constitutional crisis in 1958 Flashcards
Q: When did Iskander Mirza become Governor General of Pakistan?
- In 1955.
What powers did Iskander Mirza reserve for himself in the 1956 Constitution?
- Emergency powers, including the ability to choose the Prime Minister and dissolve assemblies.
Why did the relationship between Iskander Mirza and the Prime Ministers deteriorate?
- The Prime Ministers were unwilling to be directed by him, leading to inconsistent working relations
How many Prime Ministers were appointed between 1955 and 1958, and were they successful?
- Five different Prime Ministers were appointed, but they were unsuccessful in establishing a stable government.
What issues did Pakistan face that contributed to political instability before 1958?
- Food shortages, droughts, demonstrations of discontent, and religious campaigns by Ulamas against the Ahmadis.
How did the government try to address the challenges it faced before 1958?
- There were many personnel changes, but no lasting solutions were found, leading to little constitutional development.
Who felt that the army should take control to restore stability in Pakistan, and what did this lead to?
- General Ayub Khan, which led to the imposition of martial law in 1958.
Why did Iskander Mirza delay the 1957 elections promised by the 1956 Constitution?
- He had become unpopular and was unlikely to win, leading him to delay elections and proclaim martial law.
Who opposed Iskander Mirza, and what was the political consequence?
- Hussain Suhrawardy, who attempted to unite the political leadership of Bengal and Punjab against Mirza, prompting Mirza to proclaim martial law.
What was the ultimate result of martial law being proclaimed in 1958?
- The Constitution was abrogated, leading to a constitutional crisis in Pakistan.