Company Officer Flashcards
___ are the first line supervisors responsible for the performance and safety of assigned personnel in an emergency service organization.
Company officers
The NFPA defines a ____ as an individual responsible for overseeing the performance or activity of other members.
In nearly every case, the ____ is one of the first persons on the scene and is likely to be the last to leave.
company officer
In most departments, companies spend less than ____ percent of their time dealing with emergencies.
Regardless of the activity, the company officer is expected to PLAN, MANAGE, and LEAD the company.
____ others and ensuring everyone goes home is the company officer’s principal job.
The ___ has one of the most demanding jobs in the organization.
company officer
____ others is the company officers principal job.
The officer’s primary job is to ____.
____ are the backbone of the service delivery system.
The Fire Service Organization: From TOP to BOTTOM:
Senior Staff
The company officer is expected to manage ____, ____, ____, and ____ at the company level.
To the fire chief and other senior officers, the ____ represents the company.
company officer
Service delivery is the sole reason these (FD) organizations exist.
Most of the organization’s service delivery or customer service is delivered by personnel at the ____ level.
FDs should be sure that their personnel are professionals. This can be accomplished through ____, _____, and ____.
For the most part, fire protections is a LOCAL problem.
There are approximately ___ NFPA codes and standards dealing with every aspect of fire protection.
A significant step in the certification process occurred when the Joint Council established the ______ in 1972.
National Professional Qualifications System
NFPA’s codes and standards are the result of more than ___ committees consisting of more than 5,000 individuals who serve voluntarily.
How many of the NFPA documents deal with the qualifications of those who serve in the fire service?
NFPA published the first national standard for fire service officers in ____.
NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications, outlines the requirements for fire officers at four levels.
Fire Officer I, focuses on the needs of the _____ supervisor, clearly including company officers.
Fire Officer II, focuses on the _____ aspects of the company officer’s job and help prepare individuals to move into staff positions.
Fire Officer III, focuses mostly with _____ and _____.
admin and management
At the top of the officer certification ladder, the requirements for Fire Officer IV satisfy the needs of ____ and _____.
senior staff
chief officers
The present version of NFPA ____, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications, outlines the requirements for fire officers at four levels of competency.
Professional development is a SHARED responsibility.
The INDIVIDUAL’S RESPONSIBILITIES include ____ and ____ which bring Individual Growth.
The DEPARTMENT’S RESPONSIBILITIES include ___ and ___ which brings Organizational Growth.
Most of the requirements focus on administration, management, and supervisory issues.
Professionalism encompasses A, B, C, D, and E, which are:
Attitude Behavior Communication Demeanor Ethics
The successful company officer is a ____ for others.
role model
Good communication skills are essential in both you WORK and you PERSONAL life.
According to NFPA 1021, good oral and written communications skills are a prerequisite for most of the certification requirements for Fire Officer ____.
Formal communications are conducted according to established standards.
Formal communications transmit ____ information
The 5 elements of the communication model:
- Sender
- Message
- Medium
- Receiver
- Feedback
The final step in the communication process is called ____.
____ communications are simpler and more spontaneous.
Written communications can be either ____ or ____.
formal or informal
When we need to communicate across the organization, we usually use a more ____ communications style.
The communications model consists of:
- Sender
- Message
- Receiver
- Feedback
The ____ is the most commonly used method of personal communications.
spoke word
Signs are a form of communications.
Oral communication can be one way or two way.
The third form of communications is communicating without words, sometimes referred to as _____.
body language
Of all communication forms listed, ___ communication is easiest, most commonly used, and effective.
Face-to-face contact allows the feedback process to work at its best.
Any obstacle in the communication process is called a ____.
There are several types of barriers:
- Big words
- Technical Terms
- Boredom
- Confusion
- Monotone
Walls, distance, and background noise are examples of ____ barriers.
___ barriers act as filters in nearly all of our interactions with others.
___ barriers arise from language problems.
There are more than ____ words in common use that have more than 20 meanings.
Overcoming communications barriers can be achieved by being adaptive to the audience, by having a specific purpose, and by staying focused, brief, and clear.
As pertaining to the communications process, ___ may be the most important part for the company officer.
Alert facial expression and good posture indicate a good ____.
Dr. Steven Covey’s fifth principle in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, is “_______”.
“Seek first to understand before being understood.”
When you are actively listening, three important things happen:
- You actually hear what is being said
- ou are more likely to remember what was said
- You show respect for the sender
____ is an active process that requires considerable effort.
Remember to make your communications a two way process.
