CBA 2015-2018 Flashcards
Annual leave, shall be taken in prescheduled blocks of ____ and ____ shift blocks and used for vacation.
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Employees who have not reached the maximum annual leave accrual may substitute a ___ block for one of the six shift blocks.
An employee shall under no circumstance be allowed to carry over into the first pay period of the next calendar year, an accumulation GREATER than ___ year’s leave as determined by years of service at the rate set forth in Article 15, Section 2.
All unscheduled leave requests are subject to the approval of the ____ or his designee.
Fire Chief
The Employees may, with the approval of the Fire Chief or his designee, utilize ALL accused leave on a consecutive shift basis.
Annual leave taken by shift employees AFTER the start of the first pay period that begins the new payroll calendar year shall be charged at the rate of ___ hour for each hour of leave taken.
Annual leave time accruals and usage shall be calculated and maintained by _____ through the payroll system.
Fire Rescue Services Administration
Use of Sick Leave: Additional time may be transferred to such employee from another employee’s banked leave exclusive of sick leave, provided that the donating employee’s sick leave balance is more than ____ hours.
Hours of leave per year for shift employees:
116 hours
Hours of leave per year non shift employees:
96 hours
Sick leave maximum accumulation is ____ hours for NON-shift employees.
Sick leave maximum accumulation is ____ hours for SHIFT employees.
Any sick leave above the maximum for shift or non-shift employees with ____ or more years of service shall be converted to EPL at the rate of one hour of EPL for every 3 house of sick leave above the maximum.
Shift employees who utilize less than ____ hours of sick leave in the calendar year and who have a minimum sick leave balance in excess of ____ hours, may convert 36 hours of sick leave to EPL, or receive cash payment in lieu thereof provided that the leave remaining after conversion is equal to or greater than 232 hours.
Shift employees who utilize ZERO hours of sick leave with a minimum balance in excess of 232 hours, in addition to the 36 hours of conversion, shall be allowed to convert and additional ___ hours to personal leave or cash payment.
NON-shift employees who utilize less than ____ hours of sick leave and who have a minimum sick leave balance in excess of ____ hours may convert 24 hours.
NON-shift employees who utilize zero hours of sick leave, shall be allowed to convert and additional ___ hours to EPL or cash payment.
Personal leave may be utilized on an hour for hour basis or may be accumulated and paid at the rate of ____ percent at the time of termination or retirement.
For the purposes of Section 6, a calendar year shall be that period of time from the first ____ period in January until the first pay period in January the following year.
Upon termination of employment or retirement following ten (10) years of service, an employee will be compensated at the rate of ___ percent of his or her accumulated sick leave at the employee’s base hourly rate of pay at the time of the termination or retirement.
An employee who is being laid off may elect to retain any or all of the accumulated bank with the City for up to ____months in anticipation of being rehired.
Requests for sick leave in excess of ____ consecutive working days for NON-shift workers or ____ consecutive 24 hour shifts for SHIFT employees must be accompanied by a physician’s certificate.
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Sick leave records shall be maintained by the Payroll Division of Finance and _____ shall be the official records.
NO sick leave shall be granted to an employee who is injured while gainfully employed by an employer other than the City.
In the event of death in the immediate family of a bargaining unit member who works a 24 hour shift, upon the request of the employee, he shall be granted, at his discretion, up to a total of ____ consecutive hours of paid and/or unpaid leave corresponding to the employee’s platoon shift days which myst be used within 14 days following the employee’s notification of the family member death.
For the purposes of bereavement leave, a previously scheduled KD falling with the 48 hour time period described, shall count as 24 hours of the TOTAL maximum 48 hours bereavement leave.
Bereavement Leave: In the event that travel of ____ miles or more one way is required, an additional 24 hour scheduled shift day may be utilized.
Bereavement leave, with pay, is provided WITHOUT charge to the employee’s accrued leave banks as outline in the Article.
PLMT shall be established consisting of ___ members selected by management, 3 members selected by labor and one mutually agreed upon member selected by the team as necessary.
The _____ panel(s) and the ____ shall meet to select, review, and approve, in conjunction with HR Director the resource materials for forthcoming promotional exams.
SME, Fire chief
A copy of all examination protests will be submitted to a panel of ____ subject matter experts, selected by the Promotions Labor/Management Team, for review and comment.
All candidates shall have the opportunity to substantiate any claims of errors in the scoring or final calculation of overall scores to the _____ or his/her designee within 5 business days of the posting of the preliminary results of the promotional process.
Director of Human Resources
The seniority points shall be computed at ____ of one point for each full year of continuous service as of the closing date of the promotional announcement.
