concept review 3 and 4 Flashcards
What is Social Darwinism?
- By nature there are individuals and (cultures) that are superior to others
- And by nature the superior should dominate the inferior
- And by nature the inferior must eventually become extinct
What did Survival of the Fittest mean to Social Darwinists? To Charles Darwin?
The strongest should dominate the weak and the weak will eventually die out. Charles Darwin’s use of “survival of the fittest” was rooted in the biological context of natural selection
What does the term “race” imply?
Humans belong to distinct population groups which are fundamentally different by nature
What is “replacement theory”?
There is a conspiracy to eliminate the “white race” increasing the population of lower races and through immigration of “inferior races” to “white countries: The United State”
Biologically speaking, how many human races are there?
What was the first critical stage (late 19th/early 20th century) for American Anthropology?
Late 19th century = the rejection of social darwinism and the acceptance of science
To explain human origins and diversity (the measure of america)
Where is the cradle of humanity?
East africa (all of humanity has Africa as its origin)
What does “Out of Africa” mean?
Scientific theory that Homo sapiens, the modern human species, originated in Africa and then migrated and dispersed to populate the rest of the world
What is Ethnicity?
Categories of human
What is the connection between migration, human diversity and the future of humanity?
Migration shapes human diversity, influencing cultures and societies. Managing it is key for global cooperation and a harmonious future, as embracing diversity fosters innovation and resilience. Effective policies and collaboration are essential for navigating migration’s complexities.
What was the Adaptive Radiation process which created Ethnicity?
Human diversity
- biological and Cultural
Explain how Ethnicity is biological. Explain how Ethnicity is cultural
Biological: phenotype characteristics
- history
- location
- language
- religion
- ancestors
- social networks
Explain the impact that geological and climatic changes in Africa, millions of years ago, had on human evolution.
Geological and climatic changes in ancient Africa shaped human evolution by creating diverse landscapes, fluctuating climates, and ecosystems. The formation of Rift Valleys, expansion of grasslands, and the emergence of lakes influenced hominin adaptation, migration patterns, and the development of traits like bipedalism. These environmental dynamics and selective pressures played a crucial role in the evolution of early humans.
What is the foundation of Darwinian biology?
all life is in a constant state of change
What new discovery in the 19th century in geology help support evolution?
The Earth is 3-4 billion years old, therefore evolution would be possible
What is the connection between Anthropology and the other?
In the 1900s is when the discipline of anthropology was created. This is when the Western Europeans started studying others.
how can you connect Social Darwinism, The White Man’s Burden and the Colonized Other.
Social Darwinism wrongly said some races were superior, justifying colonization. The White Man’s Burden claimed it was a duty to civilize others. Both ideas dehumanized and oppressed colonized people, viewing them as inferior during European imperialism.
Explain the nature v. nurture debate and its importance to cultural anthropology
The nature vs. nurture debate in cultural anthropology involves the discussion of whether human behavior and cultural traits are more influenced by biological factors (nature) or by environmental and societal influences (nurture).
Cultural anthropology examines how societies and cultures shape human behavior. The nature vs. nurture debate is crucial as it helps anthropologists understand the interplay between inherent biological tendencies and cultural influences in shaping individual and collective behaviors within different societies.