One of the company officer’s many jobs is to facilitate the communications process.
One way to improve your communications skills is to watch yourself on ____.
Most of the significant recommendations and requests you submit are WRITTEN.
Principles of Effective Writing:
- Consider the reader
- Emphasis
- Brevity
- Simplicity
- Objectivity
- Mechanical accuracy
Brevity does not mean too short; it just means NOT too long
For the numbers one through nine, you spell out the word. Starting at ___, you use the digits.
Capitals, in writing, are usually used when referring to a specific individual, place, or thing.
_____ may be the most important part of writing.
When you write, think about the one sentence you would keep if you were allowed to keep only one.
Good proofreading requires a slow, deliberate reading.
____ is fundamentally different from paper-based communication because of its speed and broadcasting ability.
Another difference between e-mail and older media is that what the sender sees when composing a message might not look like what the reader sees.
Try to include a ____ Message in the interview with the press.
The first ____ to arrive at the scene of any emergency, is most likely the best informed individual available.
company officer
The most important take away point when dealing with the media is to :
follow your department’s guidelines
To be successful, the news release should be no more than ____ page and should be sent so that the information can be processed and published in time to benefit the public.
The first paragraph should be a ____ of what the news release is all about.
The _____ is a vital link in the emergency communications process.
Responding to an emergency scene, one of the very first actions needed is a good ____, an accurate description of what is going on.
Good ____ are a critical part of effective emergency activities.
We can say that ____ is the act of guiding the human and physical resources of an organization to attain the organization’s objectives.
____ includes determining what needs to be done and the accomplishment of the task itself.
One of first contributors towards the science of management was ____.
Henry Fayol
Fayol also noted that management activities increase as one moves up in rank in an organization.
The need for management skills _____ as one moves up the organizational ladder.
____ is called the “Father of Professional Management”
In the fire service, the first-line supervisors are the COMPANY OFFICERS.
Fayol’s five basic functions are:
- Planning
- Organizing
- Commanding
- Coordinating
- Controlling
Management activities can be divided into FIVE discrete components:
- Planning
- Organizing
- Commanding
- Coordinating
- Controlling
Any activity should start with PLANNING.
Planning can be divided into THREE areas:
- Short range planning
- Mid range planning
- Long range planning
____ planning looks at the rest of the today, tomorrow, and the rest of the year.
Short range
____ planning reaches out from 1 year to 5 years.
Mid range
____ planning looks at the needs of the organization beyond 5 years.
Long range
The process of ___ is the breaking down of large tasks into manageable activities.
The second function of management is called _____.
_____ is the third management function.
_____ means that you exercise your delegated authority to get things accomplished.
The fourth management function is _____.
Effective managers are constantly finding ways to do MORE for LESS.
Things that can be coordinated:
-The resources of:
____ is the fifth and final item of Fayol’s list.
____ is monitoring our progress.
For company officers, the greatest resource is your _____
____ allows you to measure the effectiveness of your efforts, to help you maintain your goals, to seek new ways to improve, to increase production, and to help plan for future undertakings.
The principle of _____ suggests that management control is greatly increased and corrective action greatly expedited when you concentrate on the exceptions to expected results.
Management control is GREATLY expedited and increases when managers concentrate on the exceptions to expected results.
Taylor’s focus was on the FIRST LINE MANAGER and the efficiency of the WORKER.
____ is called the “Father of Scientific Management.”
Fredrick Taylor
Maslow recognized that the very first of the needs are the BASIC ____ NEEDS.
____ is credited with inventing a concept known as management by objectives.
Peter Drucker
_____ introduced the now well known concept of Theory X and Theory Y.
Douglas McGregor
William G. Ouchi, developed a concept he called ______.
Theory Z
Professor Ouchi focused on WORKER’S NEEDS.
With Theory Z, the focus is on the ____ rather than the work itself.
W. Edwards Deming’s ideas are referred to as ______
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Theory X:
- People dislike work
- People work only for money
Theory Y:
- People want to feel important
- People want to be recognized
Theory Z:
- People want to contribute and be part of the process
- People represent unlimited potential
To be successful, TQM must put the focus on the CUSTOMER’S needs.
In TQM ____ is essential.
“The One Minute Manager” was written by _____.
Kenneth Blanchard
In the book, “The One Minute Manager” it states to find someone doing something right and give this person recognition.
A measurement of a good leader is ability to develop other leaders, NOT followers.
