Complementary and Alternative Medicine Flashcards
special diets, high doses of vitamins and mineral, extracts of animal or botanical products
biological based
massage, osteopathic manipulations, chiropractic manipulations, cranial sacral therapies
manipulative and body based
meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis
mind body approaches
- exploitation of veritable or putative energy fields
- acupuncture aims to correct energies that flow through special meridians or channels
- asian practicioners balance of vital energies
- reiki, uses healing touch
- magnets are increasingly popular health products
energy medicine
homeopathy, naturopathic, ayurvedic medicine of India, traditional chinese, tibetan
alternative systems of medicine
- historical and cultural significance
- prevention vs cure
- understanding of emotions and disease
- role of stress
- herbals or nutraceuticals
why CAM is popular
- drug seeking vs fear of drug taking
- overselling meaning of results, scientists
- uninformed physicians
- pressure by health care delivery system
- advertisements by pharmaceutical industries
- lawyers constantly recruiting clients who have thought to be harmed by meds
issues with conventional medicine that increase CAM popularity
- fear of synthetic drugs
- misconception of safety and efficacy of natural substances
- failure to understand emotional nature of disease and treatment in conventional therapies
- practicioners of alternative therapies spend more time talking to and working with patients
growing use of alternative therapies
______ exempt from FDA safety and efficacy laws, no required studies, toxicities likely under reported
helps maintain normal alertness, concentration, and memory
gingko biloba
helps you body generate the energy it needs and may enhance physical performance
helps maintain prostate health and normal urine flow
saw palmetto
helps maintain healthy emotional balance and a positive outlook
St John’s wort
helps support immune system function and the body’s natural defenses
helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels and healthy blood pressure
- stimulate menstrual and uterine flow, tone, and activity
- found in herbal remedies used in practice of midwifery
- concerns: dyspepsia, n/v, GI disturbances
- pregnancy risk category X
- hepatotoxic
- avoid
black cohosh, cimicifuga racemosa
- marketed for temporary relief of pain from arthritis or for relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints
- indicated for treatment of neuralgias due to shingles or diabetes, and other types of neurogenic pain
- high dose dermal patch in phase III trials for treatment of neuropathic pain assoc’d with HIV or herpes simplex
- depletes and prevents reaccumulation of substance P in periphery sensory neurons
- topical patch for postherpetic neuralgia
- concerns: transient skin irritation
- used together to help ease the symptoms of osteoarthritis
- inhibits enzymes that degrade cartilage
- molecular component of ground substance and building block for glycosaminoglycans
- improve performance and slow the narrowing of the joint space in patients with OA of the knee
- well tolerated
chondroitin and glucosamine
- decreases duration and intensity of cold symptoms via anti inflammatory and immune stimulation mechanisms
- used for temporary relief of pain due to cold sores
- concerns: fever, LAD, diarrhea, angioedema, diaphoresis, hepatitis, elevated hepatic enzymes, myasthenia
- abortive treatment of migraine and vasuclar headache
- migraine prophylaxis
- relief of pain
- treatment of fever
- concerns: stimulates uterine contractions, impaired platelt aggregation from depletion of platelet serotonin
feverfew, tanacetum parthenium
- improvement of pain free walking in patients with peripheral vascular disease or intermittent claudication
- treatment of cerebral insufficiency, organic brain syndrome, Alzheimer’s, dementia
- management of tinnitus and vertigo of vascular origin
- treatment of premenstrual syndrome
- management of antidepressant induced sexual dysfunction
- concerns: ineffective in preventing dementia, gin-nan food poisoning, seizure, inhibition of platelet aggregation, infertility
- tonic or adaptogen
- increase resistance to stress, improve vitality including mental and physical capacity for work
- concerns: adulterated or mislabeled, ephedrine and caffeine added, insomnia
- treatment of mild, anxiety, stress, restlessness or nervousness of non psychotic origin
- mild insomnia, act at GABA receptors to produce anxiolytic and mild sedative activity
- concerns: hepatotoxicity
kava kava, piper methysticum
- relief of dyspepsia
- adjunct of hepatic cirrhosis, acute hep A, hep B
- treatment of mushroom poisoning due to amanita
- promote healthy liver function
- concern: GI upset
milk thistle, sylbium marianum
- widely used in europe for depression, dysthymia, sleep disturbances
- relief of inflammation due to minor burns
- antidepressant effect correlates with hyperforin
- enhances norepi, dopamine, glutamate
st john’s wort, hypericum perforatum
St John’s wort inhibits _______ in vitro, affects indinavir, cyclosporine, leads to graft rejection, reduced levels of oral contraceptives, warfarin, theophylline, amitriptyline
St johns wort inhibits ______, which acutely raises fexofenadine levels
St. john’s wort induces p-glycoprotein which lowers fexofenadine levels and lowers serum ________
- interacts with SSRIs and nefazodone, can cause serotonin syndrome
- paroxetine - nausea, lethargy, incoherence
st johns wort
- treats obesity, mild to mod urinary incontinence, nasal congestion
- desert’s herb, power trim
ephedra, ma huang
FDA: dietary supplements containing ______ present a significant and unreasonable human health risk of illness or injury