Conjugated Verbs - Past, Present, Future Tense Flashcards
A verb being changed from it’s dictionary form
[Present Tense Informal] : Verb stem + 아/어 + 요
This is a Present Tense Informal Conjugation
Present = happens in the present Informal = not formal. Used with anyone you’re not close friends with, but not for formal situations.
요 form is an informal ending
1) Get the verb stem
2) If verb stem ends withㅏ or ㅗ, attach 아. For any other vowel, attach 어
3) Attach 요
Ex1: 앉다 –> 앉 + 아 + 요 = 앉아요
Ex2: 먹다 –> 먹 + 어 + 요 = 억어요
Ex3: 만들다 –> 만들 + 어 + 요 = 만들어요
[Present Tense Formal] : Verb stem + 습니다
This is a Present Tense Formal Conjugation
[Present Tense Casual] : Verb stem + 아/어
This is a Present Tense Casual Conjugation
[Past Tense Informal] : Verb stem + 았/었 + 어요
This is a Past Tense Informal Conjugation
Past = happened in the past Informal = not formal. Used with anyone you’re not close friends with, but not for formal situations.
요 form is an informal ending
1) Get the verb stem
2) If verb stem ends withㅏ or ㅗ, attach 아. For any other vowel, attach 어
3) Attach ㅆ to the bottom of the conjugation
4) Attach 어요
Ex1: 가다 –> 가 –> 갔 + 어요 = 갔어요
Ex2: 먹다 –> 먹어 –> 먹었 + 어요 = 먹었어요
Ex3: 하다 –> 해 –> 했 + 어요 = 했어요
[Past Tense Formal] : Verb stem + 았/었 + 습니다
This is a Past Tense Formal Conjugation
[Past Tense Casual] : Verb stem + 았아/었어
This is a Past Tense Casual Conjugation
[Future Tense Informal] : Verb stem + 을/ㄹ +__+ 거예요
This is a Future Tense Informal Conjugation
Future = will happen in the future Informal = not formal. Used with anyone you’re not close friends with, but not for formal situations.
요 form is an informal ending
1) Get the verb stem
2) Attach 을 if it ends in a consonant, or attach ㄹ if it ends in a vowel
3) Attach 것이다, and conjugate 이다 (here, 이에요).
것이다 is a combination of 것 (thing) and the verb 이다 (to be).
것 is more often shortened to 거, so this can instead become 거예요
Ex1: 가다 –> 가 –> 갈 + 거예요 = 갈 거예요
Ex2: 먹다 –> 먹 –> 먹을 + 거예요 = 먹을 거예요
Ex3: 만나다 –> 만나 –> 만날 + 거예요 = 만날 거예요
[Future Tense Formal] : Verb stem + 겠습니다
This is a Future Tense Formal Conjugation
[Future Tense Casual] : Verb stem + 을 거야
This is a Future Tense Casual Conjugation
[Present Tense Informal] : Verb stem + 아/어 + 요
Exception: Verb stem ends with a vowel
Whenever the verb stem ends with a vowel (and no consonants), the 아 or 어 will combine into the final syllable.
Ex1: 가다 –> 가 + 아 + 요 = 가요
Ex2: 보다 –> 보 + 아 + 요 = 봐요
Ex3: 마시다 –> 마시 + 어 + 요 = 아셔요
Ex4: 배우다 –> 배우 + 어 + 요 = 배워요
[Present Tense Informal] : Verb stem + 아/어 + 요
Exception: Verb stem ends with the vowel ㅐ
Whenever the verb stem ends with the vowel ㅐ, simply add 요.
Ex: 보내다 –> 보내요
[Present Tense Informal] : Verb stem + 아/어 + 요
Exception: Verb stem ends with the vowel ㅡ
Whenever the verb stem ends with only the vowel ㅡ :
1) Remove the ㅡ
2) Look at the 2nd to last syllable. If verb stem ends withㅏ or ㅗ, attach ㅏ. For any other vowel, attach ㅓ
If there is only one syllable, attach ㅓ
3) Attach 요
Ex1: 쓰다 –> ㅆ + ㅓ + 요 = 써요
Ex2: 바쁘다 –> 바ㅃ + ㅏ + 요 = 바빠요
[Present Tense Informal] : Verb stem + 아/어 + 요
Exception: Verb stem ends with the syllable 르
Whenever the verb stem ends with the syllable 르 :
1) Remove the ㅡ
2) Attach another ㄹ to the bottom of the 2nd to last syllable.
3) Look at the 2nd to last syllable. If verb stem ends withㅏ or ㅗ, attach ㅏ. For any other vowel, attach ㅓ
If there is only one syllable, attach ㅓ
4) Attach 요
Ex: 부르다 –> 불ㄹ + ㅓ + 요 = 불러요
[Present Tense Informal] : Verb stem + 아/어 + 요
Exception: Verb stem ends with the consonant ㅎ
Whenever the verb stem ends with the consonant ㅎ :
1) Remove the ㅎ
2) Attach the soundㅐto the final syllable. Combine it with the final syllable.
3) Attach 요
Ex: 그렇다 –> 그러 + ㅐ + 요 = 그래요
[Present Tense Informal] : Verb stem + 아/어 + 요
Exception: 하다
The verb 하다 becomes 해 when conjugated:
1) 하다 = 해
2) Attach 요
Ex: 좋아하다 –> 좋아해요
[Present Tense Informal] : Verb stem + 아/어 + 요
Exception: Verb stem ends with the consonant ㅂ
Whenever the verb stem ends with the consonant ㅂ, most of the time :
1) Remove the ㅂ
2) Attach 우
3) Attach ㅓ, and combine with 우
4) Attach 요
Ex1: 맵다 –> 매 + 우 + ㅓ + 요 = 매워요
Ex2: 부럽다 –> 부러 + 우 + ㅓ + 요 = 부러워요
Ex3: 춥다 –> 추 + 우 + ㅓ + 요 = 추워요
There are many exceptions to this rule
Present tense of 이다 = “to be”
이에요 after consonant
예요 after vowel
= “it is”
Past tense of 이다 = “to be”
이었어요 after consonant
였어요 after vowel
= “it was”
Future tense of 이다 = “to be”
일 거예요
= “it will”; “will be”
Ex: 내일의 모임은 여기일 거예요. ‘Tomorrow’s meeting will be here.’
Note: 일 거예요 cannot be used to say that you (or any noun) will ‘become’ something.
Ex: you cannot use 일 거예요 to say that you will become a teacher when you get older.
[Future Tense Informal] : Verb stem + 을/ㄹ +__+ 거예요
Note: you might not always need the future tense if the sentence meaning is clear.
If the present tense can kind of function like the future tense already, converting to future tense isn’t needed.
Ex: 내일 파티에 가요. ‘Tomorrow I go to the party’ / ‘Tomorrow I will go to the party.’
However, whenever you want to emphasize that you will do something, and that you’re not already doing it, use the future tense.
Ex: 파티에 가요. ‘I go to the party.’ Or this could mean ‘I will go to the party.’
Now, without using the future tense, this sentence could mean either. So you might want to use the future tense in this case to say that it’s not happening today.
[Future Tense Informal] : Verb stem + 을/ㄹ +__+ 거예요
Exception: 것이다 with verb stems that end with a 비읍 (ㅂ) or with a 리을 (ㄹ).
If the verb stem ends with a 비읍 (ㅂ):
Remove ㅂ –> add 우 –> add ㄹ 거예요
Ex: 춥다 –> 추울 거예요.
If the verb stem ends with a 리을 (ㄹ):
Add 거예요.
Ex: 팔다 –> 팔 거예요.