Fire chiefs do most of their managing from their ____, not from the middle of the street.
____ is the active part of making an organization run and includes planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling.
_____ is how tasks are assigned.
Comparing Organizational Values: TRADITIONAL
- Focused on FUNCTION
- CENTRALIZED decision making
- TALL structure, many layers
- DISTINCTION between line and staff
- NARROW job definitions
- Heavy reliance on RULES
- VERTICAL communications
- Emphasis on INDIVIDUALS
Comparing Organizational Values: MODERN
- Focused on PROCESS
- DECENTRALIZED decision making
- FLAT structure, few layers
- Both JOINED as teams
- WIDE ranging job descriptions
- Heavy reliance on INNOVATION
- HORIZONTAL communications
Fire departments are organizations, and their ability to perform as such is a reflection on how well they are ____.
A complete set of ____ is the best method for departments to “operationalize” other organizational documents.
Normally, the ISO evaluation is conducted every ___ years.
ISO: A rating of 1 through 8 indicates that there is some sort of recognized FD, that the nearest engine company is fewer than ___ miles travel distance from any protected proterty and that there is either an adequate fire hydrant within _____ feet or other water supply resource.
ISO: A class 9 rating is similar to a rating of 1 through 8 but it lacks an adequate ____.
water supply
ISO: A class 10 rating indicates that there is essentially no _____.
fire protection
ISO: Receiving and handling of fire alarms is ___ percent of the total score.
ISO: Fire department resources is ___ percent of the total score.
ISO: Community’s water supply is ___ percent of the total score.
Better fire protection leads to lower insurance costs.
NFPA ___ standard for CAREER fire departments response times.
NFPA ___ standard for VOLUNTEER fire departments response times.
___ is process by which an agency or institution evaluates and recognizes a course of study.
He said that for organizations to be effective, the manager in one section should be able to communicate with the manager in another section, without having to go all the way to the top of the organizatinal structure. The shorter path is called ______.
Fayol’s bridge
___ have a direct impact on the management of the fire service, from the chief to the company officer.
Information relationships and effective delegation within organization facilitate crossing the organizational lines to get things done. This concept is known as _____.
Fayol’s bridge
___ often begin where laws leave off.
Remember that personal life and professional life are equal and should be interchangeable.
____ declare the vision for the organization.
Mission statements
____ are the larger, strategic statements that may take several years to accomplish.
____ are usually an element within a goal and represent the efforts of a shorter period.
Goals and Objectives help us to identify where we are going and help us measure progress as we make the trip.
Setting personal goals: Do something each day to make this place better is an example of _____.
Setting personal goals: Make each day productive is an example of an ____.
The ____ is a recognized standard that identifies the fundamentals of projeft management across a wide range of responsibilities and projects, including the automotive, construction, and engineering industries.
Project Management Body of Knowlege (PMBOK Guide)
The five processes the PMBOK Guide identifies are:
- Initiating
- Planning
- Executing
- Controlling and Monitoring
- Closing
___ should always start with a clear understanding of the goals and objectives.
A ____ is a written formal set of goals that convey the mission of the oraganization, the company, or the individual.
business plan
The most important part of any business plan is that it puts down on paper where you want to be in 1 , 3 , or 5 years from now.
Characteristics of a good plan:
- A clearly defined goal
- A logical set of objectives
- A list of resources needed
- A method to measure progress
___ involves the integration of human and physical resources, money, and time.
____ is a process of entrusting some of our work to others.
In delegation process, two things happen:
- The supervisor assigns duties to the subordinate.
2. The subordinate takes on an obligation or responsibilty to pefrom these duties.
To be effective, delegation of the duty and aceptance of the obligation for the job should be coupled with the ___ to do the job.
With the exeption of a few specifically indentified tasks, most of your duties as the company officer can be _____
Barriers To Delegation:
- I can do it myself better
- It will take time to train someone
- I am not sure that anyone else can do this
- I think my boss would want me to do this myself
Effective management of any organization involves the ability to ____ certain tasks.
The IAFF has more than ____ affiliates in the United States.
Most grievances are resolved at the first step which involves:
filing a complaint with a supervisor
A ___ shop usually results from an agreement between their union and the employer that requires prospective emplyees to become members of the union prior to being hired.
A ___ shop usually results from an agrement between the employer and the union that requires membership within a specified period of being hired.
An ____ shop union membership not required but payment of union dues mandatory
The ____ shop, employees are free to decide if they will join the union.
Contracts usually run from __ to __ years.
