advance 3 Flashcards
The black crows slowly circling the front entrance to your office building at 6:00 am may have a portentous quality
if someone or something has primacy, they are the best or most important person or thing.
like primary
like prime minister
like a moribund economy that has been stuck in a recession for years.
در حال مرگ
A cut in interest rates will help the country’s moribund housing market.
بی ژیله پیله گی
the quality of innocence
“But in contrast to New York itself, I wanted to design it with extreme simplicity, unsophisticated, almost primitive and with naïve artlessness,” Kawakubo says.
attribute to
چیزی رو ب چیزی نسبت دادن
“People impute great cleverness to cats”
The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally attributed to improvements in diet.
“The teacher imputed the student’s failure to his nervousness”
قصه گوی خیلی خوب
کسی که از هر اتفاق ساده ای میتونه ی داستان قشنگ در بیاره (یجوری میگش ک آدم دوس داره گوش بده هرچند خیلی داستان مهیجی نباشه)
He has the effrontery to tell me to my face that I’m too old to ride with him.
وقاحت و گستاخی like gall
If you rudely behave as if you have a right to something that you have no right to, you’re committing effrontery.
a long list of problems, excuses
an endless litany of complaints
دورویی - ریاکاری
Nor will I tolerate any lying or duplicity
Creatures have no duplicity, like man.
وقتی یدفه یچیزی بهت گفته میشه از طرف خدا اون ی اپیفنی هست.
When inspiration hits you out of the blue, call it an epiphany.
“See, we don’t even know each other. I have to find out if I believe in epiphanies,
of a building : abandoned متروکه
of a person : if a person has abandoned his responsibilities, you can say that he is derelict in his duties.
As a noun, a derelict means a homeless person.
A recapitulation is a short summary. At the end of an hour-long speech, you should probably give a recapitulation if you want your audience to remember anything you’ve just said. Like abstract
recapitulate: to repeat the main points of something that has just been said. syn recap
adj acclaim
expressing praise
showing approval
Perhaps something of this kind is to be found in the approbatory response,
Mrs. Colesworthy enfolded her in an approbatory embrace, and hurried home to tell me about it.
1 to order or try to persuade someone to do something
If your doctor enjoins you to stop smoking, he is suggesting strongly that you quit.
2 to legally prevent someone from doing something
The defendant was enjoined from using the patent
خایه جیگر
جرعت و جسارت و شجاعت
If you have the temerity to jump off the bridge even after hearing about the risk of instant death, you truly are a nutcase.
خیییییلی خفنه
it’s a thrilling action-adventure film, a breathtaking work of art, or even the person you have a crush on.
The children were enthralled by the story she was telling.
like stun
it is something written about holy people.
a biography that idealizes or idolizes the person (especially a person who is a saint(قدیس))
زندگی نامه اولیا و مقدسین
monetary related to money
If your grandfather’s antique watch has pecuniary value, it’s worth money — you could sell it for cash if you weren’t sentimentally attached to keeping it.
He was trying to get a pecuniary advantage for himself.
The plaintiffs’ loss of business was pecuniary or economic damage.
Or importunate
التماس کردن
We saw them surrounded, and observed as they begged and importuned
1- تگرگ باریدن
2- greet enthusiastically or joyfully
3- praise or acclaim
In June 2000, the press rushed to hail a study supposedly showing that Minnesota’s welfare-to-work program had sharply reduced poverty
4- be a native of
5- call for
By the time we hail taxis for the ride to the hotel, Lili is holding tight onto my hand, pulling me along.