Connected Speech Processes Flashcards
What is elision?
Complete omission/deletion of sounds or syllables
What does elided mean?
What sounds are often elided?
T/d - next , reached
nɛks, ɹitʃ
What are the rules of elision?
1: /t/ and /d/ must be preceded and followed by a consonant to be elided
2: /t/ and /d/ must be preceded by a consonant with same voicing
What is liaison?
‘linking’ (extra) sounds between abutting word-final and word-initial vowels
Gives example of linking and intrusive r ( English English)
‘linking’ /r/: beer and wine vs. ‘intrusive’ /r/: India and China
What is vowel reduction?
When vowels that are pronounced in words in isolation are changed to a schwa in connected speech.
Think of examples of strong and weak forms
–a /ə/ ‘read a book’
–Of /əv/ ‘most of all’
–But /bəʔ/ ‘it’s good but expensive’
–Can /kən/ ‘they can wait’
–From /fɹəm/ ‘I’m home from work’
–Than /δən/ ‘better than ever’
–Your /jəɹ/ ‘take your time’
–Her /əɹ/ ‘I’ve met her’
–To /tə/ ‘try to stop’
What is Coarticulation?
When depending on context we produce things a different way or delay certain sound.
Are segments ‘autonomous’ in connected speech?
Why are sounds altered in context?
Context-sensitivity & planning
Why do we anticipate?
Because connected speech is rapid, highly co-ordinated movement
How much does the tongue tip move?
8 closure p/s
How many segments in Normal connected speech?
12-18 segments per second
What is the relationship between inertia and mass?
greater the mass,
greater the interia,
greater the delay
What does inertia and mass lead to?
Where articulations overlap
What allophonic variations would come under the process of coarticulation?
Nasalisation Advancement Retraction Labialisation Palatalisation Velarisation Devoicing
What has happened in [ma˜t] ?
vowel is nasalized (delay of velum moving)
What happens in [konz˜]?
fricative is nasalized (delay of velum moving)
What has happened in [klosw]?
fricative is labialized (delay of lips moving)
What happened in [ko˜m] ?
velum moved in preparation
What has happened in [kʲi] ?
tongue moved forward in preparation
What features are shared in all segments in coarticulation?
Voicing, place of articulation, nasality, lip position
What languages does coarticulation occur?
What is a summary of co-articulation
One sound influences another next to it (X:Y)
–Usually obligatory (not optional)
–Sounds that are adjacent WITHIN WORDS in normal (fast) connected speech
What is co-articulation direction 1?
1.A sound becomes like the following sound (X:Y – Y influences X)
anticipatory, right-to-left, regressive
What is co-articulation direction 2?
A sound becomes like the previous sound (X:Y – X influences Y)
perseverative, left to right, progressive
What is assimilation?
‘two successive segments become more like one another’ Catford
Phonemes changing to other phonemes
What is the first direction of assimilation?
A sound becomes like the following sound:
anticipatory, right-to-left, regressive
- Is she [ɪʒ ʃi]
- Red car [rɛg kaɹ]
What effects assimilation?
Place and manner of articulations
What is the second direction of assimilation?
A sound becomes like the previous sound
perseverative, left to right, progressive