1 to 5
The ____ Act of 1935 provided employees with the right to engage in union activities.
National Labor Relations ACt
There are 3 levels of third party involvement in union managment disagreements:
- Mediation
- Fact finding
- Interest arbitration
The SOP Development Process:
- Build the DEVELOPMENT team
- Provide organizational SUPPORT
- Establish team PROCEDURES
- Gather INFORMATION and IDENTIFY alternatives
- ANALYZE and SELECT alternatives
In the book, The Power Of Ethical Management, they suggest a simple three question test to guide our actions:
- Is it legal?
- How will it make me feel about myself?
The principal tool for managing money is called a _____.
Budgets are usually broken down into two catergoires:
- Operating
2. Capital
____ budget items are large, expensive items that last longer than 1 year.
Most capital budgets are set up on a ___ year span.
For most paid fire departments, ___ percent or more of the operating budget is typically dedicated to salaries and related personnel costs.
FTE’s stand for:
Full Time Equivalent Positions
Revenues show the sources for the ____ money.
Developing the budget or a budget proposal starts with _____.
Rule of thumb is to add ___ percent of the overall cost for each project year.
Most commonly, specifications or specific brands and model numbers relating to the equipment is sent out at least ___ weeks in advance.
Who is responsible for reviewing the bids:
The purchasing agent for the department, also known as the contractor.
What is an RFP?
Request For Proposal
An is most commonly used when the specifications are broader in nature and the department is open to more than that one specific brand of equipment, etc:
An award of an RFP is NOT based on low bid buy on what is in the BEST interest of and value for the department.
Two factors to assist in deciding whether to use an RFP, an RFQ, or a bid is to determine if:
- Dealing with vendors or contractors
2. Overall dollar amount
A ____ is typically one who supplies goods or services.
___ allows us to prepare for events, rather than react to them.
According to ____, work expands to fill the time available for its completion.
20 percent of the time, doing the VITAL view, you have ___ percent of results.
80 percent of the time, doing the TRIVIAL many, you have ____ percent of results.
At the lower levels in our organization, ____ skills are important.
In the MIDDLE ranks in our organization, ____ skills are critical.
In the UPPER ranks in our organization, ____ skills are most important.
Notification could be in verbal or written form.
Techies percentage:
5 percent
Visionaries percentage:
10 percent
Pragmatists percentage:
35 percent
Conservatives percentage:
35 percent
Skeptics percentage:
15 percent
Most fire service organizations enjoy a _____ environment when it comes to the delivery of services.
Three major components of Customer Service:
- Always be nice
- Regard everyone as a customer
- Constantly raise the bar, raise the performance standard, and look for ways to improve, etc.
Successful company officers create an environment where there is open _____ and _____.
discussion and collaboration
Ongoing Issues of National Importance: 13
- Leadership
- Prevention and public education
- Training and education
- Fire and life safety systems
- Data
- Environmental issues
- Managed care
- Competition and marketing
- Service delivery
- Wellness
- Political realities
- Interagency cooperation
___ is a set of processes that can keep a complicated system of people and technology running smoothly.
The most improtant aspects of management include:
- Planning
- Budgeting
- Staffing
- Organizing
- Problem solving
- Controlling
An _____ is a group of people working together to accomplish a task.
A ____ is two or more people who come together for a common purose.
____ can be defined as how those individuals interact and influence one another.
group dynamics
____ dynamics are when groups tend to develop numerous dynamic practices that separate them from other individuals.
In a grou environment, the two major factors that are considered are the ___ at hand and the ____ within the group.
task, relationship
By their very nature,____ represent people who share common interests an goals.
____ is defined as the personal actions needed by managers to get team members to carry out certain activities.
____is one’s influence over others.
___ is a management tool.
Effective ____ deals with changing the personal conduct of others.
_____ represent the first superivisory rank in the organizational structure of the fire service.
Company officers
An important part of the leader’s job is to develop and maintain the organization’s human resources to their fullest potential.
For many fire service organizations, the greates opportunities for further improvements in efficiency will come at the _____ level.
Most fire companies spend about ___ percent of their time dealing with emergency activities.
It has been said that there are only two positions in a fire department to which outsiders can apply. One is the ____ and the other is as an _____.
fire chief
entry level firefighter
Studying group behavior is a part of the science of _____.
