Concrete Formwork Flashcards
What is the correct consistency of dry pack grout?
A. loose like a liquid so the form is easier to fill.
B. Squeeze it your hand and it holds its shape
C. Very Dry and it crumbles in you hand
D. Like sand and the particles run through your fingers.
What is the name for members that hold sections of a form in a straight horizontal line?
a. studs
b. Walers
c. Strong-backs
d. Spreaders
What is a caisson?
a. A long timber, concrete, or steel column driven vertically into the soil
b. A flared section on the top of a column
c. A thickened portion of the slab above a column that is heavily enforced,
d. A steel pipe placed in the ground and filled with concrete.
What is used when constructing an isolation joint between a concrete stairs and side walk?
a. 3 pcs of rebar.
b. two coats of release agent.
c. Asphalt impregnated strip
d. Epoxy coating.
What is the greatest advantage of snap ties?
a. Widths are adjustable.
b. Can be easily be broken off within the concrete.
c. Can be screwed out of the concrete.
d. Require few studs
What purpose does a poly vapor barrier serve under a slab on grade?
a. To stop moisture inside the concrete from getting into the soil.
b. Keep soil gasses out.
c. Stop basement from flooding.
d. Stop slab from absorbing dampness from the soil.
Which is the correct sequence when assembling a pre-fabricated column form?
a. Rebar, form, anchor-bolt template.
b. Form, anchor-bolt template, rebar.
c. Anchor-bolt template, rebar, form.
d. Anchor-bolt template, form, rebar.
According to OBC where may forms omitted under?
a. Columns
b. Piers
c. Chimneys
d. Pilasters
A battered wall is 3040mm long, 1829mm high, 914 mm base, and 610mm wide at the top. What is the volume of concrete needed?
a. 3.348 m³
b. 3.676 m³
c. 4.247 m³
d. 4.813 m³
The top of slab elevation is 104.475’. What would be the elevation of the U-head?
- slab thickness: 6”
- aluminum joist stringer depth: 6.5” each
- form ply thickness: 3/4”
a. 84.975
b. 102.829’
c. 102.892’
d. 103.370’
Why are 3/4” square strips of wood sometimes used at inside corners of wall forms?
a. To keep corners from chipping.
b. To save material
c. To make stripping easier
d. To protect corners of plywood
What is the best way to level fly forms?
a. water level
b. 2’ level and straight edge
c. Builder’s level
d. Laser Chalk line
What are spandrel ties are used for?
a. Secure a vertical perimeter form in position.
b. Form drop beams in the middle of suspended slabs.
c. Secure walls in slip-form
d. Form one-sided pours against sheet piling.
What is the correct forming procedure for suspended slab construction?
a. Mudsills, screw-jacks, shoring frames, U-heads, stringers, cross-braces, joists.
b. Mudsills, screw-jacks, shoring frames, cross-braces, U-heads, stringers, joists
c. Screw-jacks, mudsills, shoring frames, cross braces, U - heads, stringers, joists.
d. Mud-sills, screw-jacks, shoring frames, cross braces, stringers, U-heads, joists.
How are tilt-up from panels most commonly lifted by the crane?
a. Coil inserts
b. Embedded tension bards
c. Slings clinched around them.
d. Wedge anchored lifting lugs.
When are a proper steps taken to cure a slab - on - grade?
a. 3 days after
b. During discharge by adding curing compound.
c. Immediately after finishing.
d. The following morning.
Why is it important not to use too much form release agent?
a. It becomes a environment hazard.
b. It adds extra waste and cost to the formwork.
c. It take longer to pour the concrete.
d. If it drips onto the reinforcing the concrete will not bond to it.
What is asphalt - impregnated fiber - board used in concrete formwork?
a. Expansion joint material
b. A base for attaching form lining material.
c. Bulkhead surface treatment.
d. A substitute product for expandable water-stop
Given a total rise of 2400mm, how many steps are required in a steeped footing?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 3
d. 5
What is the first thing to do once a tilt-up panel is raised before releasing the crane?
a. Secure at the top to another panel.
b. Secure at the bottom to another panel.
c. Attached a brace and plumb.
d. Attach in the middle to another panel to allow for lateral adjustment.
Wall thickness 200mm, plywood thickness 19mm, whaler thickness 38mm x 89mm, strong-back thickness 89mm x 89mm, how long do you cut your spreaders?
a. 597 mm
b. 200 mm
c. 241 mm
d. 419 mm
Which is the proper sequence when installing a chamfer strip onto column forms?
a. Inside panels, outside panels, install chamfer.
b. Outside panels, inside panel, install chamfer.
c. Install chamfer, install outside panel, install inside panels, install outside panel.
d. Install chamfer, install inside panel, install outside panel, install inside panel
In placing of concrete what does the term ponding refer to?
a. The chemical reaction that takes place between the cement, water, and aggregate.
b. When excess water comes to the surface of the concrete.
c. When water is in the form prior to the placement of concrete
d. The total immersion of the finished concrete in water to slow the rate of evaporation.
How much concrete would be require for a circular sided walk that is 914mm wide, 127mm thick and has radius of 4267m?
a. 1.72 m³
b. 3.45 m³
c. 8.91 m³
d. 12.85 m³
What would normally support a grade beam?
a. The ground
b. A spread footing
c. Columns
d. Piers
What additive is used in concrete that will be exposed to freeze/thaw cycles?
a. Accelerator
b. Air entrainment
c. Retarder
d. Pozzolans