conformity Flashcards
asch’s research - baseline procedure
123 male participant judged line lengths - confederates deliberately gave wrong answers
naive participants conformed on 36.8% of trails
25% never conformed
asch’s research group size
asch varied group size from two to 16
conformity increased up to three, then levelled off
asch’s research unanimity
asch placed a dissenter (confederate) in the group
conformity rate reduced
asch’s research task difficulty
asch made line lengths more similar
conformity increased when task was harder ISI
asch - artificial situation and task
participants knew this was a study so they just played along with a trivial task - demand characteristics
asch - limited application
asch’s research only conducted on American men
asch - research support
Lucas et al - found more conformity when maths problems were harder
asch - research support - counterpoint
conformity - more complex, confident participants were less conforming (individual factor)
asch - ethical issues
research may help avoid mindless conformity, but participants were deceived
private and public acceptance of group norms
change behaviour to be part of a group we identify with, may change privately too
go along with the group publicly but no private change
informational social influence
conform to be right
assume group knows better than us
normative social influence
conform to be liked or accepted by group
explanations - research support NSI
when no normative group pressure
- wrote answers -
conformity when down to 12.5%
explanations - research support - ISI
participants relied on other people’s answers to hard maths problems - Lucas et al
explanations - research support isi - counterpoint
cannot usually separate ISI and NSI, a dissenter may reduce power of NSI or ISI
explanations - distinction usefulness
NSI/ISI distinction may not be useful but Asch’s research supports both
the stanford prison experiment
mock prison with 21 student volunteers, randomly assigned as guards or prisoners
conformity to social roles created through uniforms and instructions about behaviour
findings related to social roles - zimbardo
guards became increasingly brutal, prisoners’ rebellion put down and prisoners became depressed
study stopped after 6 days
conclusions related to social roles
participants strongly conformed to their social roles
zimbardo - control
random assignment roles increased internal validity
zimbardo - lack of realism
participants play-acted their roles according to media-derived stereotypes
Banuazizi and Movahedi
zimbardo - lack of realism - counterpoint
evidence that prisoners thought the prison was real to them eg 90% of conversations were about prison
zimbardo - exaggerates the power of roles
only one-third of guards were brutal so conclusions exaggerated
zimbardo - alternative explanation
social identity theory suggests taking on roles due to active identification, not automatic
Haslam and Reicher
consistency - minority influence
if the minority is consistent (synchronic or diachronic) this attracts the attention of the majority over time
commitment - minority influence
personal sacrifices show commitment, attract attention, reinforce message
flexibility - minority influence
minority more convincing if they accept some counterarguments
explaining the process of change - minority influence
the three factors make majority think more deeply about an issue
Snowball effect - minority view gathers force becomes majority influence
research support for consistency - minority influence
Moscovici’s blue-green slides and Wood et al’s meta-analysis
research support for deeper processing - minority influence
participants exposed to minority view resisted conflicting view
Martin et al
deeper processing counterpoint - minority influence
real-world majorities have more power/status than minorities - missing from research
artificial tasks - minority influence
tasks often trivial so tell us little about real-world influence
power of minority influence - minority influence
more people agree with minority in private