According to Maslow, there are four general types of needs that must be satisfied before a person can act unselfishly. He called them “deficiency needs” and they are:
- Physiological
- Safety
- Love
- Esteem
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs:
Physiological Safety Love Esteem Self Actualization
The need for _____ is “the desire to become more and more of what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.”
self actualization
Many consider ___ to be the ultimate motivator in the workplace.
Fredrick Herzberg described two factors that act on personnel at work:
- Hygiene
2. Motivators
Factors that are needed just to get people to come to work and to prevent dissatisfaction:
____ encourage workers to rise above the satisfactory level and do excellent work.
Motivators: (7)
- Responsiblity
- Job with a PURPOSE
- RECOGNITION of good work
- OPPORTUNITY for promotion
- OPPORTUNITY for achievement
- OPPORTUNITY for personal growth
- Threshold of satisfaction
Hygiene Factors: (5)
- Good working relationships
- Good working conditions
- Good pay and benefits
- Job security
Persons with high power needs like to be _____.
in charge
Persons with high achievement needs like ____.
Persons with high affiliation needs like to ___.
work in groups
The _____ was introduced in 1964 by Drs. Robert R. Blake and Jane S. Mouton.
Managerial Grid
This model suggested that morale (the people factor) and productivity are independent of one another.
The Managerial Grid
Position A on the Managerial Grid may be similar in some ways to Theory ___.
____ the exercise of power.
____ is the ability to influence others in a constructive way that supports the individual and the department.
Type of Power: Legitimate:
Official Position
Type of Power: Reward:
Comes with the badge
Power over others
Type of Power: Punishment:
Comes with the badge
Power over others
Type of Power: Identification:
Individually earned
Type of Power: Expert:
Individually earned
Unique knowledge
For fire service personnel, the first type of leadership power comes with the badge of the office:
Legitimate power
Legitimate, reward, and punishment power ______.
come with the badge
Four representative leadership styles:
- Directing
- Consulting
- Supporting
- Delegating
The _____ simply places traits required to be a fire officer, in place of the components essential for a fire.
Leadership Tetrahedron
Leadership Tetrahedron consists of:
- Courage
- Ability
- Desire
What’s the middle of the Leadership Tetrahedron:
Interpersonal Skills
The ___ Amendment provides that “No person shall…be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.”
The ___ Amendment provides that “No state shall deny any persons within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.”
Title ___ of the act deals with programs and activities that receive federal funding and prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex.
Title ___ deals with employment and prohibits discrimination by employers on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
The Age Discrimination Employment Act of 1967 protects individuals who are ___ years of age or older.
Many of the organization’s rules are unwritten.
Title ____ of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 covers sexual harassment in the workplace.
In regards to harassment, the employer is liable unless it proves that :
- It exercised reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct any harassment; and
- The employee unreasonably failed to complain to management or to avoid harm otherwise.
A “tangible employment action” means a significant _______.
change in employment status
The number of complaints filed with the EEOC more than ___ between 1991 and 1998
For most of those entering the FD, the person who has the greatest impact on them in their entire career is probably their first _____
company officer
The task of developing _____ is one of the most challenging tasks a company officer faces, and at the same time is one that can provide great personal satisfaction.
The first meeting with a new firefighter should : (3)
- Define the job
- Establish positive relationships
- Build a friendly atmosphere
Although a formal review will occur after some specific time of service, typically ___ months to a year, you should snot wait that long with a new member.
The team member’s PERFORMANCE is determined by :
Their COMPETENCE and COMMITMENT to the work
The team member’s COMPETENCE is determined by:
The team member’s COMMITMENT is determined by:
Type 1 member:
- High competency
- High commitment
- Good performer
Type 2 member:
- Low competency
- High commitment
- Good student
Type 3 member:
- High competency
- Low commitment
- Poor attitude
Type 4 member:
- Low competency
- Low commitment
- Unwilling and unable
A good ____ process must start with a formal decision from a senior offer.
The ____ process can be briefly summarized with the words “Lead, follow, and get out of the way.”
When ____, you are helping a team member improve knowledge, skills, and abilities.
_____ is an informational process that helps members improve their skills and abilities.
____ should always be done in private.
Four effective tools for team member development:
- Mentoring
- Coaching
- Counseling
- Performance Evaluations
____ is the second leadership tool available to help members.
_____ focuses on improving some specific aspect of member performance, attitude, or behavior.
To be effective, COUNSELING should be accomplished shortly after the unsatisfactory behavior was observed.
The Five Professional Development Roles of a Leader: (5)
- Mentor
- Coach
- Appraiser
- Adviser
- Referral Agent
The evaluation procedure should be a continuous cycle.
