Communication - Chapter 5 - Defs and Theorems Flashcards
Let 1≤d≤n then an (n,d)-code C of length n and dₕ(C)≥d.
Let 1≤d≤n then an (n,M,d)-code C is an (n,d)-code of size M.
For integer 1≤d≤n let A(n,d) be the largest M such that there exists an (n,M,d)-code.
optimal (n,d)-code
An (n,d)-code is optimal if it has size A(n,d)
sum code
Given a code C and xϵ𝔽₂ⁿ the sum code is defined as C + x := { c + x : cϵC}
proposition 5.5. An optimal (n,d)-code always contains…
For every 1≤d≤n, there exists an optimal (n,d)-code C with (00…0)ϵC
punctured code
Given a code C of length n and 1≤ℓ≤n the punctured code C(ℓ) of C is obtained from C by truncating the last ℓ bits of each codeword.
That is, C(ℓ) = {x₁x₂…xₙ₋ℓ: c=x₁x₂…xₙϵC}.
The weight of a string xϵ {0,1}ⁿ denoted w(x) is the number of ones in x.
Parity Check
Given a code C, the parity check code Cbar of C is obtained by adding a 0 at the end of cϵC if w(c) is even or adding a 1 if w(c) is odd.
That is, Cbar = {x₁x₂…xₙxₙ₊₁ : c=x₁x₂…xₙϵC and xₙ₊₁=w(c)mod2}.
proposition 5.11. dₕ(Cbar).
Given a code C.
(i) dₕ(Cbar) is even.
(ii) If dₕ(C) is odd then dₕ(Cbar) = dₕ(C) + 1.
Theorem 5.12. size of largest (n+1,d+1)-code given the size of the larget (n,d)-code.
If d is odd then A(n,d)=A(n+1,d+1).
Sphere Packing Bound
For 1≤d≤n we have A(n,d)≤2ⁿ/bⁿ⌊d-1/2⌋
Sphere covering Bound
For 1≤d≤n we have A(n,d)≥2ⁿ/bⁿₔ₋₁
Plotkins Bound
For 1≤d≤n with 2d>n we have A(n,d)≤2d/2d-n