Compensation Flashcards
SPP 201:
SPP 202:
Regular Design Services
SPP 203:
Specialized Architectural Services
SPP 204a:
Full-time Construction Supervision
SPP 204b:
Construction Management
SPP 205:
Post-construction Services
SPP 206:
Comprehensive Architectural Services
SPP 207:
Design Build Services
SPP 208:
SPP 209:
Architectural Consulting Services
- Consultation
- Pre-feasibility studies
- Feasibility studies
- Site selection and analysis
- Land use studies
- Research
- Architectural programming
- Space planning
- Space management studies
- Value management
- Design brief preparation
- Promotional services
SPP 201: Pre-design Services
- Project Definition Phase
- Schematic Design Phase
- Design Development Phase
- Contract Document Phase
- Bidding or Negotiation Phase
- Construction Phase
SPP 202: Regular Design Services
Six phases of regular design service:
- Architectural Interiors
- Acoustic Design
- Lighting Design
- Site Development Planning
- Physical Planning
- Comprehensive Development
Planning - Heritage Conservation and
Planning - Security Evaluation/Planning
- Building Systems Design
- Facilities Maintenance Support
- Testing/Commissioning
- Environmental Certification
- Forensic Architecture
SPP 203: Specialized Architectural Services
- Building Appraisal
- Structural Conceptualization
- Preliminary Services
- Contract Documentation/Review
- Post-design Services
- Dispute Avoidance/Resolution
- Architectural Research Methods
- Special Building Design
- Building Components
- Management of Practices
SPP 203: Specialized Architectural Services
Rendering service as the Architect-in-charge of construction (AiCC), who
is directly and professionally responsible and liable for the construction
supervision of the project.
SPP 204a: Full-time Construction Supervision
● The responsibilities of the Construction Manager (CM) include the
following functions:
○ Coordination and Supervision
○ Cost and Time Control
○ Quality Control of Work
○ Keeping of Records
SPP 204b: Construction Management
● Building Maintenance
● Grounds and Landscaping Supervision
● Building Equipment Maintenance
● Business Development and Management
SPP 205: Post-construction Services
● Comprehensive Architectural Services refers to the range of
professional services that covers:
○ Pre-design Services
○ Regular Design Services
○ Specialized Architectural Services
○ Construction Services
○ Post-Construction Services
● The Architect in this capacity functions as the Project Manager.
SPP 206: Comprehensive Arch’l Services
- Design-Build Services by Administration
- Design-Build Services with Guaranteed Maximum Project
Construction Cost
SPP 207: Design Build Services
Two types of competitions:
1. Competitions for actual projects proposed for implementation.
2. Ideas competitions set as a design and planning exercise to
elucidate a problem.
SPP 208: Architectural Design Competitions
● Classifications based on number of stages
○ Single stage
○ Two-stage
● Classifications based on participants
○ Open competitions
○ Limited-by-invitation competitions
SPP 208: Architectural Design Competitions
The rendering of independent advice and extension of technical
assistance requiring appropriate knowledge, skills, training and
experience, and recognized competence.
SPP-209: Professional Arch’l Consulting Services
The total cost of all fixtures and accessories for architectural interiors,
acoustics, lighting works, site development civil works and landscaping
works which were either designed, specified, or procured by the Specialist
Cost of Work (CoW)
The total cost considering the rate of the Architect, the Consultants,
Technical Staff, Researchers, and others involved in the Project per hour,
per day, or per month
Direct Personnel Cost