The cycle of _____ represents the continuous process of goal setting, observation, and performance evaluation.
performance management
______ by supervisors are the most traditional source of employee feedback.
The first line supervisor is often in the best position to effectively carry out the full cycle of performance management:
- Planning
- Monitoring
- Developing
- Appraising
- Rewarding
Helps members learn the job:
Helps members with self-assessment:
Provides members with a reality check:
Helps member identify their goals:
Connects members with their own future goals:
Referral agent
Most federal employees (about ___ percent in a large government wide survey) believe that the greatest contribution to their performance feedback should come from their ______.
90, first line supervisors
The most significant contribution of self-ratings is the improved ______ that results between supervisors and subordinates.
____ are often the most relevant evaluators of their colleague’s performance.
____ is among the most significant yet controversial features of a “full circle” performance evaluation program.
Subordinates Appraising Managers (SAM)
____ feedback should serve as an “anchor” for almost all other performance factors.
This type of appraisal system is based on the interpersonal relationship between the supervisor and the member:
informal appraisal system
A problem with this performance evaluation system lies in the evaluator’s interpretation of the words:
Graphic Rating System
Common Rater Errors:
- Halo Effect
- Central tendency
- Contamination
- “Like me” syndrome
The performance appraisal _____ is the primary formal feedback members receive on their work.
The _____ is based on a rater’s tendency to overweight certain factors among the overall information available.
Halo Effect
The opposite of the halo effect, the rater tends to put scores in the center of the scale with this type of performance appraisal:
Central tendency
A rating score that is based on information that is not relevant to the performance standard:
In this situation, the rater uses themselves as the benchmarks, rather than using a performance standard:
“Like me” Syndrome
A good evaluation interview starts with a review of the significant _____ of the period.
Recognition should be personal.
One of the basic tenants of the Dale Carnegie program is “________”.
Show sincere, genuine appreciation
The punishment of _____ has a lasting impact.
Fundamental to the process is the fact that before any disciplinary action can be implemented, the supervisor must first ______.
give a warning
Pressure can create _____.
______ allows members to have a feeling of ownership in the organization.
Finding the best way to _____ each of your teammates is one of the most important things you do in being an effective leader.
A first expression of dissatisfaction might be considered a _____
Prolonged or repeated dissatisfaction over the same topic might lead to a _____.
According to John Buckman, good leaders:
- Are bright, mentally agile, and alert
- Seek out responsibility
- Are informed
- Are good communicators
- Sense of humor
One of the main components of successfully introducing change is to keep the communications open.
In the United States, approximately _____ firefighters are killed and approximately _____ are injured each year while on duty.
An overview of 118 firefighters who died while on duty in 2007 ____ volunteer firefighters and ____ career firefighters died while on duty.
68 , 50
______ were the most frequent cause of death for 2007, resulting in 52 firefighter deaths.
Heart Attacks
One industry that has made remarkable progress in the area of worker safety in recent times is the _____ industry.
Norfolk Southern Corporation, by using teamwork, has reduced injuries by ____ percent.
Nearly half of all on-duty firefighter fatalities are the result of _____.
heart attacks
Nearly half of those killed during structural firefighting operations were ______ at the time of their injury.
advancing hose lines
At the Firefighter Life Safety Summit how many Life Safety initiatives were produced to ensure the Everyone Goes Home:
A ____ percent reduction in on duty firefighter fatalities within 5 years.
A ____ percent reduction in on duty firefighter fatalities within 10 years.
The largest percentage of firefighter injuries and deaths occur at the scene of ____.
The most frequent injuries are ____ and ____.
sprains and strains
Herbert Heinrich’s, Domino Theory, noted that the third element, the Unsafe Act, led to nearly ____ percent of all accidents.
The Human Factors Theory suggests three broad factors lead to accidents:
- Overload
- Inappropriate response
- Inappropriate activity
_____ Theory suggests that for a single accident there may be many contributory factors.
Multiple Causation
Multiple Causation Theory the contributory factors can be grouped into two categories:
- Behavioral
2. Enviromental
The major contribution of the Multiple Causation Theory is to show that rarely, if ever, is an accident the result of a single cause or act.
According to this theory, all accidents are treated as acts of God:
Pure Chance Theory
Removing any element breaks the chain and reduces the risk of an accident describes which theory:
The Domino Theory
One of _____ functions is to develop and enforce mandatory job safety and health standards.
