as a result of overpopulation.
Demise of:
the end of something that used to exist.
مرگ…، از بين رفتن…
There is a widespread worry that we will have a demise of countries’ identities.
نگراني گسترده اي وجود دارد كه ما مرگ هويت كشورها را خواهيم ديد.
The imminent demise (=happening soon) of the local newspaper.
از بين رفتن زودهنگام روزنامه محلي
to produce a result, answer, or piece of information.
نتيجه دادن
Culture can distinguish one country from others, attracting foreign visitors and yielding high
فرهنگ مي تواند يك كشور را از كشورهاي ديگر متمايز كند، ويزيتورهاي خارجي را جذب كرده و درآمد بالايي را نتيجه دهد
Our research has only recently begun to yield important results.
تحقيق ما تازه شروع شده تا نتايج مهمي را نتيجه دهد
. Time-honoured + noun:
a time-honoured method or custom is one that has existed for a
long time.
يك روش يا سنت قديمي
Now people are breaking many of their time-honoured traditions.
امروزه افراد در حال شكستن بسياري از سنت هاي قديمي خود هستند.
نكته: از اين عبارت مي توانيد به جاي Oldاستفاده كنيد
to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective.
كم كم از بين بردن
Increased interaction between countries in the domains of business and culture can either
strengthen or undermine the identities of countries involved.
تعامل رو به افزايش بين كشورها در حوزه هاي تجارت و فرهنگ مي تواند باعث تقويت يا تحليل هويت كشورهاي درگير شود
Economic policies that threaten to undermine the health care system.
سياست هاي اقتصادي كه سيستم سلامت را تهديد به زوال و تحليل مي كند
something that encourages you to work harder, start a new activity etc
Providing economic incentives for cultural preservation is one of the main contributions of tourism.
فراهم كردن انگيزه هاي اقتصادي براي حفظ فرهنگ يكي از اصلي ترين مزاياي توريست است.
When prices are so low, farmers have little incentive to increase production.
وقتي قيمت ها پايين باشد، كشاورزان انگيزه كمي براي افزايش توليد دارند
نكته :1اين كلمه در حالت رسمي مترادف
نكته :2همانطوريكه در مثال اول مي بينيد بهترين فعل براي “انگيزه دادن” provide
نكته :3از كلمه
هم مي توانيد به جاي “مزيت” استفاده كنيد.
the place that someone or something is going to
To many tourists, culture and history are what they first consider when choosing a destination.
براي بسياري از توريست ها، فرهنگ و تاريخ اولين چيزهايي هستند كه براي انتخاب مقصد خود در نظر مي گيرند.
Isfahan is a popular tourist destination in my country.
اصفهان يك مقصد توريستي معروف در كشور من است
if people flock to a place, they go there in large numbers because something
interesting or exciting is happening there
هجوم بردن به جايي )معني مثبت(
When a historic site or a site that shows a country’s cultural heritage is made accessible to the public, visitors from all over the world will soon flock there.
وقتي يك مكان تاريخي و يا مكاني كه ميراث فرهنگي يك كشور را نشان مي دهد براي عموم قابل دسترس باشد،
ويزيتورها از تمام دنيا به آنجا هجوم خواهند آورد.
People have been flocking to the exhibition.
افرادي كه به اين نمايشگاه هجوم آورده اند