Block C Concrete Flashcards
What type of foundation is best to provide additional support on soft soil?
Mud Slabs
How are tilt-up panels lifted?
Tilt up panels are lifted up with coil inserts
What effect does a plastizer have when added to concrete?
Plastizers are water reducing the increases workability. They reduce water requirements.
Why is Calcium Chloride added to concrete?
Calcium Chloride is added to concrete after mixing as an accelerator
When an Air entrainment detergent is added to concrete, the concrete will become?
When is pencil rod and rod clamps used
Used for wide forms, varying in sizes
Why are reglets cast in concrete walls?
Allow for flashing attachment
Order of sequence for slab placement.
place, consolidate, screed, float, trowel, seal and cut control joints.
To join steel soldier piles when bracing the side the of an excavation, what is used?
wood lagging
Lean concrete is commonly used when?
Lean concrete refers to a mixture designed as a topping on an existing slab
Epoxy grout is commonly used in this type of environment
Epoxy grout is commonly recommended for corrosive environments
Freefall on concrete should not exceed?
Hint: OBC
What is required coverage of clean granular material needed around the top and side of weeping tile placement?
How to laterally Support an ICF
Strapping and diagonal bracing
How to fix an active leak in a foundation wall
Hydraulic cement
Constructing formwork to make stripping easier. Forms should be built.
Using nails
What is the funnel shaped widening at the top of a round column?
What is the process of extending existing foundations to lower levels of undisturbed soil?
Where on the wall form is the greatest pressure exerted?
At the bottom
What is done to keep concrete from sticking to the forms?
Apply oil to the forms
What is the correct consistency for dry pack grout?
Squeeze it in your hand and it holds its shape
What are the minimum dimensions of planks required for scaffold decks?
What is the slump test performed for?
To test the consistency of concrete
What purpose does a poly vapour barrier serve under a slab on grade?
To stop slab from absorbing dampness from soil
How much standing water can be permited in an excavation?
Answer: None
How big of stone can be placed in backfil that is within 300mm of a foundation wall?
Answer: 250mm diameter
When would a sump pit be required?
Answer: when gravity drainage is not practical
What is the standard for unreinforcved concrete that is being used in a redsidental application?
Answer: CSA.A23.1
What is the minimum thickness for a residential footing?
Answer: min. 100mm or the width of footing projection
What is the min. size of drainage pipe or tile for foundation drainage?
Answer: 100mm
Where are window wells to be drained to?
Answer: footing level
What is the maximum vertical rise of a step footing on sand?
Answer: 600mm
What is the min. horizontal distance between the risers in a step footing?
(b) Answer: 600mm
9. 15.3.9.(1)
Is it permissible to have contact between a floor slab and a footing?
Answer: No
What is the minimum wall thickness of a 15MPa laterally supported concrete foundation wall, which is 2m above basement floor or crawlspace?
Answer: 200mm
Does the footing size increase for masonary construction?
Answer: yes