common 5 Flashcards
چاپلوس like sycophant
ingratiating or servile manner
The waiter was polite and efficient, but not obsequious.
The salesman’s obsequious manner was beginning to irritate me.
difficult to understand like recondite, abstruse, elliptical
Any person or thing that’s mysterious, mystifying, hard to read, or impossible to interpret is inscrutable
disorganized or random
a haphazard way/manner/fashion
I continued my studies in a rather haphazard way.
Educational provision in the country is haphazard.
—haphazardly adverb
bushes growing haphazardly here and there
1 extremely steep
A sharp, steep drop — whether it’s in a stock price, a roller coaster, or a star’s popularity — could be described as a precipitous one. Put simply, precipitous means perilously steep.
2 happening or done too quickly, and not thought about impetuous.
بدون فکر قبلی و خیلی سریع عین ممد
a precipitous marriage
promising. Auspicious
good and likely to bring good results
a propitious sign
Conditions after the 1905 revolution were propitious for stable development.
1 having extreme care and great effort on something
because of scrupulous nature, Mary put him in charge of numbering,,
2 having a sense of right and wrong, principled
everyone trusted him because he was scrupulous and honest.
با وجدان
1 حرارت دیده
“a sword of tempered steel”
“tempered glass”
2 moderated in effect اونقدر شور و تاب قدیمو نداره دیگه almost like tarnished
the optimism of her youth was now tempered after she had worked many years in the criminal justice center.
very generous like largess
meaning you are very lavish when it comes to giving gifts.
“a munificent gift”
“his father gave him a half-dollar and his mother a quarter and he thought them munificent”
fearless - brave
intrepid explorers
intrepid captain
extremely hungry - even more than starving
ravenous appetite
When they awoke on the third morning, they were ravenous.
The boys ran in, ravenous after their game.
verb cancel officially or to end a law
Like revoke abrogate
the man’s driver license was rescind after his car accident.
rude or arrogant. Impudent.impertinent
Lilian could not help from being insolent, commenting that the Queen’s shoes were showing too much toe.
dominance over a certain area. like ascendancy
Spain had hegemony over the seas, controlling water stretching
1 plain(simple & obvious) and simple and without any decoration
the church’s austere simplicity
2 someone who is austere is very strict and harsh in manner– used to show disapproval
Her father is a very austere man.
3 an austere way of life is very simple and has few things to make it comfortable or enjoyable opp luxurious,
like ascetic practicing self-denial
Cuthbert led an austere life of prayer and solitude.
exclude. Expel from a community
Tolstoy was ostracized from the Orthodox church for his writings that contradicted church doctrine.
1 unable to decide. You might vacillate between ordering waffles and pancakes at your favorite diner — it’s hard to pick just one when both are so tasty!
some students vacillate between schools, while others focus one school.
2 fluctuate
حزن انگیز - بغض میاره واست
emotionally touching
making you feel sad or full of pity
poignant reminder/image/moment etc
a poignant reminder of our nation’s great sacrifices
Something arcane is understood or known by only a few people.
like arcane science
requiring mysterious knowledge
Like esoteric
feeling or showing profound respect or veneration
the professor always lecture about brathma with a particularly reverent air, unable to offer a single criticism of him.
like deferential
Reverence: great respect and admiration
تازه کاره بعد ادعا هم داره
like who thinks he can play the guitar after several short lessons.
کس شر گو
A garrulous person just won’t stop talking (and talking, and talking, and talking…).
زیر اب زن - برانداز
subversive ideas, activities etc are secret and intended to damage or destroy a government or an established system
He was engaged in subversive activities.
subversive propaganda/literature
داستان درست کردن - مشگل راه انداختن
foment revolution/trouble/discord etc
to cause trouble and make people start fighting each other or opposing the government SYN stir up
They were accused of fomenting rebellion.
happening fairly often, but not regularly SYN intermittent almost like haphazard
There has been sporadic violence downtown.
the signals were sporadic at first, but now they are clear and consistent.