Communication - Chapter 1 - Idea of proofs Flashcards
Idea of proof for instantaneous => prefix free
- suppose C is instantaneous
- suppose for a contradiction C is not prefix free that is there exists c=x₁…xₗ∈C and c’=x₁…xₗy∈C where y∈{0,1}* is a non-empty string.
- if c is received one doesn’t immediately know if it was c that was sent or if one should wait for further bits to decode as c’.
- so c is not instantaneous, a contradiction
Idea of proof for prefix free => instantaneous
- suppose C is prefix free
- suppose c=x₁…xₗ is transmitted
- as c is not a prefix of another codeword as soon as the last bit xₗ is received we can identify it as c
- (hence instantaneous)
Idea of proof for instantaneous = > uniquely decipherable
- Suppose C is instantaneous, consider any string in {0,1}.
- Since C is instantaneous every time we receive the last bit of a codeword we can unambiguously identify it.
- Thus there is at most one was to decode the string into codewords of C.
Idea for proof of code associated to binary tree with m leaves is prefix free and of size m
- Let T be an edge-labelled binary tree with m leaves and root r.
- By definition C has size m
- Suppose for a contradiction C is not prefix-free. Then c is a prefix of c’ (write out full def).
- Let P1 be the path in T obtained by starting at r and following the edge and in the ith step we follow the edge labelled xᵢ. Let P2 be the same for c’.
- P2 must follow P1 precisely but then continues onto other edges. So P1 doesn’t contain a leaf, a contradiction.
Idea of proof for tree associated to prefix-free code of size m has m leaves
- T has at most m leaves (since each path contains at most one leaf and there are as many paths as codewords)
- suppose for a contradiction T has at most m-1 leaves
- let the vᵢ’s be the end points of the paths Pᵢ which correspond to the codeword cᵢ
- case 1: the end points of the paths are all leaves. by the pigeonhole principle there exists i,j∈[m] with i≠j such that vᵢ = vⱼ. By the construction of the associated tree, this implies that Pᵢ = Pⱼ. So, cᵢ = cⱼ, a contradiction.
- case 2: vi isn’t a leaf in T. Let vj be the leaf in the subtree of T rooted at vi. Then Pi is a subset of Pj => ci is a prefix of cj (show by definition of prefix), a contradiction.
idea of proof for McMillans Theorem
- Define Tₗ to be an edge-labelled binary tree where
(i) every non-leaf vertex has precisely two children
(ii) leaves are at a distance l from the root r. - Consider the associated tree T of C. T is a subtree of Tₗ.
- Let Vᵢ be the set of leaves in Tₗ that live in the subtree of Tₗ rooted at vᵢ
- As vᵢ has depth lᵢ => |Vᵢ|= 2ˡ⁻ˡi
- further if i/=j then Vᵢ∩Vⱼ = ∅ as vᵢ,vⱼ are leaves in T
- so the sum of the size of Vᵢ s are equal to the size of the union of Vᵢs
- as Tₗ has 2ˡ leaves we can rearrange and multiply by 2⁻ˡ we get the result.
idea of proof for Krafts theorem
- aⱼ is the number of indices i in 1 to m s.t. lᵢ=j
- first prove aⱼ ≤ 2ʲ - 2ʲ⁻¹a₁ - … - 2aʲ⁻¹
- Now construct aⱼ codewords of length j:
- > assume aₖ codewords of length k∈[j-1] already constructed
- > a string of length k is a prefix of 2ʲ⁻ᵏ strings of length j. Hence there are most a₁2ʲ⁻¹ + a₂2ʲ⁻² + … + aⱼ₋₁2 (**) strings you can’t select in the jth step.
- > so 2ʲ - (**) good choices this is ≥ aⱼ
- > which means that we can select aⱼ codewords of length j and add them to the code we are constructing while preserving the prefix-free property
aⱼ in krafts theorem
the number of codewords that will be produced by the theorem that have length j
First aim in krafts theorem
prove aⱼ ≤ 2ʲ - 2ʲ⁻¹a₁ - … - 2aⱼ₋₁
(i.e., prove an upper bound on aⱼ
Tₗ in proof of mcmillans theorem
An edge labelled binary tree where
(1) Every non-leaf vertex had precisely two children
(2) Leaves are at distance l from the root
number of strings of length j you cannot select in the jth step of constructing a prefix free code. (krafts theorem)
2ʲ⁻¹a₁ +… + 2aⱼ₋₁
i.e. 2ʲ⁻ᶦ=number of strings of length i that are a prefix of strings of length j multiplied by the number of codewords of length i for each i.
maximum number of strings of length j a string of length k is a prefix of (krafts theorem)
prove aⱼ ≤ 2ʲ - 2ʲ⁻¹a₁ - … - 2aⱼ₋₁ (krafts theorem)
- write the hypothesis in terms of aⱼs
the sum from k=1 to l of aₖ2⁻ᵏ ≤ 1 - now given j≤l and by the definition of aₖ we know that the sum from k=1 to j of aₖ2⁻ᵏ ≤ 1
- multiply by 2ʲ to get that the sum from k=1 to j of aₖ2ʲ⁻ᵏ≤2ʲ
- rearrange for aⱼ to get aⱼ ≤ 2ʲ - 2ʲ⁻¹a₁ - … - 2aⱼ₋₁
What is the size of the union from i=1 to m of all Vᵢ (Mcmillans Theorem)
As T₁ has 2ˡ leaves we have the size of the union from i=1 to m of all Vᵢ ≤ 2ˡ
Vᵢ (Mcmillans theorem)
The set of leaves in Tₗ that live in the subtree of Tₗ rooted at vᵢ where vᵢ is the leaves in T