Communication - Chapter 1 - Definitions And Theorems Flashcards
Channel Alphabet
A channel alphabet is a finite set of symbols
Binary Code
A binary code C is a finite subset of {0,1}*
The elements c∈C
The length of the codeword c. I.e. the number of bits in the string representing c
Uniquely Decipherable (first definition)
A code C is uniquely decipherable if given any n>=1 and string of x₁x₂…xₙ∈{0,1}ⁿ there exists at most one sequence c₁c₂…cₘ∈C s.t. x₁x₂…xₙ=c₁c₂…cₘ
A code C is instanteous if every codeword c = x₁x₂…xₗ∈C can be identified as soon as its last bit xₗ is recieved
A string x∈{0,1}* is a prefix of x’∈{0,1}* if there exists a non-empty string y∈{0,1}* s.t. x’ = xy
prefix free code
A code C is prefix free if no codeword C is a prefix of another codeword in C. That is, if c = x₁x₂…xₗ∈C => c = x₁x₂…xᵢ∉C for all i∈[l-1]
Theorem. Instantaneous and Prefix Free
A code C is instantaneous iff it is prefix free
Theorem. Instantaeous and Uniquely Decipherable
Suppose C is instantaneous. Then C is uniqely decipherable.
A Tree is a connected graph with no cycles
rooted Tree
A rooted tree T is a tree with a distinguished vertex r which is called the root of T
Given v∈V(T){r} the parent of v is the neighbour of v on the unique path from r to v
The neighbours of v that are not v’s parent are its children