COPD Flashcards
Is COPD reversible
Charctoristics of emphysema (dilated airways)
• destruction of alveoli wall - less passes for gasses exchange
• air trapping in alveoli = low levels of oxygen and high levels of CO2
• loss of elastic recoil
Characteristics of Bronchitis - blue bloaters
• inflam of bronchi
• muco cillary dysfunction = excess mucus producing = chronic cough
• hypoxia cor pulmonary
• cynosis- blue in colour
Causes of COPD?
• smoking
• asthma
• fumes
• air pollution
• age
• genes - AATD
Symptoms of emphysema?
• severe breathlessness
• hyperinflation
• thin appearance
Symptoms of bronchitis
• hypoxia cor pumonary
• breathlessness
• respiratory failure
• cynosis
• obese
• productive cough
Complications of COPD
• lung cancer
• recurrent chest infections
• anxiety
• depression
• respiratory failure
Differential diagnosis?
• asthma
• TB
• cystic fibrosis
• lung cancer
• HF
• spirometry
• chest x ray
• CT scan
What vaccines should be given
pneumococcal + annual influenza (inactivated)
Who should receive oxygen
• those with stable hypoxia OR blue bufferes
(It is not for breathlessness)
If a patient has high levels of CO2 what should the oxygen saturation target be?
88- 92%
If a patient has low/normal levels of CO2 what should the oxygen saturation target be?
Should the oxygen be at high or low conc?
Low concentration
Before treatment begins ensure to - (pharmacological management)
• smoking cessations
• vaccinations
• pulmonary rehabilitation
• self management plan
• optimise treatment of co-morbidities
Inhaled therapies are for
Reliving breathlessness & exercise limitations
Patient must have satisfactory inhaler technique
Step 1
SABA - salbutamol
SABA - ipatropium
Step 2 (for no asthmatic features or steroid need)
LABA - formoterol
LAMA - tiotropium
Step 2 (for asthmatic features or need for steroids)
LABA - formoterol
ICS - Formoterol with budesonide (symbiont) - this is a combo of LABA + ICS
Step 3
What options are included in add on therapy?
• oral corticosteroids
• theophylline
• oral mucolytic therapy (sputum)
True or false
ICS should always be prescribed with LABA
True - LABA works best with ICS not alone
Why does LABA have a prolonged relief affects
It is lipophilic and binds to beta 2 receptors for longer
True or false SAMA stimulates parasympathetic aspect of ANS?
False they block it
SABA stimulates sympathetic system
Block parasympathetic CNS
Antimicrobial prescribing in COPD
Oral first line
• amoxicillin
• doxycycline
• clarythromycin
(Doses same as pneumonia)
Oral for alternative
• co-amoxiclav
• co-trimoxazole
(Doses same as pneumonia)
First line IV
• amoxicillin
• clarythromycin
• co-amoxiclav
• co-trimoxazole
• pipracillin + tazobactam
5 day treatment
(Doses same as pneumonia)
Between emphysema and bronchitis, in which does loss of parenchymal lung texture.
What is hypoxia cor pulmonary and symptoms
Right side HF
• cynosis
• odema
Between emphysema and bronchitis which has a productive cough
After using a bronchodilator FEV1 less than ____ confirms persistent air flow obstruction
Stages of Spirmoert my 1-4 according to MRC
Dysphonia scoring system
1 - hurrying up or walking up a slight hill
2 - walks slower than people their age
3 - stops for a breath after walling 100m
4 - too dysphonic to leave the house or when getting changed
In which patients, blue bloaters or pink puffers is oxygen used
How long
Blue bloaters
• long term
• low concentration
ADRS of oxygen at high conc
• drowsiness
• headache
• coma
• respiratory arrest
ICS management is likely to be beneficial in those with an eosinophil count of ?
> 100
Who can benefit from spacer devise
Cognitive impairment
The brand name of the dual inhaler (formoterol and budesonide)
The brand name of the dual inhaler (formoterol and beclometasone)
Brand name for LABA, LAMA & ICS combo
Trelegy epilepta
Bran name for LABA and LAMA dua
Anoro ellipta
Which class of drugs reduced inflammation
Is it okay to use high conc of oxygen in UNCOMPLICATED cases of…
• pnumonia
• PE
• sepsis
• anyphlaxic
How is the amount of blood in the oxygen measured
• pulse oximetry test
• blood sample from earlobe