Fire Prevention Officer positions as necessary, as pertaining to giving promotional tests.
Promotions will be made within ___ days of the occurrence of the vacancy unless delayed for legitimate business reasons as determined by the Fire Chief.
In the event that a promotional eligibility list has been depleted or rendered unusable for any reason prior to the expiration of that list, a promotional examination for the position covered by the depleted or unusable list shall be conducted within ____ days of at least two candidates becoming eligible for D/E, LT, CPT, and ONE candidate for Fire Prevention LT, CPT to process to sit for exam.
Selections for a position shall be made by the Fire Chief from among the then current top ____ eligible candidates on the list.
The Fire Chief may consider, prior to making the final selection decision for promotion, items such as, but not limited to:
- Employee personnel files from Human Resources and Fire Rescue for the previous 5 years.
- EMS Division Quality Assurance files particular to the candidates for the past 5 years.
- Driving record for the previous 3 years.
Grievance: This discussion, prior to a written letter, shall take place within ___ business days of the occurrence.
Specific Driver License Requirements: A candidate must not, have been convicted within the past ___ years of reckless driving or driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances.
A candidate must not have had his driver’s license suspended under the points system within the past ____ years.
Fire Prevention Lieutenant Requirements:
- 3 years of continuous service as Fire Prevention Inspector or 6 years of continuous service in Ops or any combination equivalent to a total of 6 years of service.
- 30 college credit hours
- Florida Fire Inspector I Cert
Fire Prevention Captain Requirements:
- Minimum 2 years service as Fire Prevention Lieutenant
- 42 college credit hours
- Florida Fire Inspector I
- Fire Chemistry and Origin and Cause or an Associate’s degree
If a promotional requirement is unable to be obtained either by reason of unavailability with the State of Florida within ____ years preceding promotional exam or by operation of law, the requirement is deemed waived.
Prior to filing a grievance with the Union Grievance Committee, an employee shall notify the Division Chief or Battalion Chief (Chief Officer).
Grievances: This discussion shall take place within ___ calendar days of the occurrence of the dispute or difference of opinion, which may lead to the filing of a grievance.
The aggrieved employee shall, within ___ calendar days of the initial discussion with the Chief Officer, submit a letter and signed petition to the E-Board and Fire Chief.
If a grievance does exist, the E-Board shall, within ___ business days of the event giving rise to the grievance, present the grievance in writing to the chief of the FD or to the designated chief in his absence.
If the grievance has not been settled within ___ business days from the date of submission to the Fire Chief or if the Fire Chief falls to respond in writing with 10 business days then the grievance is considered DENIED by the Fire Chief.
Grievance steps: Step 1:
Discussion with the Chief Officer
Grievance steps: Step 2:
Present grievance in writing to Chief
Grievance steps: Step 3:
Grievance submitted by the Union through the Employee Relations Manager to City Administrator
Grievance steps: Step 4:
Grievance may then be submitted to arbitration
Arbitration Referral: The arbitrator’s fee and expenses shall be borne equally by both parties regardless of the award.
Arbitration Referral: The expenses of non-City witnesses for either side shall be paid by the party producing the witness.
When a bargaining unit member files a grievance alleging that an alcohol or controlled substance abuse screening was ordered improperly under Article 10 ,the drug testing grievance shall be submitted directly to ______.
As pertaining to drug and alcohol grievances, such grievances shall be heard no later than ____ business days after the employee files the grievance.
The Panel of Labor Arbitrators will be compromised of ____ persons and shall be selected from a panel of at least ____ arbitrators as forwarded by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.
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The hearing shall be scheduled no later than ____ days from the date the arbitrator is selected, unless a delay of the hearing is mutually agreed upon by the parties.
The arbitration may proceed in the absence of any party who, after due notice, fails to be present.
Normally, the hearing shall be completed in ____ day.
Any POST HEARING briefs must be filed with the arbitrator within ____ calendar days form the close of the hearing unless both parties to the hearing agree otherwise.
The ____ shall be the sole judge of the relevancy and materiality of the evidence offered.
Upon receipt of the arbitrator’s award, corrective action, if any, will be implemented as soon as possible, but in any event, no later than ____ calendar days after receipt of the arbitrator’s award.
Annual Accrual Leave: 1-4 years:
144 hrs annually
Annual Accrual Leave: 5-9 years:
157 hrs annually
Annual Accrual Leave: 10-14 years:
181 hrs annually
Annual Accrual Leave: 15-19 years:
216 hrs annually
Annual Accrual Leave: 20+ years:
242 hrs annually