Combinatorics - Chapter 3 defs and theorems Flashcards
convex set (def 1)
A set X⊆ℝᵈ is convex if for any points x₁,x₂ϵX and λϵ[0,1] then the point λx₁ +(1-λ)x₂ belongs to X.
convex set (def 2)
A set X⊆ℝᵈ is convex if for any points x₁,x₂,..,xₙϵX and λ₁,…,λₙ ≥ 0 with the sum over i in [n] λᵢ = 1 then the point given by the sum over i in [n] λᵢxᵢ is in X
convex hull (def 1)
The convex hull of a set X⊆ℝᵈ denoted conv(X) is the set of all convex combinations of all points in X.
convex hull (def 2)
The convex hull of X is the intersection of all convex sets in ℝᵈ containing X
Radons Lemma
Let A be a set of d+2 points in ℝᵈ. Then there exists two distinct subsets A₁,A₂⊆A such that conv(A₁)∩conv(A₂)≠Ø
radon point of A
a point xϵconv(A₁)∩conv(A₂)
radon partition
hellys theorem
Let c₁,c₂,..,cₙ be convex sets in ℝᵈ and n≥d+1. Suppose that the intersection of every d+1 of these sets is no-empty then the intersection of all cᵢs is non-empty.
caratheodorys theorem
Let X⊆ℝᵈ. Then each point xϵconv(X) is a convex combination of at most d+1 points of X
let P be a set of m points and L a set of n lines in the plane. An incidence is a pair (p,l)ϵPxL such that p lies in l
the number of incidences for P and L
the maximum of I(P,L) over all choices of an m-element set P and an n-element set L.
trivially, I(m,n)≤
I(m,n)≤ mn
proposition 3.6. I(3,3).
lemma 3.7. bound on I(m,n).
For all m,nϵℕ I(m,n)≤n √(m) + m