Title I of SARA made training and response planning mandatory for all fire departments that intend to respond to _____ incidents.
hazardous materials
Title II of SARA includes the ______ Act which requires the EPA to work with states and localities to plan for hazardous materials incidents and to give communities the tools to obtain information about hazards in their localities.
Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know
Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program:
NFPA 1500
Chapter 1 of NFPA 1500:
Chapter 2 of NFPA 1500:
Referenced Publications
Chapter 3 of NFPA 1500:
Chapter 4 of NFPA 1500:
Fire Department Administration
The _____ must be an officer from within the agency and should be formally appointed by the fire chief or the head of the agency:
Health and Safety Officer (HSO)
The HSO’s most important job is the implementation and management of the department’s ______.
safety program
Although the ultimate responsibility for the safety of the department’s personnel lies with the _____.
fire chief
One of the HSO’s duties is to investigate _____.
The principal reasons for investigators and documenting accidents are to prevent ____
similar situations
The ____ shall have ultimate responsibility for incident scene safety as specified in NFPA 1561, Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System.
incident commander
Standard for Professional Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents:
NFPA 472
Standard on Fire Department Infection Control Program, during EMS operations:
NFPA 1581
The HSO shall report directly to the ____ or his designated rep.
fire chief
Since 1987, reported training related injuries have increased by nearly ____ percent.
Correcting unsafe acts during ____ and even during actual events, reduces accidents among firefighters.
Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions in Structures:
NFPA 1403
The second most frequent situation in which firefighters are killed is _________.
while responding to and returning from incidents
When the driver is under the direct supervision of an officer:
that officer shall assume responsibility for the driver’s actions.
Over ___ percent of those killed in emergency vehicle crashes were not wearing seat belts at the time of the accident.
Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus:
NFPA 1901
In some situations, turning off some warning devices can increase the safety of both civilians and emergency personnel.
Cases involving _____ are the most prevalent of the motor vehicle incidents per firefighter deaths.
Standard for the Inspection, Maintenance, Testing, and Retirement of In-Service Automotive Fire Apparatus:
NFPA 1911
Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications:
NFPA 1002
NFPA 1500 clearly states that the officer (of the unit) is responsible for the overall safety of assigned personnel and equipment. This included providing proper supervision of the _____.
Chapter 7 of NFPA 1500:
Protective Clothing and Protective Equipment
Chapter 6 of NFPA 1500:
Fire Apparatus, Equipment, and Drivers/Operators
Chapter 5 of NFPA 1500:
Training and Education
An estimated _____ of firefighters per shift are not equipped with SCBA equipment.
SCBA should be provided and shall be used by all members working in areas where:
- The atmosphere is hazardous
- The atmosphere is suspected of being hazardous
- The atmosphere may rapidly become hazardous
NFPA 1500 indicates that at least one team, consisting of at least ____ individuals shall be kept immediately available for purposes of rescue.
The Phoenix Fire Department states that “if you extend an attack line 150 feet, get 40 feet off the line, and run out of air, it will take ____ minutes to find and remove you from the structure.”
It takes ___ firefighters to rescue one.
____ in five rescuers will get in trouble themselves.
A 3,000 psi SCBA bottle lasts ___ minutes.
U.S. Fire Administration data suggests that the most dangerous activity at the foreground is _______.
advancing hose lines
Many accidents involving fire apparatus are the result of ______.
excessive speed
NFPA 1500 indicates that a minimum of ____ individuals is required to start interior operations in a hazardous environment.
As company officers you should tour the station every day and inspect in once a _____.
Standard for Life Safety Codes:
NFPA 101
The exhaust from all internal combustion engines, contains over ____ individual hazardous chemical components that, when combined, can result in as many as _____ chemical compounds.
Approximately 40 to 50 percent of all on duty firefighter fatalities are the result of ______.
heart attack
No wonder strain and sprain injuries represent ___ percent of all injuries and heart attacks and strokes represent nearly ___ percent of all deaths in the fire service when firefighters do not have an opportunity to warm up.
Health Related Fitness Programs for Firefighters:
NFPA 1583
Mental condition as well as ____ condition is a part of the firefighter’s overall well being.
Five generally accepted tools for dealing with CIS:
- Training
- Scene Management
- Peer support
- Debriefing
- Counseling
_____ stress is the inevitable result of trauma experienced by fire service personnel.
Critical incident
Generally, CID briefings should be held at a station within ___ to ___ hours after the incident.
1 to 3
Make safety a core value by supporting LACK. What is LACK?
