Communication Chapter 2 - definitions and theorems Flashcards
source alphabet
The source alphabet S is a finite set of symbols, known as letters, which we use to write our message.
Given a probability distribution p = (p₁,…,pₘ) the binary entropy is defined as H(P)= - the sum from i=1 to m of pᵢ log₂ pᵢ.
Given a random source S with probability distrubution p we define the entropy of S as H(S)=H(P)
you know how a function behaves, i.e. the function is predictable
H(P)= - the sum from i=1 to m of pᵢ log₂ pᵢ.
Gibbs lemma
Let r₁,…,rₘ be a sequence of positive real numbers that have a sum less than or equal to one. Let p = (p₁,…,pₘ) be a probability distribution. Then,
H(P)≤ the sum from i=1 to m of pᵢ log (1/rᵢ) (*)
Theorem. 0≤H(P)≤logm.
let p = (p₁,…,pₘ) be a probability distribution. Then, 0≤H(P)≤logm.
Source Encoding Scheme
A Source Encoding Scheme (or simply encoding) of S is an injective map f:S->{0,1}* i.e. a map that assigns each letter of S a unique string in {0,1}*.
Code associated to an encoding
The code associated to the encoding is the image of f in {0,1}* and is denoted by C=C(f).
prefix-free encoding
The encoding is prefix-free if the associated code is prefix-free.
codeword of S
For every s∈S f(s) is the codeword of s
Source decoding Scheme
A source decoding scheme (or simply decoding) is a map g:{0,1}*->S s.t. s=g(f(s)) for all s∈S
Expected length of f
Suppose S={s₁,..,sₘ} is a random source with probability distrubution p = (p₁,…,pₘ) and an encoding f:S->{0,1}*. Let ℓ(f) be the random variable for the codeword f(s) where s is the letter produced by the source according to the probability distrubution p. Then the expected length of f denoted 𝔼(ℓ(f)) is defined as the expected value of ℓ(f). That is,
𝔼(ℓ(f))= the sum from i=1 to m of pᵢ |f(sᵢ)|
Given a random source S a prefix free encoding f of S is optimal if it minimises he value of 𝔼(ℓ(f)) amongst all prefix-free encodings of S.
Shannons Noiseless Encoding Theorem
Let S be a random source and f:S->{0,1}* be an optimal prefix-free encoding of S. Then, H(S)≤𝔼(ℓ(f))
Huffman encoding procedure
Suppose S={s₁,..,sₘ} is a random source with probability distrubution p = (p₁,…,pₘ).
Let L={v₁,..,vₘ} be a se of vertices where vᵢ corresponds to sᵢ∈S.
Add the vertices of L into the tree.
- pick two vertices vᵢ₁ vᵢ₂ from L with the lowest probabilities
- create a new vertex vᵢ₁ᵢ₂ and assign the porbability pᵢ₁+pᵢ₂ to it
- Add the edge vᵢ₁ᵢ₂->vᵢ₁ with label 0 and the edge vᵢ₁ᵢ₂->vᵢ₂ with label 1 to the tree
- Delete vᵢ₁ and vᵢ₂ from L
Now L={v}. we set r=v to be the root of our tree T
Now construct the encoding from the random source to our code for all i∈[m]. We construct fₕ(sᵢ) by concatenating the labels on the edges from the path from r to vᵢ in T.