Competition and Predator-prey Models Flashcards
What types of interactions include one species not being affected in any way
-commensalism (+0)
-amensalism (-0) (step on bug)
-neutralism (00)
In competitive exclusion, which isoline shows the population that persists
Above isocline
Equilibrium in isocline
Intersect= populations both stop growing so DN/Dt=0
-if populations move, they are brought back to equilibrium
Unstable equilibrium on isocline
-if pop is moved to a point, it will go extinct
Open circle
Complete competitors _____ exist
No two species can occupy the same ecological niche
All the environmental conditions and resources required for the existence of a viable population of a certain species
-nesting sites, food, reproductive season, germinations sites, pollination flora, place in food chain
Focus on abiotic factors
Takes into account biotic interactions more restricted set of conditions
2 populations living in same area
2 populations living independently of each other (not together in environment)
G. fortis and G. fuliginosa character displacement example
Two finches have beaks with ranges including 9mm when living separately.
When I’m same environment, their beak ranges do not include 9mm.
Too much competition for food size that can be eaten with 9mm beak. So no birds have that type of beak.
Looks volterra predator and prey models form a ____
No stable point, disturbances eventually end up back in the cycle.
As prey goes up, predators go up.
As prey goes down, predators go down
What things can also be affecting population instead of competition
Food, weather, solar radiation, parasites, disease
Under which conditions does hare population grow massively
Reduce predators
Increase food supply
Been weevil and parasitoids wasp example
Was okay eggs in host. Eggs Hatch and the larvae eat host inside out. Time the kill so they are ready to emerge when they are ready.
In graph: parasitoids follows been weevil population density curves
Paramecium/ Didinium and immigration
In the absence of refuges and immigration, both prey and predator populations go extinct
Adding a refugee allowed the prey population to persist but the predators still become extinct
Immigration from source populations maintained oscillations in predator- prey populations
Intraspecific competition
Interspecific competition
Competition among individuals of the same species
Competition among individuals of different species
Renewable resources
Nonrenewable resources
Constantly regenerated (seeds from plants, sunlight)
Not regenerated (space)
Liebigs law of minimum
Law stating that a population increases until the supply of the most limiting resource prevents it from increasing further
Competitive exclusion principle
The principle that two species cannot coexist indefinitely when they are both limited by the same resource
Explorative competition
Competition in which individuals consume and drive down the abundance of a resource to the point that other individuals cannot persist
(Indirect interaction)
Interference competition
When competitors do not immediately consume resources but defend them
(Direct interaction)
Ex: ants plug other ants nests with stones to give them a head start
Type of interference where an organism uses chemicals to interfere with their competition
Apparent competition
When two species have a negative effect on each other through an enemy, such as a predator, parasite or herbivore
Ex: 2 birds living near each other with a wild parasite. One can tolerant the parasite more, other cannot, one excretes large amounts of parasite that infect the weaker.