Good scene management focuses on the priorities of the ____, provides for the ____ of all concerned, and seeks to reduce further loss.
incident, safety
Action taken during the first ____ minutes sets the tone for the entire alarm and has significant impact on the overall outcome of the event.
Property conservation should be addressed in _____ planning efforts and started upon arrival of fire suppression forces.
_____ involves using the LEAST destructive means for entering, using early and aggressive ventilation, using a coordinated fire attach with the proper hose lines, salvage covers, etc.
Property conservation
____ safety is the first priority.
______ stabilization focuses on reducing injuries and loss after operations are started.
_____ is process of gathering and analyzing information that is critical to the outcome of the event.
For fires, there are three possible situations:
- Nothing showing
- Smoke showing
- Fire showing
____ involves more than what you see upon arrival.
Size up
When you are working in or near moving traffic, you are considered a ______ and fall under federal Department of Transportation (DOT) standards and regulations.
highway worker
The second company to block on a limited access highway should establish a second upstream block at least ____ mile from the main activity area.
Traffic cones can be extended ______ of the blocking apparatus towards the activity area to keep vehicles out of the shadow area.
Remember that ____ is the first step in the action plan.
size up
When initiating a size up it may be helpful to answer these three questions:
- What have I got?
- Where is it going?
- How can I stop it?
A fire in a commercial building at night may present REDUCED life safety concerns but will likely have delayed discovery.
In many cases, especially where resources may be limited or where the building’s condition is doubtful, it may be best to focus resources on protecting the _____.
There are three modes of operation at a fire:
- Offensive
- Defensive
- Transitional
In the ____ mode operations are conducted from a safe distance outside of the structure and may focus more on containing the fire rather than on extinguishing it.
During the ____ mode, operations are chaining from either an offensive to a defensive mode, or from a defensive to an offensive mode.
There are three modes of command:
- Command
- Attack
- Combination of both
Identifying potential safety concerns to members and taking actions to reduce risks to firefighters are without a doubt two of the most important thing that can be accomplished.
The general rule is that the next time that command is passed, it must be to ______.
a chief officer
Some departments use the acronym OSCAR to assist in remembering all of the components of an initial size up report.
Occupancy Size Conditions Actions Resources
After ___ or ___ minutes of interior firefighting operations, you should see significant progress.
10 or 15
An _____ is an organized course of action that addresses all phases of incident control within a specified time frame.
action plan
Second, the action plan should address ______
all phases of the emergency
The third key element in the definition of action plan is within a ______.
specified time frame
_____ is the overall plan that is used to gain control of an incident.
The action plan puts the ____ and ____ phases into motion.
planning and thinking
A commander may assign ____ with very specific directions.
The first ___ minutes of operation at an emergency scene are the most critical.
Jim Crawford, suggests that limiting damage once the event starts should also be part of our risk -management process.
FIRESCOPE stands for FIre REsources of Southern California Organized for Potential Emergencies.
Chief Alan Brunacini of the Phoenix Fire Department.
Incident Management System (IMS) implies that very aspect of controlling an incident is accomplished in an ____ and ____ way.
orderly and logical
The ______ defines the principles, roles, and structures that organize how we respond as a nation.
National Response Framework (NRF)
The focus of IMS is on effective management of ____ and _____.
people and resources
____ provides a consistent nationwide template to enable federal, State, tribal, and loca governments, the private sector, and nongovernment organizations to work together to prepare, etc.
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
The ____ is a perfect example of a practical application of organizational and management theory.
The ____ are often the best persons to gather the information needed for the PIA.
incident commander
A formal post incident analysis should be conducted in the following circumstances:
- A civilian fatality
- A firefighter injury or fatality
- A hazmat incident that results in chemical exposure
- Any multi casualty event
- Any firefighting operation presenting unusual situations
- Any event obtained during the analysis that would benefit others
The National Response Framework Preparedness Cycle consists of:
- Plan
- Organize, Train, Equip
- Exercise
- Evaluate and Improve
The Preparedness Cycle builds ______
Many characteristics make IMS work. Two of these have to do with communications. The first is the use of _____. The second is the use of _____.
plain language
common terminology
The Technical Specialists are within the _____ Section.
Fayol’s Principles: 14
- Division of Labor
- Authority and responsibility
- Discipline
- Unity of command
- Subordination of individual interests
- Proper remuneration
- Centralization of authority
- Scalar (continuous) chain of ranks
- Order
- Equity and fairness
- Initiative
- Stability of our personnel
- Esprit de corps