comparison of approaches Flashcards
Explain one way in which social learning theory overlaps with one other approach in
psychology. (2)
overlap with the behaviourist approach – learning of behaviour
and role of reinforcement;
behaviourist: A learning approach that suggests that all behaviour is acquired and maintained through classical and operant conditioning , postive reinforcement
slt: Based on the idea of observational learning: that learning occurs through the observation and imitation of behaviour performed by role models, who model behaviour in a social environment.
Development of the reductionist behaviourist approach of stimulus response link, If they observe the model being rewarded they are likely to themselves, imitate this behaviour (vicarious reinforcement).
Outline the behaviourist approach. Compare the behaviourist approach with the biological
-A learning approach that suggests that all behaviour is acquired and maintained through classical and operant conditioning and all children are born as “tabulae rasae” (blank slates), learning through their interactions with their environment through a stimulus-response link
concerned with behaviour that can be observed and measured through objective lab experiments
difference: nature v nurture
interactionist approach
use of scientific methods
issue of reductionism
Outline key features of the cognitive approach in psychology. Compare the cognitive
approach with the psychodynamic approach.
It has been claimed that the humanistic approach has little to offer psychology. Outline
and evaluate the humanistic approach in psychology. Refer to at least one other
approach in your answer.
A student asked his teacher: “Why are there so many approaches in psychology?”
The teacher replied: “Because each has something different to offer to our understanding
of the human mind and behaviour. This means that every approach is unique.”
Discuss what makes the psychodynamic approach unique in psychology. Refer to other
approaches in your answer.
Outline and evaluate social learning theory. In your answer, make comparisons with at
least one other approach in psychology.