connective tissue disorders Flashcards
What is SLE
autoimmune disorder that results in immune mediated tissue damage.
what are common organ systems affected
cardiac-libman sacks endocarditis. Pericarditis.
oral lichenoid lesions.
how do you diagnose SLE?
ANA positive
malar rash, artheritis.
Management concerns for oral surgery when it comes to SLE?
consult rheum. need ekg to assess for Ischemic heart disease. possible antibiotics for immunosuppression.
possibly worse airway risk due to edema.
what is rheumatoid arthritis?
chronic systemic inflammatory disease characterized by polyarthritis.
symtoms of RA vs SLE
RA will have morning stiffness. symetrical polyarthropathy.
what hand/wrist deformaties will RA have?
boutonniery joint, swan neck. ulnar deviation.
what drugs are commonly used for RA
nsaids, hydroxychloroquine, prednisone, methotrexate/. humira
concerns of RA from OMS perspective?
immunocomprised possibly, anemia, Cardiac irritation.
what is osteoarthritis?
progressive degeneration of cartilage that is not primarly inflammatory in nature.
what is duchenne muscular dystrophy
x linked myopathy of dystrophin protein. sarcomere and sarcolema are no longer attached
enlarged calf muscles. mitral regurge, weakness of pharyngeal muscles.
What are oms/anesthesia concerns for muscular dystrophy?
cardiac abnormalities-get EKG
DO NOTuse succinylcholine
concern for pulmonary aspiration due to weakness of pharyngeal muscles
high dose steroids so consider stress dosing.
what is myasthenia Gravis?
autoimmune that affects the post synaptic cleft ach receptors?
OMS/anesthesia concerns for Gravis?
progressive muscle weakness.
Avoid opioids or sedation all together.
possible prolonged ventilatory care.
Myasthesia gravis succ vs roc?
more resistent to succ
rocc may last too long.