Communication Chapter 6 ideas of proofs Flashcards
idea of proof for lemma 6.2. dₕ(x,y)=w(x+y).
Given any x,y∈𝔽ⁿ₂, x+y has 1 in a position where x and y differ and a 0 in the position where x and y are the same (by definition of addition). So the weight of x+y = # places where x and y differ = dₕ(x,y)
idea of proof for minimum hamming distance of C is the minimum weight of a codeword c∈C
For x,y∈C s.t. dₕ(x,y)=dₕ(C) we know x/=y and x+y/=0.
Thus dₕ(C)=dₕ(x,y)=w(x+y)≥ min weight of c∈C (since x+y∈C)
Let c’∈C s.t. w(c’) = min weight of c∈C. Since 0∈C and by dₕ(x,y)=w(x,y) we have
min weight of c∈C = w(c’) = w(c’ + 0) = dₕ(c’,0) ≥ dₕ(C)
Idea of proof for theorem 6.18 [upperbound] dₕ(c)≤ r
If r is the smallest integer for which there exists r linearly dependent columns in H, then dₕ(c)=r
- consider a collection of the columns of H that form a linearly dependent set since r is the smallest possible integer we have hᵢ₁+…+ hᵢᵣ = 0 (*)
- Let c be the vector with 1s in positions i₁,…,iᵣ and 0s otherwise. Thus w(c)=r.
- rewrite equation (*) as Hcᵀ=0 which implies c is part of the code C.
- by previous result dₕ(c)= min w(c’) ≤ w(c) = r
Idea of proof for prop 6.21 (i) n = 2ʳ-1 (length of codewords) k= 2ʳ-r-1 (dimension of codewords)
By defn of hamming code of order r, its parity check matrix H has r rows and 2ʳ-1 columns. Since H has size (n-k)xn where n is length and k is dimension we can rearrange to get the answer.
Idea of proof for prop 6.21 (ii) |C|=2²ʳ⁻ʳ⁻¹ and R(C) = 1 - r/(2ʳ-1)
By applying lemma 6.7 |C|=2ᵏ we get the first part.
Then applying the definition R(C)=log|C|/n we get the second part.
Idea of proof for prop 6.21 (iii) dₕ(C)=3
- Indeed H has no all zero columns and no 2 columns are identical.
- On the other hand any two columns in H summed together equals another columns because all possible columns are present.
- So 3 is the smallest size of a linearly dependent set of columns in H. So by previous theorem we compute dₕ(c)
idea proof for prop 6.22. There is always a codeword distance at most 1 from the string.
- if the string is in C the the statement holds trivially.
- if the string is not in C then by defn of parity check matrix we have Hxᵀ = s with s not equal to 0.
- Note as H contains all possible non zero vectors of length r there exists an i s.t. s=hᵢ.
- Set c=x+eᵢ. Show c is in C (start with 0=hi+hi) and that dₕ(c,x)=1 (use hamming distance (between c and x) weight).
- Moreover, the choice of c in both cases is unique otherwise contradiction to dₕ(C)=3
- Finally to show the moreover part we note Hxᵀ = H(c+eᵢ)ᵀ= Hcᵀ+Heᵢᵀ = 0+hᵢ
idea of proof for theorem 6.27. Minimum distance decoding. If q(s) is a coset leader of Q(s) then c=x+q(s)∈C and c is the nearest codeword to x
- since x and q(s) are in the code we know x+q(s) is in the code.
- Assume for a contradiction there exists a codeword that is closer to x.
- Use hamming distance/weight result and the definition of x to show that the weight of c’+x is less than the weight of the coset leader.
- Show c’+x is in Q(s)
- this is a contradiction since coset leader have smallest possible weight
Idea of proof for theorem 6.18. [lowerbound] dₕ(C)≥r
If r is the smallest integer for which there exists r linearly dependent columns in H, then dₕ(c)=r
- Let c’ be in the code C s.t. w(c’)=dₕ(C), which exists by a previous result. we know H(c’)ᵀ=0 as c’ is an element of the code.
- write s=w(c’)
- If j₁,..,jₛ are the positions of c’ that are 1s then note H(c’)ᵀ=0 is precisely saying hⱼ₁+…+ hⱼₛ=0. I.e., these s columns are linearly dependent. Thus dₕ(C) = w(c’)=s≥r
Set up of proof for theorem 6.18.
If r is the smallest integer for which there exists r linearly dependent columns in H, then dₕ(c)=r.
Let h₁,…,hₙ be the columns of H
Let eᵢ be the vector that is zero everywhere except the ith position.
proof of There is always a unique codeword in a hamming code distance at most 1 from the string first line
if x is in the code then we set c=x and triviallt their hamming distance is 0.
proof of There is always a unique codeword in a hamming code distance at most 1 from the string. Uniqueness.
The choice of c is always unique else one would obtain a contradiction to the minimum hamming distance of the code being 3.
SHow the moreover part in proof of There is always a unique codeword in a hamming code distance at most 1 from the string.
“Moreover is x is not in C and i is the position where x and c differ then Hxᵀ=hᵢ where hᵢ is the ith column in H”
Hxᵀ = H(c+eᵢ)ᵀ= Hcᵀ+Heᵢᵀ = 0+hᵢ
If j₁,..,jₛ are the positions of c’ that are 1s then note H(c’)ᵀ=0 is precisely saying….
(proof of dₕ(C)≥r )
hⱼ₁+…+ hⱼₛ=0. I.e., these s columns are linearly dependent.