Combinatorics chapter 3 ideas of proofs Flashcards
idea of proof for radons lemma
- There exists λᵢs not all zero such that the sum over i in [d+2] of λᵢaᵢ = 0 and the sum over i in [d+2] of λᵢ = 0. Note there are d+1 equations and d+2 unknowns λᵢ.
- Make two sets for the i’s when λᵢ is positive and when λᵢ is negative (P,N)
- Define A₁ and A₂ for the positive and negative indices
- Show that the convex hull of A₁ and A₂ both contain a point p (normalise the sums to get get elements in A₁ and A₂)
idea of proof for hellys theorem
- fix d and induct on n. When n=d+1, it holds trivially. So assume n>d+1.
- for every iϵ[n] let aᵢ be in the intersection of the cⱼs for j≠i
- By radons lemma there exists disjoint sets I₁ I₂ s.t. the intersection of the convex hulls of aᵢ for iϵI₁,I₂ is non empty.
- Let x be an element in this intersection
- We claim xϵcᵢ for all iϵ[n].
- For iϵ[n] note i∉I₁ or i∉I₂. If i∉I₁ then for all jϵI₁ aⱼ is an element of the intersection of c’ⱼ for j’≠j.
- Now since xϵconv({aⱼ: jϵI₁}) we have xϵcᵢ
idea of proof for caratheodorys theorem
- consider a point in X. Write this point as a convex combination of elements of X.
- Assume t is minimal (where t is the number of elements in X) assume for a contradiction t≥d+2.
- Then there exists μs (not all 0) such that the combination of xs&μs is 0 and the sum of the μs is also 0. Note there exists a solution to this series of equations.
- for α real we have that the sum over i in [t] (λᵢ - αμᵢ)=1 and the sum over i in [t] (λᵢ - αμᵢ)xᵢ = x
- We can choose α such that (λᵢ - αμᵢ)≥0 and at least one term equal to zero. This means that one term in the convex combination of x is not needed, contradicting the minimality of t => t≤d+1.
idea of proof for prop 3.6. I(3,3)=6.
[lower bound] give an example e.g. 3 points in a triangle with a line going through two points each.
[upperbound] take the cases where each line contains at most 2 points I(P,L)≤3x2 and there exists a line with all the points on it I(P,L)≤3+1+1=5
idea of proof for lemma 3.7. I(m,n)≤n √(m) + m.
- suppose I(P,L) is maximum
- suppose that each point in P has dᵢ indicies. maximality dᵢ≥1 for all i.
- there are at most n choose 2 crossing pairs of lines
- a point with dᵢ incidences gives rise to dᵢ choose 2 crossing pairs.
- therefore we can get that the sum over i in [m] (dᵢ-1)² ≤ n² (Use sum over i in [m] dᵢ choose 2 >= 1/2 sum over i in [m] (dᵢ-1) ² and (n choose 2)<= n²/2)
- applying cauchy-scwarz and maninpulating we get that I(m,n)=I(P,L) = sum over i in [m] dᵢ = sum over i in [m] (dᵢ-1) + m ≤ m + (sum over i in [m] (d ᵢ-1)² m)¹/² ≤ m + n √(m)
idea of proof for prop 3.9. if n=4k³ I(n,n) ≥ (n⁴/³) / (³√4)
- define the set of points (kx4k²) grid and the set of lines y=ax+b for aϵ[2k] bϵ[2k²]
- note |P|=n=4k³=|L|
- consider any line for xϵ[k] we have ax+b≤4k².
- I(P,l) = k because l contains exactly k points of P, namely one for each x.
- so I(P,L)= sum of all lines I(P,l)=k * |L|
idea of proof for corollary 3.10 The number of triples spanning a triangle of unit area is at most 20n⁷/³.
- fix a vertex p.
- the for each point q define two parallel lines above and below the line with vertical distance 2/|p-q| to line pq.
- Count the number of unit triangles i.e., the number of points on these two lines = I(P{p},L).
- Bound this from above via the Szemeredi-Trotter Theorem
- repeat for all p
idea of proof for proposition 3.11. 2|A|-1 ≤ |A+A|,|A.A|≤ |A|(|A|+1)/2. [lower bound]
- Let A = {a₁,…,aₗ} with a₁ the smallest and aₗ the biggest
- consider a₁+a₁ and increase the index of the second term until it reaches aₗ then increase the index of 1st term until it reaches aₗ
- there are 2l-1 terms in this sequence so |A+A|>= 2|A|-1
idea of proof for proposition 3.11. 2|A|-1 ≤ |A+A|,|A.A|≤ |A|(|A|+1)/2. [upper bound]
- Let A = {a₁,…,aₗ}
- |A+A|≤#of ways of picking two members with repetition ≤ |A| + (|A| choose 2) = |A|(|A|+1)/2
idea of proof for theorem 3.12. max{|A+A|,|A.A|}≥1/8|A|⁵/⁴
- it suffices to show that |A+A|.|A.A|≥ 1/64 |A|⁵/²
- Let P = (A+A)x(A.A)⊆ℝ² Then |P| = |A+A|.|A.A|
- Let L be the set of lines of the form x=a+t and y=a’t for a,a’ϵA. Then |L|=|A|².
- an incidence with P and L occurs only when t∈A
- For each line in L when t∈A then x∈A+A and y∈A.A so each line will intersect |A| points in P: I(P,L)=|A||L|=|A|³
- We know |L|<=|P|<=|L|² (previous result)
- Apply Szemeredi Trotter and rearrange for |P| to get answer (using above point)
A₁ and A₂ in proof of radons lemma
A₁={aᵢ: iϵP}
A₂={aⱼ: jϵN}
P and N in proof of radons lemma
Λ in proof of radons lemma
sum over all i in P of λᵢ = minus the sum over all j in N of λⱼ
point that lies in the convex hulls of A₁ and A₂ proof of radons lemma
p = sum over i in P of λᵢ/Λ * aᵢ = sum over j in p of -λⱼ/Λ * aⱼ
aim of radons lemma proof
define an A₁ and A₂ such that their convex hulls contain a common point
set up of in proof of radons lemma
Let A={a₁,..,aₔ₊₂} there exists λ₁,…,λₔ₊₂ not all zero such that the sum over i in [d+2] of λᵢaᵢ = 0 and the sum over i in [d+2] of λᵢ = 0
Last part of Proof of Hellys Theorem
Consider iϵ[n]. Note that, i∉I₁ or i∉I₂.
So assume i∉I₁.
For jϵI₁ we have aⱼ is an element of the intersection of all cⱼ’ where j’≠j.
I.e, aⱼ is in cᵢ.
Now xϵconv({aⱼ: jϵI₁}) so xϵcᵢ.